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Atlanta, Georgia

It was January 9th and school was back in session for all college students. Malaysia was happy to be in her dorm and away from her siblings and mother. She enjoyed being around her family but she also enjoyed her space away from them as well.

As Malaysia typed away on her Macbook Air, completing an Introduction assignment one of her professors gave her, Vicki was slipping into her purple crocs.

"Lay, can you come downstairs with me to cop?" Vicki asked referring to weed.

"Yeah, lemme just put some shoes on." Malaysia hopped down from her twin xl and slipped into her pink crocs. She then headed over to her closet and grabbed her Spelman hoodie to throw on. After grabbing her phone and keys, the two were out of the room and heading downstairs.

Vicki headed over to a Matte black Audi coupe with Malaysia dragging behind her. It was cold and Malaysia just wanted to go back into the warmth of her dorm room.

The passenger window rolled down, revealing June and Vicki smiled, waiting to receive her weed.

"You wanted a half right?" June licked over his lips as he tied a knot on the plastic bag of weed. Vicki nodded and took out the money from her purse. Handing him the money, June gave her the bag of weed after making sure the amount of money was correct.

"Thanks, June." Vicki smiled before putting the bag into her purse. Quickly, Malaysia focused her attention into the car, seeing it was indeed June.

"Aye!" June called out as the two were about to walk away, "Don't act like you can't speak."

"Oh...wassup." Malaysia walked over to passenger seat and looked over the man.

"Came in my house and beat up my ex-girl. Now you don't wanna speak." June chuckled a bit while looking over her facial features, "I ain't know you go to Spelman."

"It wasn't for you to know." She shrugged before turning back to Vicki who held a confused facial expression.

"You and yo sister crazy as hell." June ignored her smart-ass response and contemplated for a moment, "Take my number down..."

"For what?" She scrunched up her face a little.

"In case I need to serve you." He said sarcastically. June thought Malaysia was attractive and since he was now single, he had no problem mingling with other women. Malaysia rolled her eyes before unlocking her phone and handing it to him. He typed his number in and saved his contact before handing it back to him, "Aight, I'll see you 'round."

Malaysia nodded before walking off with Vicki back to their dorm room as June pulled off.

"I didn't know you knew him." Vicki said, "And what was he talking about? You beat up his girlfriend?"

"Yup, that hoe jumped me." Malaysia nodded as she scanned her ID and Vicki opened the door. The two headed up to their room and Vicki instantly sat down on her bed after getting her materials to roll up.


"That day I went to the mall." Malaysia kicked off her crocs before climbing back onto her bed.

"See, I told you don't go by yourself. You could've waited until I came back to the room." Vicki shook her head as she started stuffing weed into her sheet, "Are you going to use his number? I could get some free weed from him." She laughed a bit.

"Girl, I don't know." Malaysia shrugged honestly. She knew June was associated with Meech. Everybody knew how Meech was especially after her being involved in the drama.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now