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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝Nervous⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

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Sokka's eyes squinted at the bright sun shining in his eyes as he woke up. Rubbing his eyes he sat in the oddly comfortable bed. His bed was not this comfortable. It felt like he was literally laying on clouds, unlike the usual feeling of laying on rocks and thorns.

Finally being able to see, he looked at the bed and around the room frantically. This was not his room! Instead of blue dirty walls and old white flooring that gave you splinters, there was new burgundy walls, which black rugged floors. All around the room was shades of red and black with white accents here and there.

He started to panic and quickly got of the bed, only to realize what he was wearing. He was wearing a red matching pajama set. Sokka was on the verge of fainting from thinking he was kidnapped.


As Sokka was losing his mind, he heard foot steps heading towards the room he was in. Sokka spotted his boomerang on the table and thank the gods. As soon as the door open, his boomerang made contact with his abductor.

"OWW!WHAT THE HELL!" Zuko yelled, wincing in pain.

"PRINCE ZUKO?!" Sokka stated in disbelief. The prince of the fire nation kidnapped him! 'Yeah his definitely not a prince of mine!' Zuko crouched down to pick up the blue boomerang.

"AYE! THATS MINE!" Sokka yelled in horror. Zuko looked at him with an annoyed face. He rolled his eyes and held the boomerang out to him.
"Yeah I know. I was gonna give it back to you." Sokka quickly grabbed it from him and got in a fight position. Zuko groaned and rubbed his face.

"Geez, I take you to my house instead of letting you freeze outside like last time and this is how I get repaid." Sokka eyes widened and relaxed.

"Oh I thought you kidnapped me...." He said quietly. Zuko gave him the "really" look.

"You're an idiot. I can't believe someone like you is dating Yue." Zuko would've have thought Sokka would've started yelling at him again but instead was met with silence. He looked over and Sokka and saw a dejected look.

"Me and yue...broke up...." Sokka stated and Zuko could hear his voice breaking up, as he was on the verge of tears. 'Oh that must've been why he was crying last night....' Zuko thought and felt sorry for the boy.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, we both decided it was for the best...." Sokka played with his hands and looked at the wall.  Zuko could see that he clearly wasn't okay but decided not to say anything and tried changing the subject.

"Um well that good....would you something to eat? I made breakfast." Zuko stated and pointed to his kitchen. Sokka looked at him;putting on a fake smile, one Zuko saw right though.

"Yeah, that would be nice."


After the two boy ate breakfast, which was painfully awkward, Zuko cleaned up the table and Sokka awkwardly stood there and watched. After Zuko finished he looked at the nervous water tribe boy.
"Um you can stay if you want...I don't mind the company."

"Oh um thanks but I think I should go...my sister is probably worried for me...hopefully." Sokka chuckled at the last part a little, making Zuko laugh a little too. This only lead to more awkward silence afterwards.

"Your clothes should be be on the dresser in your room." Zuko finally spoke up and broke the silence. Sokka nodded and went to the room he was in.

He picked up the cold clothes and suddenly thought about something. 'Wait dose that mean...he undressed me!' Sokka went hot and tried to get the thoughts about it out of his head. He gulped and walked out the room closing it behind him.

He saw Zuko wait by the door for him, only to think about it again and his face lit up again in embarrassment.
"T-thank you...for taking care of me." He bowed a little. Zuko smiled a little.
"Didn't want you suing me for leaving out in the cold now." Sokka laughed a little and gave him an genuine smile.

"You didn't forget about the goodnight kiss also right?" Sokka playfully joked. He looked back up and seen Zuko with the cutest smile ever.

"No, I remembered." Zuko softly told him. Sokka eyes widened a little and a lit blush rushed to his face. He didn't remember that from last night. He gulped a little before turning around to leave but stop to say something.

"See you around?" Sokka nervously asked. Zuko felt his heart fluster and his face lit up a little bit.
"Yeah. Of course."


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