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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝Warm ⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

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Zuko sighed as he left Arnook room after chatting with him for a little while. He managed to get Arnook to tell him story's about how the northern water tribe came to be, also getting two book in the process.

He quietly walked though the halls of the palace, knowing there were already people sleeping in their beds. He started heading towards the gazebo that was outside the palace. He often found himself going there whenever he didn't feel like heading back to his house, in the northern water tribe.

As Zuko got close to the gazebo, he heard faint sobs coming from its direction.
Lighting some fire in his hands so he could see better, he noticed it was Sokka.

He frozen once be noticed it was him. He didn't know whether or not help him or something. He saw he was shaking uncontrollably in the cold weather and decided to at least give him warmth.

"Umm here. You were shaking..." Zuko appeared behind Sokka with a candle, causing him to jump. He lit the candle with his finger and placed it in front of the warrior boy.

Sokka quickly dried his tears out of embarrassment for getting caught crying by someone like him. He quietly thanked him and huddled close to the candle. Zuko nodded back, sitting awkwardly next to him, watching him to get as much warmth from the candle as possible.

"Can you forget you seen that? Please." Sokka stated softly and looked over at the boy shyly. Zuko gulped at the sudden conversation and awkwardly nodded yes at the boy.
"Y-yes...of course."

Sokka hummed at him and went back to warming up his body. He glanced back at Zuko, who was staring of into the distance nervously. He only got more nervous whenever Sokka suddenly scooted right next to Zuko, placing the candle in front of them.

"In case you was cold too..." Sokka stated and looked the opposite direction. Zuko smiled a little at his generosity.
"Oh thanks but my body's naturally hot."
Zuko told him and pushed the candle more his way.

Sokka took that completely the wrong way and eyed Zuko with the corner of his eye, checking him out.

"Probably because you're a prince." Sokka mumbled while still checking him out, even though he couldn't really see anything. Zuko didn't understand what he meant at first but the realized what he meant.

"I mean like my b-body temperature!"
Zuko yelled a little. Sokkas eyes widened at his misinterpretation, a deep red showing on his face.
"Oh! R-right!"

The two didn't say anything after that and just sat in awkward silence. Zuko occasionally glanced at the water tribe boy from the corner of his eye, here and then. He noticed the sadden look was plastered on the tan boy's face again.

Forcing himself to stop staring, he pulled out a book from his coat and started reading where he left off. As the sky got dark, the temperatures of the northern water tribe started to drop lower and lower.

The fire nation boy didn't notice the temperature change and stayed focused into his book. Sokka, who was half way asleep, hugged his body tight, the candles not doing anything to help now. He turned to the boy next to him and remembered what he said.

"...My body's naturally hot"

Unconsciously a tired Sokka end up snuggling up close to the prince. Prince Zuko was caught off guard by the action and awkwardly held his arms in the air, not knowing what to do. Sokka arms gripped tight around the fire benders waist, snuggling as close as possible.

"Warm..." He half mumbled out as he fell asleep to the warm feeling. Zuko's face, that was now painfully red, that you could even notice it in the night light. He gulped and nervously wrapping one of his arm around the boy so that he could hold both hands on his book again.

The two boys stayed like that, Zuko not having any attention to move him away. He calm down as he quickly forgot Sokka had his arms wrapped around him, to focused on his book to remember.


♡Warm arms♡- Zukka Where stories live. Discover now