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The four sat at the dining table eating their dinner. Candy made pork chops, mashed potato's with gravy, asparagus, and biscuits. It was an awkward silence over the four.

"So Demetrius, I like that car out there. It's real hot." Candy chuckled a bit as she scooped some mashed potato's in her mouth, "I'm glad you have a car. Other niggas in this neighborhood just like to sit on they damn ass and not even try to make a living. Excuse my language."

Meech laughed a bit before drinking some of his half and half, "I'm not that kind of man, Ms. Candy. The last thing I wanna do is sit and do nothing. I'm a busy man."

"Busy indeed." Mai emphasized as she finished the last bit of food on her plate.

"Busy? Is that right?" Michael said before drinking from his Miller lite bottle, "Well son, any man that can provide for his family is a man that I can respect."

"I agree." Meech nodded. He was glad that Michael was getting around. Meech wasn't for the bullshit but he definitely wasn't going to disrespect Mai's family.

"Well, I'm going to go wash my dishes." Mak stood up, leaving the room with her empty plate and cup. Meech mentally groaned because she was purposely leaving him by himself.

"I want to thank you for being there to help Mai today." Candy smiled, "She doesn't have enough male support other than her grandfather and quite frankly, you put a big ole' smile on her face. I haven't seen her that happy since she got into Clark."

"That is true." Michael nodded his head.

Meech tried his best to hide his smile. He was glad he could put a smile on his girlfriends face. He was glad that Candy and Michael genuinely liked him.

"What y'all in here talking about?" Mai came back and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Mind your damn business, girl." Candy laughed causing Mai to roll her eyes and sit back down. The four continued to chat for the rest of the evening.


"All this shit you got is insane." June said as he slid one of Malaysia's bins onto her roommates side. Vicky had already moved out and went back home was it was just Malaysia now.

"Shut up." Malaysia rolled her eyes, "It was my freshman year, of course Ima have a lot of stuff."

"I'm glad I ain't go to college. I couldn't live in this community jail cell."

"Shut up!" Malaysia chuckled, "Next year, I hope to be in an apartment like Mai."

"Shit, you better hope." June joked, "Ima be in there everyday." He walked over to her putting his arms around her waist.

"Boy bye. You can't respect the jail cell, you won't be coming to the penthouse." She joked. The two shared a laughed until a moment of silence dropped over them, "Thanks for helping me with some of my stuff. I really appreciate it."

"You know it's nun' Lay." He could see how red her face was turning as he moved his hands lower and gripped her ass. Malaysia leaned in and pecked his lips a few times before slipping in her tongue. June kissed her back and the two kept it up for a few until June lifted her shirt off.

Malaysia pulled her leggings off leaving herself in nothing but pink laced panties. June licked over his lips at the sight as he removed his shirt, picked her up, and placed her on the bed. The two continued to kiss as she undid his belt and pulled down his pants.

She stroked and massaged him through his underwear before breaking from the kiss, "You got a condom?" She looked at him.

"Nah." June looked at her. Malaysia rolled her and pointed to the drawer next to her bed, "I don't just walk around with them motherfuckers, Lay. That means I'd have the intention of fucking someone." He said in a duh-tone as he grabbed the condom.

June leaned Malaysia back before he got on the bed. He start sucking on her titties and made sure to show love to each nipple before trailing kisses to her pussy. Moving her underwear to the side, he saw how wet she was and started eating and sucking. Malaysia started moaning and arching her back from the thrill. She couldn't remember the last time she had sex or head but she was loving every moment of it.

"June," She moaned out, feeling herself about to cum, "June, I'm about to cum." June could feel himself getting harder just by her moans. He always loved her voice and to hear her sex voice was making it even better. Continuing to eat her out, Malaysia came quickly. He kissed her pearl and sat up, putting his underwear down.

Before he had the opportunity to put the condom on, Malaysia sat up and pushed him down. She slowly spat on his dick and immediately started going in. Malaysia was a throat goat and for the right person, she was going to show off. She's never had a gag reflex but she wasn't going to just tell anybody that.

She bopped her head up and down using as much spit as possible while using her hand as well. June was in pure shock. He thought his best throat goat was from the girl in eighth grade but Malaysia had topped her. His toes was cracking and all he could do was stare.

"What the fuck," He groaned out, feeling himself about to nut. Malaysia moaned as she continued to suck and five minutes later, June released all in her mouth and of course, Malaysia swallowed. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and June quickly slipped on the condom, grabbed her by her throat, and laid her down. He inserted himself into her and started with a couple slow strokes before drilling her.

After the pleasure he got, he ain't ever want to let Malaysia go.


Terri walked throughout her New Jersey home, glad to be back. She was sick of the phoniness she endured all school year. Heading up to her bedroom, she was about to start unpacking her items until she phone started to ring on the dresser.

"That better be my man." Terri said aloud as she trotted over to the dresser and grabbed her phone. Looking at the caller ID, she saw it was the gynecologists office. Her heart started beating cause it could either mean two things, "Hello?" Terri answered.

"Good evening, is this Terri Townes?" Terri's gynecologist asked.

"This is she." Terri started sweating. She definitely didn't want chlamydia again.

"Yes, I'm calling from Lily Gynecologist office regarding your test results. All of the STD's were negative but your pregnancy test did come back positive." Terri held the phone against her ear as her hand started to shake, "Hello? Ms. Townes?"

"Yes, th-thank you." Terri managed to cough out.

"No problem! Congratulations Ms. Townes!" The lady said and Terri quickly hung up. She dropped her phone, frozen still. A tear slipped out of her eye and down her cheek.

She was in absolute disbelief and didn't know what she was going to do.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now