Wonderland Pt-2

104 2 36

Noblesse × Wonderland Crossover
Pairings: None
Warnings: None

"Tao and M-21," Regis narrowed his eyes, watching the two at the table, sipping their tea as they exchanged a few words as they sat the across the wooden table occupied with various teapots, teacups and few odd shaped cookies.

"M-21," Rai called out to the werewolf, who now had rabbit ears sprouting from his head, similar to those of Regis. But while M-21 had grey ears, while Regis' were white.

The two snapped their heads in Rai's direction. They stared blankly for a while before their eyes sparked with recognition.
"Good to see you're fine," Frankenstein smiled (a smile that made people automatically return the gesture rather than shake in fear).

Tao stared at M-21, slowly shifting his gaze to Regis.
"Why do you—" Tao pointed at the two, "—have bunny ears?"
Though he didn't point at Frankenstein, Tao's eyes did wander to Frankenstein's tail and ears, but he knew better than to point it out.

The question remained unanswered as they watched Tao's hands wandered to the hat he realized was resting on his head. He pulled off the hat, examining it befofe a smile appearing on his face.

"What?" Regis and M-21 eyed him.
"What?" This time Frankenstein spoke, eyeing the hacker.
"Alice In Wonderland!" Tao exclaimed.
Frankenstein fell silent, his eyes travelling to everyone one by one.
"What?" Regis eyed the two, not understanding what they spoke about.
"Alice In Wonderland is a tale written for children," Tao explained when he noticed Rai, Regis and M-21 still confused.

"You're the Mad Hatter," Frankenstein pointed at the hat in Tao's hand. It was a shabby hat made of patches of cloth of various designs and colours.

"You're the Cheshire Cat, M's the March Hare," Tao continued, pointing his hat at Frankenstein, then at the werewolf with bunny ears.
"The dormouse," Tao waved his hand to the small brown rodent fast asleep near a teapot.
"And what am I?" Regis asked despite not understanding about the characters the two named.
"The White Rabbit," Frankenstein answered.
"The rabbit that Alice follows into Wonderland," Tao explained.
Regis remained silent, eyes travelling to Rai.

Frankenstein cleared his throat, making Regis snap his head away from Rai who he ended up staring at.
"We need to find Takeo and Seira," Frankenstein spoke, glancing at Tao who was nodding despite having his eyes on a butterfly that landed on a cookie.
"How will we find them?" M-21 glanced from Tao to Frankenstein, noticing the tense silence thicken.

"In the story," Tao mummered, all eyes turning to him, but he kept his eyes on the table, watching as the dormouse shift in its sleep to hit his cup. "Alice meets the Queen of Hearts."
Frankenstein sighed, "so we need to find a castle."
Tao nodded, getting up from his chair, "we'd be able to find a tall castle easily."

Tao and Frankenstein led the group, both relived that finding the castle wasn't difficult as the castle was tall enough to be seen from a distance.

"The Garden of the Queen of Hearts," Tao mummered as he reached out to touch one of the crimson roses. A frown appeared on his face as he stared at his fingers.
"Paint?" Regis glanced at the hacker's hand, his eyebrows furrowed.
"The roses are painted red to the Queen's likings," Frankenstein stated, glancing around. "There," he pointed, "Takeo and Seira are together."

"What are you doing?" Tao threw his hand around Takeo's shoulder, making the other flinch at the sudden appearance.
The paint brush held by the sniper dropped to the ground, making the red paint splatter on the green grass.
Seira placed her paint brush down beside the bucket of paint to not make a bigger mess.

"Painting roses with the blood of his enemies?" Tao joked, earning a glare from the purple-haired man wearing what made him look like a knight.
"What's with all the hearts?" Regis tilted his head when he noticed the (rather ridiculous looking) red-hearts design on the outfit worn by both Seira and Takeo.

"Wow," Tao rolled his eyes, making everyone but Frankenstein feel confused. "They got a human and noble among the Card Soldiers."
"Card... soldiers?" M-21 narrowed his eyes questioningly.
"The Queen of Hearts got Card Soldiers," Tao shrugged, glancing at his comrade who happens to be the March Hare. "This is a kid's story, don't bring up logic here," noticing the look on M-21's face, Tao quickly added.

"Don't waste time!" A voice came yelling from behind the group.
"Quick! Paint the roses before the Queen comes this way!" A small troop of Card Soldiers came rushing in their direction.

Before anyone could react, a shriek silenced the fussing Card Soldiers.
"The roses!"
A woman stopped towards the card soldiers, her bright red dress and the crown on her head identified her as the Queen of Hearts.
"The roses are awful!" She screeched, pointing at the white roses with evident rage.
"Apologies, Your Majesty!" The Card Soldiers immediately wailed.
"Off with their heads!"

And that was all Rai remembered before his vision went dark.
Blinking, Rai adjusted his sight to the dark living room of his house in Lukedonia. His eyes roamed around the room, finding Frankenstein flinch awake beside him. Across the room, Seira stirred before opening her eyes, turning to find Regis gently waking up, his head on her shoulder.

"The Card Soldiers!" Tao shrieks, jumping to a sitting position, his voice making M-21 and Takeo flinch to consciousness.
Rai, Frankenstein, Regis and Seira stare at Tao, who seemed unaware about his yelling.

"I had a weird dream," Tao stated, ignoring the stares he had received.
"So did I," Takeo added, M-21 nodding.
"Something about Wonderland," Regis nodded.
"Where did that come from?" Frankenstein ignored the others as he eyes the book lying on the floor in between all of them. Picking it up, the blond examined the cover before opening his mouth, "Alice In Wonderland."

Silence fell over the seven, a few glances thrown around.
"Where did this come from?" Frankenstein asked, eyes moving from one person to another before stopping on Tao.
"I found it," Tao confessed. "It was on top of the chest of drawers," Tao pointed in the direction of the furniture.

Frankenstein stared at the book for a moment before flipping the pages. A sheet glided from between the pages and Frankenstein grabbed it before it reached the floor.
"What is it?" M-21 asked when he noticed Frankenstein's face drain of emotions.

"Apparently," Frankenstein folded the note, putting it back in the book, "the Previous Lord hated how Master wouldn't leave unless necessary."
Rai glanced at Frankenstein when the carefree Lord was mentioned.

"That guy wanted Master to have experience of something new," Frankenstein sighed before continuing. "He enchanted the book to drag the reader into the story for a better experience."

"The Previous Lord of Nobles did that?" Tao tilted his head, eyes wide. Takeo blinked and M-21 stared at the book.
Regis and Seira kept a neutral expression, both aware of the former Lord's personality.
"It indeed was a new experience," Rai spoke after a few moments of pondering.

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This is part two of Wonderland (requested by OncerLiya).
I honestly planned on having Frankenstein as the Mad Hatter and Tao as the Cheshire Cat.
Also, I don't know if I will be able to upload as frequently because I've got a few projects and assignments coming up, but I'll try to be regular!
I had to type this in a rush, but I hope it was good and that you like it😅

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