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Regis fiddled with his pen as his crimson eyes vaguely stared in the direction of the question he pondered about.

He used one of his hardcover books as a support for the stapled papers he had received around a week ago. A questionnaire; one regarding himself. He had to answer the given questions and had to submit it on Monday— today was Sunday and he was yet to finish half the questionnaire.

Regis tried to complete any work on the day it was assigned— this questionnaire was an exception. "It will help you discover more about yourself," the teacher had said. Yes, Regis thought, it helped him discover how much he could procrastinate.

'Procrastination' was a word he often— if not everyday— heard from Shinwoo; today, Regis, for once, could relate to the red-head.
Closing his eyes, Regis inhaled deeply to gather his attention. Opening his eyes, he (tried not to glare) looked down at papers.

What a waste of paper, Regis tried not to say out loud considering how Frankenstein was hardly a few feet from where he sat, and to complain about the homework given would indirectly be badmouthing the Principal— who happened to be Frankenstein.

But Frankenstein had finished with whatever he had been doing. He too, like Regis, was annoyed with the papers he had been going through, but he, unlike Regis, had completed his work.
Regis, for a slight second, felt jealous, but shook off the feeling immediately.

The Noble looked down at his papers once more, and sighed (once he was sure Frankenstein wasn't in earshot). The front door swung open but Regis didn't require to glance up from his papers to find out who it was. Tao had been chattering about something, and Takeo and M-21 weren't listening.

A week, Regis thought, he had been doing this questionnaire for a week, and barely managed to get past half the questions. Why does the teacher need to know about his favourite story genre?

Regis turned the page. He would start from the last question. He put his pen down on the paper as he read the question.
'If I was afraid, I would-?'

Regis didn't know, he hadn't truly felt afraid until he had heard that Seira and his previous Clan Leader had been declared trators, or when he was standing in Frankenstein's destroyed underground lab as Takeo and Tao battled to live, the time when he found out that the Noblesse, along with Muzaka, the Lord and Rozaria and Kei had gone to block the two incoming missiles. But that was months ago; lately, he hasn't felt anything but tranquility.

Regis picked up his pen before setting it down. Once more he picked it up, and this time he jot down: "talk to someone who I believe can help me"
It was enough to answer the vague question.

"Having trouble with homework," M-21 sneered at him, but Regis had too annoyed with the homework to have the feeling doubled with M-21's help.
"What new activities are you interested in?" Regis read out loud instead.
"I have to answer these questions," Regis pointed at the papers on his lap as he glanced towards M-21.

M-21 stared at the paper and Regis could tell no answer popped into the modified human's mind.
"Doing math for hours," M-21 replied with a suppressed smile, and this time, Regis snapped his head towards M, a retort bubbling up in his mind. However, before Regis could wind the igniting argument, a response came from behind M-21.

"Hey, math is hard," Tao voiced out Regis' (and in fact any ordinary student's) dilemma with a defensive tone.
"Whatever," M-21 mumbled before pointing out the current issue. "Regis needs help for his homework."
The last word was spoken with much doubt, which Regis found reasonable for the unreasonable questionnaire.

"We'll help," Tao leaned over the back of the sofa to peer down at the papers. By the time Tao had flipped through the papers, Takeo had emerged into the living room too, busy with typing up his hair.

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