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"We reunited now, sis!" Malaysia ran into Mai's room and started dancing in front of her mirror.

"I told you to call me when you were ready to leave so I could help." Mai sat up on her bed, dropping her phone to the side.

"Yeah well, June helped me. He brought in all the stuff. It's upstairs." Malaysia cooed a bit.

"Oh lord. He lucky grandpa ain't here."

"Ain't here for what? June is not my boyfriend, he's just a friend." Malaysia shrugged her shoulders before switching topics, "Anyways, I was thinking we should go to Mommy's house. I know she miss us."

"She might miss you but I ain't really in the mood to go over here." Mai rolled her eyes. She still was upset with what Racquel said about Meech. She thought Racquel had some nerve talking about her man when she ain't got one but had kids by three. The girl was never going to voice her opinion though, she didn't want to disrespect her mother.

"Well, let me know if you change your mind. I'm about to go put this shit away." Malaysia stuffed her hands in her hoodie pocket and headed out of the room, and back upstairs.

As Mai picked up her phone, she had an incoming phone call from a contact that had a fire emoji and a peach emoji. She knew it was Terri's hot in ass self.

Answering it, she put the phone to her ear, "Hello? You got some nerve calling my damn phone after your non fighting ass broke my table."

"Girl fuck you and fuck that—." Terri heard the line hang up and calmed herself down before calling again. Fortunately for her, Mai answered, "I ain't mean it like that Mai. I just ain't know who to call. I had to call someone and tell somebody."

"Tell me what?" Mai mugged the phone as if Terri could see her.

"Yesterday the gynecologist called me—"

"You got chlamydia again?" Mai cut her off, holding back a laugh.

"Girl no! If your ass let me finish, damn!" Terri huffed before calming herself down once again, "They called and told me I'm pregnant."

"Wow," Mai let out a small sigh, "That's great but I don't know what that got to do with me."

"Mai, if you were really my friend at one point you'd put all that nonsense behind us! It was me and Kinna who had the main beef. I just need someone to guide me through this right now. The only person I can think of is you. You know my mama don't play that shit." Terri had tears streaming down her cheeks. She honestly had no one and she didn't want to tell Jessie yet.

Mai thought to herself for a moment. All of her loyalty was to Lakinna but she knows how stressful it can be to alone, especially while pregnant. Terri's mother honestly didn't play and after getting kicked out of a university, making bare minimum grades, and now this? Mai knew her mother wasn't going to keep tolerating that type of behavior.

"Alright T." Mai sighed, "Just calm down." The two sat on the phone and chatted for the remainder of the evening. Terri was glad she had someone to comfort her and she honestly missed her and Mai's friendship.


Malaysia parked her car in front of her mother's house. Although Mai wasn't feeling Racquel, Malaysia missed her and wanted to see her brothers.

Hopping out of the vehicle and locking it shortly after she closed the door, Malaysia headed over to the house and knocked twice before unlocking the door with her key.

"Lay Lay!" Marquette jumped up and ran over to hug her, "Are you out of school too?"

"Yes but you know I stay with grandma Candy and grandpa Michael." Malaysia rubbed his back before the two parted, "Where's Mommy?"

"Here I am right here." Racquel strutted down the stairs and headed over to her daughter. Giving her a bear hug and breaking it off, she looked her daughter over, "I see it's only one of my daughters."

"Yea, Mai was busy."

"You ain't got to lie to me." Racquel waved Malaysia off, "Marquette, go upstairs and play in your room."

"Yes ma'am." Marquette turned off the game in the living room and ran upstairs into his room before Racquel and Malaysia took a seat on the couch.

"Where's Leek?" Malaysia looked around and noticed the bit of silence.

"With his father." Racquel rolled her eyes. She was honestly sick of Maleek's father always having him. All he did was show him off to his white woman and newborn baby who was a girl. Maleek now had three sisters.

"Oh." Malaysia nodded her head as a moment silence went around the room before she broke it, "Ma, what's going on with you and Mai? Why y'all both acting weird?"

"I don't know what you talkin' bout." Racquel stood up and headed into the kitchen. Malaysia rolled her eyes. She hated how her mother never wanted to communicate.

Following her into the kitchen, Malaysia took a seat at the kitchen table, "Yall both acting funny. Any other time, Mai be pressed to come over here and see everybody."

"Well I don't know what's going on with her. She got that boyfriend now. I guess she done got her head knocked off track." Racquel sassed as she looked over at the wall clock to see it was going on 6:30.

"Oh." Malaysia nodded her head figuring out the issue, "Why you don't like Meech?"

"It's not that I don't like him. I don't like what he does. Y'all know how y'all father was and y'all see where y'all father is." She headed over to the fridge to grab the container of left over spaghetti, "I just don't want Mai hurt and instead of taking my advice she decided to catch an attitude. I should've told her I am not the one."

Racquel's childhood wasn't as rough as her daughters. She was an only child and often didn't get into much drama growing up. She was more so naive if anything. Her main issue was always been her inability to keep a man. But, she believes if Mai and Malaysia's father never got locked up, they would've been endgame.

She doesn't try to think about it in that aspect though. I mean, if it wasn't for him getting locked up she wouldn't have had Marquette or Maleek.

"I think Mai is old enough to make her own decisions." Malaysia shrugged, "She knows what's best for her and she wouldn't be with Meech if she ain't want to be with him." Racquel mentally rolled eyes as she plated some warmed up spaghetti on a paper plate and sat it in front of Malaysia.

"I guess." Racquel was honestly tired of the topic and continue to plate more warmed up spaghetti on another plate before yelling, "Marquette, get down here so you can eat!"

Foot steps were heard as Marquette rushed out of his room and ran down the steps, jumping over the last four. He ran into the kitchen and was about to grab his plate until Racquel popped his hand, "Boy you know you need to wash them hands." She motioned her head to the kitchen sink where he went over and washed his hands for thirty seconds.

Malaysia laughed a bit at how fast he was trying to move. She always thought kids were so funny.

Once Marquette's hands were dry, he grabbed his plate and sat down at the table with his sister.

"I don't know what Ima do what you boy." Racquel laughed while going into the fridge to get her kids both something to drink.

Malaysia ate her spaghetti while sitting back in thought. If Racquel didn't like Meech for what he did, how was she ever going to like June?

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