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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝Heart-struck ⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

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"Zuko" Sokka stated as he saw Zuko looking at him worriedly.

"Sokka how long have you been out here?" He questioned noticing the obvious goosebumps and how bad he was shivering. Before Sokka could answer Zuko took his coat off and put it over Sokka shoulders. The water tribe boy heart flustered again as it been doing all week.

"Put it on properly." Zuko command and tried to help him. Sokka listen and did as he was told. But before he tied the coat close and looked at Zuko. Now he had little goosebumps.

Next thing Zuko knew was that he was suddenly being hugged by Sokka with the coat now covering them both. Zuko blushed and matched the color of his coat.
"You was also getting cold so...." Sokka stated quietly and put his head in Zuko's neck causing the boy to panic even more. Zuko gulped and slowly wrapped his arms around Sokka too.

"And to answer your question from earlier...I came out here to hopefully...see you." Sokka admitted and tightened his grip around Zuko underneath the red fluffy coat. Zuko copied Sokka and was now hiding his face in Sokka neck now.

"S-sorry I haven't been able to hang out. It's just you know...had to do prince stuff...." Zuko said and nervously chuckled a little bit. Sokka hummed and just continued hugging the warm boy.

"I-I've missed you." He confessed. Zuko heart fluster again and be tried to hold back his smile but failed.

"I've missed you too...." He softly replied.
Sokka didn't say anything and just held onto him tight.

"L-let's go to my house, it's to cold to hang out out here." Zuko said and hesitantly tried to pull away from the younger boys grip. Sokka just pulled him back and Zuko nervously gripped onto his shirt.

"Lets stay like this for a little while longer."



After a few minutes passed the two boys started walking to Zuko house. Sokka had convinced Zuko to let him tie up the coat with both of them in it since it was big enough for both of them. No one was around to see so Zuko agreed.

Now they were slowly making it to Zuko house not being able to walk fast since they were basically glued together. Sokka gulped, he knew Zuko could feel his heart beating fast against his warm back. Zuko indeed felt it and it only made his beat faster. The two boys were half they couldn't see each other's faces since they were both tomatoes.

Zuko's house wasn't very far from the gazebo so it only really took them 5 minutes to get there. Sokka grabbed the key from Zuko and pulled his arms back into the sleeve of the coat so he could open the door.

After they made it in, the boys finally separated after being glued together for a good hour. Sokka was already missing the fire nation princes warmth.

"Are you hungry? I'll make us something to eat?" Zuko asked and grabbed his coat from Sokka and placed it on the coat hanger. Sokka had already ate before he left but he didn't want to miss out on Zuko's offer to fed him to he said sure.

The two conversed with each other about different topics, like their favorite color and favorite animals and common stuff you asked to get to know someone. Once Zuko finished cooking the two sat down and ate. This time it wasn't awkward like the first time he was over.

"This is really good!" Sokka said as he dug into his plate. Zuko laughed at the idiot as he ate. Sokka slowed down and looked at Zuko and asked him a genuine question.

"Zuko how long are you staying here?" Zuko didn't look up at him b it stopped eating to reply.
"I usually stay for a month, but it depend on if I'm needed at the fire nation early or something." He said monotonously. Sokka let out a little oh before looking down to eat again. Zuko noticed and decided to ask him as well.

"What about you?" He had stopped eating and looked at Sokka and noticed the upset look. The two knew they were gonna both leave the northern water tribe but they wished they had more time together.

"Im leaving tomorrow...." Sokka spoke quietly. Zuko's heart aches and he looked back down and continued eating. The two didn't really say much after that.


♡Warm arms♡- Zukka Where stories live. Discover now