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Sokka sighed as he made it home. He knocked on the door but no one answered so he just walked in.
"Katara? Aang?" He called out to them but they didn't answer.

He assumed they were out shopping or on a date or something. Usually Sokka and Yue would be out shopping with them like they were having a double date.But that's never gonna happen again now.
Sokka felt his heart ache and his eyes water again. He shook his head, trying to stop himself for crying.

He heard a someone from outside laughing and walked over to the window to see what was going on.

It was Katara and Aang. They were playing with the fish in the river by their house? Sokka sweared they always had the weirdest dates. He didn't want to change out of the clothes Zuko gave him so he placed his clothes down and just went out with in red pajamas.

"SOKKA!" Aang yelled out in excitement as soon as he spotted him. Katara looked back and smiled at him, but immediately knew something was wrong.
"What happened Sokka?" Her voice filled with concern as she grabbed on his arm.

Sokka wished she hadn't said that cause it made him want to cry more. He shook his head and sat down by the river where Aang was. Katara sat on his other side and looked over to Aang to se if he knew something. Aang just shrugged his shoulder and looked back over to his best friend.

"Are you upset cause they wouldn't let you see Yue again today. I would've have helped today too, but you wasn't home and I wasn't a help last time too. Sorry Sokka...." Aang said thinking it was his fault.

"It's not your fault Aang. Don't put everything on yourself...." Sokka said and patted his bald head. Aang looked surprised. "Oh it's not...then what wrong?"

"Yeah we're worried for you Sokka." Katara spoke in and rubbed his back. Sokka's sighed and put his head in his knees.

"It's just...me and yue...broke up...."
He mumbled quietly in his knees but it was loud enough for them to hear. They both immediately looked at each other with concerned look. They both knew how much Sokka loved yue and depended on her. They both wanted to cry for him.

"Omg...Sokka sweetie...I'm so sorry." Katara spoke and hug him. Aang and agreed and hugged him too.
"Don't be...I did this to myself. And it was mutual." He said and laid down on his back. Katara held on of his hands.

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault Sokka."

"It's was...I-...I don't wanna talk about it...." He turned on his side, facing Katara and put his head in her lap. Katara let it go and comforted him and notioned Aang to help her. Aang didn't know to deal with these type of situations so he called Momo and put him on Sokka. The lemur just looked at him dumbfounded and spited out a piece of food he had and put it on Sokka face.

"Agh, geez. Thanks buddy...I guess." Sokka pick up the piece of food and look at the half chewed, slimy food. Aang laughed a little bit.
"Hey! You're growing on him!" He stated enthusiastically. Katara and Sokka laughed. Katara stop and realize something.

"Oh by the way, what with the clothes?"

"Oh I got them from Zuko." He said not noticing he started to blush.

"WAIT! AS IN PRINCE ZUKO!?" Aang yelled confusedly. Sokka looked at him weirdly. "Yeahhh...?" Aang and Katara looked at him like he was crazy or something.

"Wait is this why you were gone last night? At first I thought you was at Yues but know it make sense!" Katara spoke and pushed Sokka off of her. Sokka said 'ow' in a offended tone, even though it didn't hurt.

"Sokka how are you gonna break up with the love of your life and do something like that!" Katara scolded him and crossed her arms. Sokka was so confused.

"What do you mean? Aang what is she talking about." Sokka questionably asked the avatar. Aang shrugged again.
"I was just shocked you knew prince Zuko."

"It seems like he knows him enough to do that!" Katara said only make her poor older brother more confused.

"I don't understand what your talking about!" Sokka put his arms up in defense.
Katara groaned.

"Sokka. You come home wearing someone else's clothes. Your hair is messed up and you blushed whenever I brought up the clothes. What do you think I'm talking about!" Sokka looked at her dumbfounded and then almost screamed.

"OMG!KATARA!" He jump up so fast with a now tomato red face. Aang just look at them with a puzzled face. He look at Momo but he just shrugged and ran away.


"I mean yeah! Look at you!"

"Okay first! Zuko took him to his house because I fell outside in the cold and him be a nice person this time-!" He tried to explain but Katara cut him off.

"THIS TIME?! Y'all have did this before!?"

"NOOO! Let me finish! He took me to his house because he didn't know where I lived and gave me these pajamas because my clothes were cold! Second you know I always have bad bed head! And lastly, I MET THE DUDE A TWO DAYS AGO!!"


♡Warm arms♡- Zukka Where stories live. Discover now