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Zuko stared at himself in the mirror as he brushed through his damp hair. To be more exact, he was staring at the scar on the left side of his face. 

He visits the Northern water tribe so much because no one judge him for his past. They treated him like he was a human like everyone else. He still got stares and comments about him here and there but it wasn't like the Fire nation were people constantly reminded him of his past and who he was.

This was the main reason Zuko enjoyed being around Sokka so much. Not one time since they started hanging out has Sokka asked Zuko about his scar or gave him a weird look because of it. It was like it wasn't even there whenever he was around him. It upset Zuko that this feeling was going to be gone soon, remembering Sokka is leaving tomorrow.

They spent hours after dinner hanging out and talking to each other. Zuko started wondering if Sokka was possessed, since he started being a lot more touching with him. Pushing lose hairs out his face, sitting so close to him that he could feel his breath on his neck as he spoke. Sokka even ended up holding Zuko's hand during one of their random conversations.
Zuko didn't even question it though since so much was happening that night.

There was even a point of time where Zuko thought he saw Sokka staring at his lips as he talked about his uncle. He thought he was just imagining it and decided to forget about it.

Zuko yawned and decided it was time for him to start laying down. Zuko grabbed a new book from his bookshelf since he had finished the late one. Pulling up the covers and sitting up on the bed, Zuko read the first chapter of the book.

"Zuko?" A knock came from the door and Sokka voice called. Zuko eyes immediately shot up to the door and he wondered why Sokka was still up at this time.
"Come in." Zuko said loud enough for him to hear and focused back on his book. Sokka quietly came in; shutting the door back behind him. He was wearing another one of Zuko pajama sets that he gave him and he also had his hair down instead of the usual warriors wolf tail. Sokka looked nervous and walked over and sat on the bed beside Zuko.

Zuko looked up at him after he didn't say anything for a while. "Is there something wrong Sokka?" He asked and see his book down on the nightstand. Sokka gulped a little. "I just...." He said and stopped as he hesitated. Zuko smiled a little and thought about something.

"Do you need to go hum you asleep again?" He playfully asked and Sokka looked up at him in shock. Zuko laughed and smiled at him.
"You don't remember? You asked him to hum you a song to sleep the first time I brought you to my house." Sokka face palm himself at his early self. He lifted of the cover and motioned with his hand for Zuko to scoot over. Zuko hesitated before he scooted to the right of the bed as he asked. Sokka slid in and grabbed Zuko by the waist and cuddled him. Zuko was lost for words and but having this happen to him like before he just gently played with Sokka hair.

"A song would be nice since I don't remember it from before." He said and closed his eyes. Zuko thought about it for a little bit and just decided to sing the same song. It was is favorite song since it was a song made by his uncle for his late son.

After Zuko finished the song he looked down and Sokka was now looking at him again. Zuko noticed the look of desire in his eyes and blushed a little bit.
"Zuko...." Sokka softly spoke and sat up on the bed like Zuko. Zuko looked at him nervously. "Yes?"

Sokka looked at him a little bit longer before his eyes flick to his lips. He put his hand on the bed in between them as he lend over. Zuko's heart raced as he got close.

"Can I?" Sokka asked and Zuko get his hot breath on his lips. Zuko eyes flustered and the two both stared into each other's eyes.

"Yes." Zuko spoke and a second later Sokka lips were placed on his. Zuko felt Sokka hand grabbed his waist and he pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Zuko ran his hand through the water tribes boy hair in return. Zuko ended up on Sokka lap as the two boy pulled away. They looked at each other and smiled.

"I just kissed the future Firelord of the Fire nation....!" Sokka stated in disbelief and laughed. Zuko chuckled at the stupid boy.
"Yue was right, you are a fan." He laughed and wrapped his hand around the back of Sokka neck. Sokka smiled and pulled Zuko close so he's head was now in the crook of his neck.
"I don't wanna leave you...I just want to stay in your warm arms...." Sokka said his voice being mumbled by Zuko's neck. Zuko frowned and played with his hair.

"You can stay with me?" He thought. Sokka shot up and smiled at him happily.
"Really! Can I?!" He excitedly said, he was practically about to jump out of the bed. Zuko shrugged. "I mean yeah, you can stay with me for the rest of my vist and I can order my men to take you home when we leave. As long as your sister is fine with it of cource." He said and intertwined their hands.

Sokka grabbed Zuko's face and kissed him again. They both smiled into the kiss and then pulled away again. "Katara wont care, and if you doses she can't say anything cause I'm the older one anyways and I'm also about to be 18 so she can't boss me around anymore!" Sokka said a stuck his touch out.

"I think she can still boss you around, you're about to turn 18 and you're still acting like a child!" Zuko laughed at him and Sokka flipped them over on the bed so now he hovering over Zuko.

"The only one that can boss me around will be the next Firelord, who is extremely cute and warm!" Sokka said and flopped on top of him and started cuddling him.
Zuko looked at him with shock.

"You still think I'm cute with my scar?" He asked quietly. Sokka leaned up again.
"Of course! A scar ain't gonna make you less cute and if you asked me it makes you look beautiful and unique!" He said gave Zuko's scar a kiss. Zuko heart flustered and he leaned up and kiss Sokka again.
"Thank you. I needed to hear that."

"Oh by the way, this mean we're dating right?" Sokka asked. Zuko gave him a confused look.
"No, I just randomly kiss my best friends and make out with them." He said monotonously. Sokka didn't seem to get the sarcasm and Zuk groaned.

"Of course you idiot! I was being sarcastic!" He said pulled Sokka down so they could cuddle again.
"Oh right, hehe." Sokka said and cuddled his now boyfriend back. They stayed like this for a while and soon both ended up started to fall asleep.

"I love you, goodnight Zuko." Sokka didn't realize what he said as he was half asleep and said it out of habit from telling Katara and Aang that every night. Zuko was surprised and looked up and the now sleeping boy. He put hid his head in his shoulder and smiled.

"I love you too, goodnight."


Sorry it was a short story but I just didn't feel like stretching it out like a slow burn, I'll probably add like side story whenever I feel like it but yeah

I hope y'all enjoyed🫶

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