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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝Sibling love ⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

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Sibling love
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Sokka was currently getting mentally prepared for another of Katara lectures. He had to come up with a good excuse for leaving. He couldn't just tell her that he was leaving to go to a gazebo to see if Zuko was there and hang out with him for the night again cause he hasn't seen him for a week now and was missing him. Well he's seen him but they haven't been able to actually hang out recently.

It's not that Katara was homophobic, Sokka told her two year ago whenever he was 15 that he liked both woman and men. She was very supportive of him and told him, him being bi was gonna charge anything between them.

She was just upset thinking Sokka was doing that with Zuko after a big break with Yue. Sokka didn't even think it was that big, he knew it was gonna happen sooner or later and he was already getting over it. Him and Yue are still friends with make him happy though.

"Sokka where are going at this time?" Aang questioned him as he noticed him walking towards the door. 'Damn it Aang! I was so close to getting out without Katara noticing!' Sokka mentally cursed at the avatar in his head. He heard Katara call his name and turned around slowly with a crooked smile.

"Yes my favorite little sister that I love so much in the entire world?" He said fidgety and Katara just gave him a classic 'really' mom look.

"I know you're going to see Prince Zuko, I'm not stupid." She said and placed a hand on her hip. Sokka nervous laughed.
"Hehe, what gave it away...." She rolled her eyes but then gave him a very serious and worried look.

"Just be careful...the fire nation is the most homophobic out of all the nations, so I don't want you to fall in love and get hurt. Especially whenever Zuko is the fire nation prince. Something like this will ruin both of y'all life's so just be careful. I'm just trying to look out for you. Okay?"

Sokka was shocked. He didn't expect her to react like that. He smiled and walked over and gave her a hug. She gladly hug her older brother back.

"I know you are and I promise I'll be safe." He told her and pulled away. She smiled and waved goodbye to him as he left.

Sokka sighed as soon as he closed the door and lead his back against it. Katara was right. The fire nation was known to be very homophobic compared to the other nation. People even got killed over there for it. Sokka didn't even know if Zuko was gay or not. What if he's also homophobic and ends up hating Sokka cause he's bisexual.

Sokka groaned and already started regretting coming out to see him. 'Geez I even dressed nice even though it's freezing out here.'

Sokka sighed and started walking towards the direction of the gazebo. He mental cursed at himself for not grabbing a jacket. Maybe Zuko would warm him up again?

After a good 5 minutes walk him finally made it to the gazebo. No one was there and Sokka got disappointed a little. He decided to sit down and wait for him. Sokka came a little earlier then the time Zuko usually came to the gazebo so he probably was still making his way there.

Sokka waited for him for 10 minutes at the gazebo. Sokka felt his heart drop a little. He was really hoping Zuko would come today but he hoped wrong.

He heard a river stream coming from behind him and decided to check it out, trying to distract himself but knowing deep down this was a way for him to pass time and continue waiting to see if Zuko will come.

The northern water tribe waters looked so beautiful at night. Sokka made a mental note to go out to the river by his house at night more. As more time pass Sokka started remembering memories with his dad. They always used to go fishing at night together.

The last time Sokka seen was whenever he was nine. He had left to get away from the village after his late wife died, Sokka and Katara's mom. He never came back and he didn't even say goodbye to Sokka or Katara before he left. Sokka still loved him and hoped one day he would come back and be a family again.

Sokka shivered and grabbed his arms and felt all the goosebumps he had and decided it was time for him to go home. He stood up, looking down as he started leaving.

Suddenly he bumped into some and looked up.



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