
126 6 4

Pairings: Frankenstein x Fem!Reader

The curtains in the library were drawn carelessly, the window left wide open. The air was chilled from the night winds, and the floor lit up silver as the moon peaked in through the curtains.

Being a modified human, the cold didn't make him shiver. If anything, it only felt soothing in the silence of the room.
Alone with the books, it was one of his favourable situations.

The book in his hands was one he had acquired about a week ago. It wasn't a common sight to see the young Kertia clan leader comes visit him to pass on a book.

Through the open window came a leaf, gliding through the room until it landed on the book Frankenstein held in his hands.
With a soft sigh, he placed the book down on his lap, taking the leaf between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a twirl as he eyed it for a moment before placing it between the pages.

His azure eyes roamed over the aged paper, handwritten notes in black ink faded from the years spent. A date, a short note, a little sketch of the seashore Frankenstein could make out to be on the north of the island nation.

The book was akin to a diary; it held bits of memories of a noble who Frankenstein had once known.
The lifespan of the nobles was synonymous to eternity, and each day spent during their long lives is not necessarily interesting.
The diary held memories the noble had once cherished- those moments of utmost joy and happiness which didn't come by that often.

Frankenstein flipped through the pages of the book, scanning through the writing when he spotted one which piqued his interest. The mention of his first encounter with the noble.

~ the first encounter

I saw him first when I was sent to deliver a message on the behalf of my busy brother. The first human who would live in Lukedonia- brother said his name was Frankenstein.
From what I know (how much I know is another question, being a clan leader's sister can only provide me with bits of what my brother knows), The Lord had send my brother and Sir Gejutel to capture him. It piques my interest. Two clan leaders sent to capture one human.
Brother told me he is a dangerous human- that much I could make out. But seeing him wander the gardens as he was this morning makes him appear as ordinary as any one of us, or the humans. I wish to spar with him soon, though brother wouldn't be pleased with me getting into trouble again.

Following the written note was a drawing: a grand mansion being surrounded with trees. Among the trees was a person, only vaguely visible.

Frankenstein flipped the pages, finding mentions of how the noble and her brother spent an afternoon together after a long time, or how she found new places to make as her 'secret base' along with sketches of the location. It was about a few pages later when he came across another mention of himself.

~ 3 months after the first encounter

I saw him again. He dodged my attacks quite skillfully, moreover counterattacking immediately was impressive. I now understand the potential of the human. Maybe I could spar with him when brother is busy.

Frankenstein couldn't help but roll his eyes at the memory. It was clear in his mind, just like it had happened a couple weeks ago.
He had been picking the apples he had grown in the gardens surrounding the mansion. His mood was quite elated before he noticed the other person in the garden.
Having only noticed the incoming attack, Frankenstein had dropped his basket full of apples and could only watch as most rolled away into bushes, and that had left him in a sore mood for a while. The clash was too short to call a fight or spar, and he knew that the next time he would meet her, he would avenge his apples.
The noble, he knew for a fact, was unlike most he knew. It had taken them three sparing sessions till they became friends.

~ the first spar, seven weeks later

Brother was right, Frankenstein is a dangerous human— but nothing I can't handle. Never had I ever seen, nor heard about a human who possessed the powers rivaling that of a clan leader's. My spars with brother would be the reason I could only get out of the fight with no more than a few injuries that wouldn't heal instantly. The power he uses is sinister. Perhaps another spar would help me know better of this mysterious human.

Frankenstein remembered their fight had been interupted by Ragar. The sight of the clan leader was enough for the noble to quickly withdraw her weapon— it was quite an odd sight for him back then, one moment she was fighting with enthusiasm which could match his, next moment she was silent like a obedient child.

The second spar was much more friendly than the first.
The noble had approached him, proposing a spar with her while her brother was busy. It dragged out long, leaving both exhausted while they dragged the other to their limits.

The third would be the worst spar Frankenstein had ever had, to be frank.
It was midfight that he found out that she, apparently, was ticklish. That spar would also count as his shortest spar, which did end quite early, but the result of accidentally having made her laugh was a dagger to the throat. Though that wouldn't have been counted as a threat because she was having a hard time to control her laughter.

The fifth time they met, it didn't result in a fight. It would have counted as a friendly picnic-at-home if it wasn't for the reason they had crossed paths.
The noble was running away. From whom? Her brother. Why? Because she didn't want to be lectured for whatever disaster she had caused this time. (It was no new thing to him by then. He had heard of the times she managed to pick fights with other nobles, sometimes it could be having enraged some of the difficult clan leaders for petty reasons; what truly surprised Frankenstein is that she always managed to slip out of trouble because the other nobles had no idea how to prove the incidents were caused by her).

Frankenstein wasn't willing to let her into the mansion's garden but she managed to slip into particularly large bush knowing that Ragar would never bother the Noblesse for such reasons (and why in Lukedonia would he search a bush for her).

The rather odd interaction resulted in him having her taste-test some of the confectioneries he had made for the first time. She joked about how she was glad he didn't food poison her, but she managed to swing by and steal a bunch of whatever he cooked everytime.

Frankenstein had scoffed at how her reviews made no sense but yet somehow managed to use her suggestions to make the delicacies that the Noblesse took an immediate liking to, and also kept in mind to make extras for the dessert thief.

The sixth time they met, he allowed her to go through some of the research work he had done over the years. He could recognise the glint in her eyes at sight of his many books, and felt compelled to share some of the information he had.

Both had lost count of how many times they had met or spared after that. Maybe a few hundred times? Perhaps more than that.

The last time they met, they had a fight. Not a spar or physical fight. They had an argument.

The Noblesse was missing, Frankenstein declared he would be leaving Lukedonia.
She insisted that together with the nobles would the blond man's master be found faster. Frankenstein knew that would be wishful thinking.

The last time they met was 820 years before Frankenstein revisited Lukedonia.

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This was requested by Maryy_Kiim !!

This fic strayed a lot from the initial idea and took a long time to publish, and I'm really, really sorry about that

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