
393 7 24

Pairings: None
〔 Fem!Reader 〕
Warnings: None (other than an OOC Rajak)

"I did not spray paint the school walls," Y/N claimed as she stared at the screen of the laptop placed on the hacker's lap.
"You were the last one to go there before the cameras began to glitch," Tao said as he showed her the camera footage. "Takeo and M-21 are repainting the wall. And the boss doesn't know, so no big deal."

"You think I did it, don't you?" Y/N narrowed her eyes at the male who smiled.
"You were caught doing a lot of things before," the hacker shrugged making Y/N roll her eyes.
"I didn't do any of those things."

Y/N knew her attempts to prove her innocence would be useless ever since the actual culprit was quite experienced in throwing her in trouble. Not like she caused trouble for the real culprit before, but that was a different topic.

"Had a good day?" A certain Kertia came up to her, a thin, black mask covering half his face. Y/N could bet there was one of his sly smirks under the mask.

"Spray painting a wall of the school which belonged to Frankenstein is too much."

Rajak lowered his mask, his eyes staring deeply into her own. "Says the one who almost burned down this house."
"That was an accident!" She hissed at the retreating blond who shrugged.
"This conversation isn't over!" She controlled her voice, not wanting to alarm the housemates. Rajak ignored her, making his way to the other side of the room when Y/N heard the front door lock click open.

The door creaked open and a dark aura seeped into the house before revealing Frankenstein.

Had he found out? No, Takeo and M-21 surely took care of the abstract art painted over the school wall.

"Y/N," Frankenstein called out, his voice quivering with his attempts to keep his cool.
He called for her. He was angry. She is doomed.

"Yes?" She asked, pretending not to notice his violent aura.
"I happened to learn about this incident that occurred at school earlier today."
"An incident?" She asked, keeping a blank look on her face.
"Someone vandalized the school walls. Do you know who did it?"

Y/N could tell Frankenstein was losing his patience. Taking the blame would throw her in danger. Refusing to take the blame while all evidences proved her to be the culprit was worse.

"No. It could have been anyone," she spoke as her eyes flickered to the Kertia who was now standing behind the blond principal.

No one would believe her if she claimed Rajak Kertia to be guilty. Who would believe that the stone faced, disciplined Kertia Clan Leader would go around throwing Y/N in difficult situations all for the purpose of his entertainment.
Y/N would do the same, but never to this extent where he would be angered by someone who was a potential threat when angry.

"Alright," Frankenstein spoke after a moment, walking off in the direction of his room.

"Throw me in that situation again and I'll rip your pillows to shreds," Y/N hissed at the Kertia.
He lowered his mask that covered his lips, and stuck out his tongue at her as response before walking off as if nothing happened. No— correction— as if he hadn't done anything wrong.

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This is super short,
I was lacking inspiration.

«I didn't really have any more ideas so I ended up using up a short scenario that rolled in my mind when I found the fanart»

What would you like to see next?

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