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Zuko sat down in a lotus position; placing down his bag softly on the ground, as he got ready to meditate in front of the Spirt Oasis. The Spirt Oasis was always Zuko's favorite spot in the Northern water tribe. He would go there to meditate or just to have some peace and quiet since no one really went there.

As Zuko mediate he started to miss his Uncle. Back at the fire nation they always meditate together and have tea together. Though Zuko will never admit it, his Uncles tea was the best.

He thought about how much he's changed since having his Uncle as a role model. They were like Father and son. Iroh being the father Zuko wished he had and Zuko being a replacement for the son Iroh had lost.

Zuko smiled softly to himself and tried to focus on meditating again, forgetting that what he came here for. After a good 30 minutes of meditating, Zuko decided to take a break for a few minutes.

He opened his bag on the ground beside him and pulled out the tea set. He took out a bottle of water he had and poured it into the teapot. He held it in his hands as be began to boil it with his fire bending.

Once it was ready he put it down and place a teabag; one he got from his uncle, in the teapot and let it brew.

"Zuko?" Zuko looked to the side and seen it was Yue who had called out to him.
"Princess Yue. What are you doing out here?" He stated and mentioned her to take a seat beside him. She sat down, the tea set being between them now.

"Probably the same reason as you, to get was peace. Also I told you can just call me Yue." She told him and place her hand on her chest. Zuko nodded and watched as La and Tui, the spirts in the pond swim over after Yue sat down.

Yue smiled and started humming a song. Zuko looked over at her and remembered something from a few days ago.


"Zuko can you hum me a song to sleep?" A sleepy Sokka spoke as Zuko helped him to bed. Zuko who was already embarrassed enough from undressing the boy to put him into his pajamas, was trying to get out of there as fast as possible.

"U-m I dont know any song...." Zuko lied and started to get up to leave but Sokka grab his hand and pulled him back down.
"Please." Sokka gave him a look that looked like he was about to cry. Zuko look at him and then at their hands and held Sokka hand back as he gave in.

Sighing Zuko started to hum the first song that came to mind.

"Hmmm hmm hm hmmmm
(Leaves from the vine)

Hmm hmm hm hmmmm
(Falling so slow)

Hm hmm hm, hm hm hmmm
(Like fragile, tiny shells)

Hmm hmm hm hm hmm
(Drifting in the foam)

Hm hm hmm hm hmm
(Little soldier boy)

Hmm hm hm hmm
(Come marching home)

Hmm hm hm hmm
(Brave soldier boy)

Hmmm hm hmm hmmm
(Comes marching home)"

Zuko tightened his grip on Sokka hand as he finished. He looked over to the boy who was now passed out again. Zuko smiled sweetly at the sleeping water tribe boy. Remembering what Sokka had said earlier, Zuko leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight Sokka."


"Zuko?" Yue waved her hand in front of his face, snapping him out his trance.
"Oh sorry, I just...that sounded like a song a knew." Zuko lied and tried to hide the embarrassment on his face. Yue just smiled softly again.

"W-would you like some tea...?" Zuko awkwardly asked as he realized it was ready.

"Sure. Tea would be nice." Zuko poured her tea and gently handed it to her and then poured himself some.


♡Warm arms♡- Zukka Where stories live. Discover now