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Atlanta, Georgia

Deedra pulled up to her mother's house located in Atlanta, Georgia, parking her Mercedes-Benz in the driveway next to her mother's car. Deedra hopped out of her vehicle after grabbing her Jimmy Choo logo tote bag, courtesy of Meech for her birthday a year ago. She locked the vehicle as she made her way to the front door and knocked on it.

"Deedra, what a surprise! Get cho' ass in hea' girl!" Deedra's mother, Latrice swung open the door and welcomed her in as Deedra smiled and made her way into her mother's new and improved home. All courtesy of Meech.

Deedra grew up in the projects living with two brothers named Kordell and Rashon. Kordell was twenty-five and Rashon was twenty-three. She was the youngest out of her siblings.

Latrice's cat, Manny hissed at the girl as she entered the house, "Man-Man get cho' ass away from my daughta' before I skin yo ass!" Manny ran off to hide under the couch due to his owner yelling at him.

"Is Donrell here?" Deedra asked, referring to her step-father that Latrice married two years ago.

"Nope, his black ass at work where he needs ta' be!" Latrice closed the door and locked it, "What brings you by? You know you neva' come see yo motha'." Latrice was just as ghetto as Deedra. She grew up fighting all her life and she was always bout that lifestyle.

Deedra sighed before taking a seat on her mother's couch which was wrapped in plastic, "Ma, Meech ain't been feelin' me lately. I don't know what to do, I love him." She shook her head.

"That damn Meech." Latrice shook her head as she headed over towards the couch to sit next to her daughter, "I always told you to find a man that will take care of you. Haven't I?"

"Yes, ma." Deedra sighed again.

"Well, I ain't tell ya' the part about the man you find. That nigga might cheat on you like a dog day and night! That don't mean shit. As long as he come home ta' you, feeds you, fucks you, and makes sure allem' bills is paid for then you good." Latrice pulled up the sleeves on her dingy white shirt from gardening the backyard, "Lemme tell you somethin' bout' men, Dee. They gon' do what they want ta' do. It's up ta' you ta' stay or leave. If you stay, you'll learn ta' ignore the problems and worry bout what's inside yo household. If you leave, you'll be broke with no man and no money. Choose wisely."

Deedra sat back and thought. While Latrice was telling her stay, Anasia was telling her a while back to find other men to mess with. She didn't know what to choose.

"Ma, you don't understand. He chasin' after this young, skinny bitch in college." Deedra pouted thinking about Mai and her gorgeous features, "He don't love me no more."

"Shut that shit up! You sound like Yvette from Baby Boy. Did you whoop that heifer ass?" Latrice raised a brow at her daughter, "You know I've taught you better than to tolerate young thots taking your place in a man's heart."

"Me and her done fought twice. She actually know how to fight. And she got a sister that know how to fight." Deedra patted her head a little to keep her finger waves in tack.

"Well then she ain't got no choice but to fight me." Latrice shrugged before standing up and dusting off her jeans, "Where that little bitch live at?"

"I don't know, ma. I don't even know what school she goes to."

"You tellin' me you ain't neva' followed Meech ta' see where he meetin' this girl at?" Latrice scrunched her face up, "You dumber than you look, Dee."

Deedra thought for a moment and knew her mother had a point. She never knew why she didn't think about following Meech one day to see where he was meeting Mai.

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