Puppy Pile

254 6 13

Pairings: M-21 x Kentas
Warnings: None (there's only platonic fluff)

〔 Note: This oneshot takes place after chapter 472 (after the death of Maduke) 〕

M-21 groaned as he shifted on his bed. His thoughts were loud, ringing like a bell. Worse is that his body was aching from exerting his body to fight when he had been used by that witch of a Noble. He pushed himself off the bed, putting on the pink slipper he usually wore around the house. He took one step ahead and kicked off the slippers, hating how loud they sounded against the floor.

He slid his fingers over the doorknob which was cold against his skin. He strained his ears for any sound before turning the knob, the door opening with a creak. Had his door always creaked? He heard no sounds from the rooms, meaning that he hadn't disturbed anyone, especially since most of them had their eyes flying open at the smallest sound due to their better-than-ordinary-humans' hearing.

Heaving a sigh, M-21 walked down the corridor, the carpeted floor muting his steps. He passed Takeo's and Tao's doors and believed them to be fast asleep from the silence. He walked past Regis' and Seira's as well, and then Frankenstein's and Rai's. While there was light coming from beneath the door of Rai's room, M-21 knew that he must have been resting in his room. Frankenstein too must have been asleep since he had fought and then had to heal not only himself but everyone else in the house who had been injured from their fight at the werewolf territory.

M-21 went towards the kitchen, grabbed himself a glass of water, gulping it down immediately. The house was too silent. He placed the glass in its original place, wincing as the cabinet shut close with a soft 'thump'.
M-21 dragged his feet past the bedrooms and towards his own. He glanced at the last room on his side of the corridor... Kentas had been allotted that room.

After the whole deal with Maduke not giving a damn about the werewolves and mercilessly using them to gain power, Kentas said he wanted a break from the modified werewolves and needed some time to collect his thoughts. Frankenstein had been generous enough to provided the werewolf with a room and even checked on his health.

Despite the tremendously fast regeneration of werewolves, having been drugged, your blood extracted and experimented on by a complete lunatic, and having to see a good number of your family fall prey to the hands of a greedy lord caused a lot of damage- both physically and mentally.

M-21 saw no light from under Kentas' room door, but he could hear a soft sound. Considering that even Frankenstein had gone to sleep, it must have been way past midnight. M-21 walked towards the werewolf's room, furrowing his brows. Kentas was groaning, murmuring something too. Was he having a nightmare?
M-21 grabbed the doorknob, opening the door a tad bit.

"Kentas?" He called out, wanting to confirm if the werewolf was actually asleep.
No reply... so he was having a nightmare.
M-21 opened the door, peeking in before entering.
The blanket was sprawled across a corner of the bed, ready to fall at a slight push. Kentas was crawled up, his legs close to his chest as he continued to mutter something, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown spread across his lips.

"Kentas," M-21 called out, his voice louder as he walked closer to the werewolf. He decided against shaking him awake, not wanting to startle him. (M-21 knew well how it was to be startled awake after a nightmare and he had seen others go fight-or-flight mode as well and ended up attacking the person shaking them awake.)

"Kentas," he called out, watching the werewolf's eyes snap open.
"Relax, it's me," he added, noticing how Kentas had stiffened.
"M-21?" Kentas sat up, rubbing his palm against his face as he sucked in a deep breath.
"Are you alright?" M-21 asked, still standing a few steps away from the bed, not knowing if his presence was intruding.

"'M fine," he mumbled, grabbing his blanket to prevent it from falling to the ground.
It was clear he wasn't fine, far from it. M-21 would've been a fool to not notice the way the werewolf's fingers trembling as he attempted to straighten the blanket, and the sweat formed on Kentas' forehead.
"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it," M-21 replied, ready to leave in order to give the werewolf privacy.

"Does it still hurt?" Kentas' voice made M-21 pause, turning to face the other again.
"No, my wounds healed. If yours haven't, you should approach Frankenstein. That damned lady must have messed with your regeneration-"
"I'm not talking about your wounds," Kentas sighed, hesitating to choose his words as he continued. "I mean, about... the others- the ones who had been experimented on along with you. Does it still hurt?"
"Never stopped hurting," M-21 answered, something about his voice was enough to tell Kentas how bad it was. "But you learn to get up and go on without them."

M-21 sighed, before casting a worried look at the other, making Kentas click his tongue, his smile betraying his expression, "don't look at me like that, I'll be fine."
"Why are you awake?" Kentas then tilted his head at him as the thought struck him.
"Couldn't sleep," M answered, shrugging.
Kentas nodded, "whenever I had trouble sleeping, I would join a few others at night."
"Are you suggesting we-" M-21 was tempted to use 'puppy pile' as Tao would have, "-sleep together?"

"If you want to," Kentas mumbled, seeming to think he had overstepped.
"So puppy pile it is," M-21 snorted. Kentas narrowed his eyes, scrunching his nose, but smiled nonetheless.
M-21 joined Kentas in bed, the warmth of the blanket and the werewolf making him begin to feel drowsy.
It didn't take long before both were asleep, and it would be safe to say they both had rested well.

Well... at least were resting until... well, Tao happened.

"Puppy pile!" The hacker yelled as he hopped on top of the two, earning a groan from M-21 and a chuckle from Kentas.

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This was requested by Lyra-Zang!
I hope you enjoyed reading this oneshot!😄

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