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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝Water tribe Boy ⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

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Water tribe
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ZUKO eyebrows furrowed as the bright sun hit his eyes. Covering the sun with his hand, the boy slowly woke up. Sitting up from the fancy water tribe bed, Zuko thought about how he would spend his first official day back in the northern water tribe.

He put on a simple outfit he had on yesterday but this time it instead of the harsh black linings, there was white lining. The red also wasn't as bright as the other one. It was a special water nation outfit that was just made for him.

After changing and grabbing some golden coins for shopping, Zuko headed out for the day.

After walking for a while Zuko finally made it to the library. Arnook had a private library in the back of the public one that had lots of historical records of the northern water tribe. Since him and the Chief would close he thought he could just ask him if he could open it up for him for a little while.

Stepping in the library, Zuko spotted Yue in one of the back corners. He saw that she was clearly talking to someone but from his angle he couldn't tell who it was. Yue suddenly start giggling about something. He got curious as he wonder if the person she was talking to was Sokka, her boyfriend.

Walking towards their direction, Zuko tired to sneakily see what Yues boyfriend looked like. Getting a good angle, his eyes whined as he seen who it was.

"Hey! It's that boy from yesterday!" Sokka yelled out, while pointing at Zuko. 'So he's Sokka.' Zuko gulped and walked over to the couple.

"Hello Prince Zuko, it's nice-!" Yue was cut off by her boyfriend.

"Prince Zuko!?" He yelled confusedly. The librarian hit her wooden stick against the desk, mentioning Sokka to be more quiet.

"Stop yelling Sokka." Yue stated and tried to get her boyfriend to sit back down. Sokka just continued to stare dumbfounded at the other male.

"Y-you're the fire nation prince..." Sokka stated in a more quiet tone and finally sat back down. Zuko simple nodded at sat down in front of them.

"What are you a fan or something?" Yue joked and laughed at the boys behavior. Zuko chuckled at the joke as well.
"No! It's just the fact he left me sleeping outside!" He whispered yelled at Zuko. Yue gave them a confused look and Zuko explained what happened to her.

"Yeah! And then he just left after I fell asleep and just left me sleeping in the gazebo! With no blanket or anything!" Sokka threw his hand in the air and glared at Zuko. Zuko rolled his eyes at the boy.

"You just expect me to take a random stranger to their home and tuck them to bed?" Zuko annoyingly stated and crossed his arms.

"Yes! And don't forget about the goodnight kiss on my forehead!" Sokka stated while getting real close in his face. Yue pulled him away and tried to calm him down. Zuko rolled his eyes, slight blush plastered on his face.

"Sokka, please don't talk to the fire nation prince like that." She calmly stated, reminding Sokka about his place between the two. Sokka didn't care though.

"He's no Prince of mine. And he should be treating me with respect too, knowing that I'm your boyfriend!" He started angrily, whisper yelling again. Zuko 'tsk' at that and got up to get back to his task. Yue called back from him and told Sokka to apologize but he just started pitching a fit again.


"Sokka, he's a prince. You shouldn't be talking to him like that..." Yue stated. Sokka was gonna speak back again but decided it was best to shut up about it.

"I know. I'm sorry Yue." He responded back, sadly and kiss her on the cheek. He noticed how she back away a little bit but didn't question it. He got up and went to find prince Zuko to apologize like Yue asked.

After searching for a while, he found him in one of the halls ways of the palace. Catching up to him Sokka greeted him.
"Prince Zuko." He stated awkwardly. Zuko turned and was shocked to see Sokka again.

"I-I just wanted to say sorry...about earlier." He stated with a regretful tone. Zuko ignored him and continued to walk.
Sokka still followed him though.

"Stop following me."

"Not until you accept my apology." Sokka said childishly, already back to usual self. Zuko groaned. 'He may be handsome but he's so annoying! How can Yue risk her reputation for him.'

Zuko decided to play a long just to get him to go away. "I accept your apology, now leave."

"See, wasn't that easy~." And with that the water tribe boy ran off back to his girlfriend. Zuko tsked again and focus back on his task.


♡Warm arms♡- Zukka Where stories live. Discover now