Haunted Mansion

535 13 16

Pairings: None
〔 Fem!Reader 〕
Warnings: Mention of car accident

"Y/N, where did you say you're going?" Frankenstein's blue eyes stared at the girl he adored as his own sister.
Not noticing how his skin had incredibly paled, Y/N repeated, "To Alice's place."

Frankenstein knew that the three modified men behind him had their eyes widened.
"I'll be off now," Y/N waved as she skipped her way outside the house.

"Hadn't Alice died last night in a car crash?" M-21's eyes were as wide as the sniper's and the hacker's.
"Then who the hell called Y/N now?" Tao's voice wavered, his eyes glistening with horror.
"We should go after her," Takeo said, glancing at the back of the frozen blond who stared blankly in the direction of the front door.

Y/N rode her car away from the city, humming to the song playing on the radio. Whenever she listened to music, she would get lost in a world of her own. So, it was no surprise that the girl didn't notice the car following her.

"Where the hell is she going?" Frankenstein whispered as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
"If I remember correctly, Alice lives near the school." Tao spoke, staring at the car in front of them.
"Then why is she going to the outskirts of the city?" Takeo gulped, glancing to the others in the car.

Wordlessly, Frankenstein and the trio followed Y/N for the rest of the journey.
"Why would someone live in this... mansion in the middle of nowhere?" Tao asked, peering out of the car window.

He could feel the tension radiating from the snipper and werewolf beside him. Frankenstein stared as Y/N knocked on the front door of the mansion. The door creaked open, revealing a dark interior.

Without hesitation, the blond left the car, walking towards the mansion.
"He's mad," Tao stated. With one sigh, he glanced back at the two pthers before leaving the car.

Frankenstein glanced over his shoulder when the modified men scurried into the mansion.
The place was dark, but neat. It showed no signs of life, yet it was too clean to say that the mansion was abandoned.

The front door slammed close, making the modified men flinch. With a sigh, Frankenstein switched on the flashlight in his phone. Giving one glance around the mansion, he began to walk deeper into the house.
Tao tried to switch on a few of the switches, hoping one of the would make the bulbs glow. But nothing happened.

"Y/N?" Frankenstein called out but received no response.
"You three," Frankenstein turned back to them, "go check the rooms on this floor, I'll check the upper floor."

"Isn't this how people die in horror movies?" Tao voiced out his thoughts, but was ignored by the blond who walked away.
Tao got out his phone, switching on the flashlights while muttering what the two heard as,
"He himself is a nightmare at times. I guess we don't need to worry about him."

They stuck together checking each room, only to find it empty. Going to the higher floor in the mansion, they neither found Frankenstein nor Y/N. But it was safe to say Frankenstein was close by because of the approaching footsteps.

"Did you—" Tao glanced in the direction of the footsteps, faling silent.
This made both M-21 and Takeo look in the direction of the hacker. There was someone coming. But it wasn't Frankenstein. A shadow came on the wall. A shadow of a woman.

A swear left their mouth when the footsteps loudened before the figure of a woman appeared.
She was holding a candle, but the trio were too scared to look at the woman's face as they ran off.

They didn't dare look back, even though they heard the footsteps follow them. Throwing themselves into the closest room, they shut the door, holding their breath, hoping the woman didn't follow them.

But hoping for something like that was stupid. The footsteps were loud and clear. But suddenly, silence fell. They felt a chill rush through their body as a knock came on the door.

"Are you in there?"

They blinked at the door, glancing at each other. This was Y/N's voice. Tao was clinging onto Takeo, so M-21 decided to get up. He walked up to the door, placing his hand on the door handle.
How could he be sure that the woman outside wad Y/N? The voice surely belonged to her, but he still hesitated.

"I know you're in here," her voice yelled as she banged on the door.
M-21 glanced back at the two ex DA-5 members, both staring at the door.

The sound of a click brough them out of their thoughts as the doorknob turned. Takeo pulled the werewolf away from the door after pushing Tao off him.

The door swung open with a creak, revealing Y/N.
"Why are you three here?"
They didn't answer.

Y/N stared at them, confused at their behaviour.
Footsteps came from outside the room, making all four turn their attention to the door.

A sigh of relief came from the men at the sight of Frankenstein. "Here you are."
"Even you're here?" Y/N asked, putting out the candle, now that the room was lit by the flashlights of the four men.
"Why are you in a mansion in the middle of nowhere?" Tao asked, much calmer than before now that Frankenstein was there.

"I'm supposed to meet Alice here. I had told you guys before leaving," she replied, glancing at each of the men.
"But Alice is dead," M-21 spoke before realising that was a harsh way to say it.
A chuckle left Y/N's lips as the four men froze.

"Why would you say I'm dead?" A voice came from the doorframe behind Frankenstein. The four men paled at the sight of Alice.
"I'm very much alive," she said, walking past the blond and towards Y/N.

"You misunderstood," Alice said, breaking their trance.
"Like everyone else," Y/N added. "Alice's twin was involved in the accident. It was claimed that she wouldn't survive but miraculously, she's healing from her injuries."

The men let out 'oh's before letting silence return to the room.
"Why are you meeting here?" Tao asked, making the females turn to him.
"Because I live here," Alice answered.
"It doesn't seem like you lived here for long," M-21 muttered, glancing around the empty room.

"Alice owns this mansion, but lives in the city," Y/N answered.
"I am cleaning up this—" Alice waved her hand, indicating the room, "—old house because my family, who were living abroad, came here after receiving news of the accident."
"Alice called me over to help her," Y/N added, making them understand.

"The lights in this place doesn't work and the front door shut closed like in horror movies," Tao blurted out, earning stares from everyone.

Alice let out a chuckle.
"The lack of electricity is because of a blown fuse. I called for an electrician, they would be here in an hour. The front door hinges needs to be replaced. A carpenter is on their way as well."

"Why did you come here?" Y/N asked, earning a glance from the men.
"I mean," Takeo spoke since no one answered. "We believed Alice was involved in the accident, and then you say you got a call from her."

Y/N let out a sigh, the smile on her face proof of her being amused.

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I hope you liked this!
It was based of the experience of my friend lol

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