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Atlanta, Georgia
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The next day, Malaysia sat in front of her vanity mirror looking over her once beautiful face. Her face had many bruises but after going to the medical center on campus, they said she was going to be completely fine and just needed to take Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the pain.

Malaysia texted Mai early this morning that she needed to come to her dorm as soon as possible. She didn't feel comfortable sending the information over text message.

There was a knock on Malaysia's dorm room door and she stood up from her vanity going to open the door. She was glad to see her older sister.

"What was so important Lay—what the fuck?!" Mai was about to rant before getting cut off by her sister's face. She entered the room and sat down on Malaysia's grey knot pouf she had in the room for guest. The two girls were the only ones in the room while Malaysia's roommate, Vicky was out with her friends at a bowling alley for the afternoon.

Malaysia closed the door behind her sister and locked it before explaining, "I went to the mall and Deedra and her friend jumped me as I was about to get in my Uber!" Her face was red from how heated she was. She had a blackened eye and some dark bruising on her cheeks. Malaysia's right side was also bruised but she was glad none of her ribs were broken.

Mai instantly felt a rush of adrenaline. She was pissed that the two touched her sister. Mai was also pissed at herself for bringing her sister into the drama. She allowed Malaysia to become a target and she didn't want that for her.

"They kicked and punched me until I realized I had my pocket knife from Maleek's father. I stabbed both of them and left." Malaysia swallowed hard looking at her sister's unreadable facial expression.

"You stabbed them?!" Mai raised a brow growing concerned, "Where?!" Since Mai was a nursing major, she was well aware of the major arteries and vessels in the human body. If Malaysia stabbed them in the wrong location she could be sent to jail on an attempted murder charge.

"Aint nothin' too serious. I stabbed Deedra in her leg and the other girl in her stomach. Them hoes wasn't getting up on me!" She walked over to her vanity mirror to continue looking at her face, "I look stupid as shit, Mai!"

Mai leaned back against the wall as she contemplated while biting her bottom lip before saying, "Tie your hair up. We gon' find them hoes." She would never let someone jump her sister and not get her lick back. Malaysia did as told and grabbed her black hair tie from her vanity dresser. Tying back her twenty-two auburn inches, she then grabbed her scarf from her vanity drawer wrap around her edges.

Malaysia went into her wardrobe and grabbed a black graphic hoodie to throw on. She slid into her black Yeezy Boost 350s and the two headed out the dorm room to Mai's car after Malaysia made sure to lock it.


The drive to Meech's house was quiet. Mai didn't even turn on any music. She was beyond pissed and couldn't think about anything else except getting her one-on-one with Deedra and Anasia. After about thirty minutes due to traffic, she was pulling up in front of Meech's house. As she parked her car, the two girls saw him leaving out the door.

As Meech locked the door behind him, he caught a glimpse of the car and instantly knew it was Mai's. He walked over to the passenger window.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now