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It was Saturday February 4th. Meech and June were finally back in Atlanta. After Meech had his surgery he was required to stay in the hospital under supervision until February 3rd. Once he was out, the two immediately headed back to Atlanta which was about an eight hour drive. They didn't make it back until February 4th at one in the morning.

After Meech dropped June off, he made it a priority to visit Mai since he hasn't talked to her in a while. He left his phone back at June's so it wouldn't be trackable with the police. He also didn't want any disruptions.

Pulling up in front of Mai's campus at 1:31 AM, he parked the pick up truck and headed inside of the building. He was still sore from surgery and the wound but was glad that the bullet was out of him. Meech lied to the doctors and said the bullet wasn't intended for him. Heading up to the third floor, he knocked on her door about three times before it opened to a sleepy Mai. She instantly slammed the door in his face.

"Mai, open the door." Meech said irritably. The door opened and Mai walked over to sit on her couch after plugging in her fairy lights that she decided to keep up after Christmas. Meech headed inside and closed the door behind him, locking it, "You mad at me?"

"I really don't want to talk to you." Mai said as she wrapped her blanket around her, "I'm tired, Demetrius."Meech nodded his head after hearing his government name. He knew she was mad at him.

"What you mad at me for? I told you I was gon' be busy." Meech licked over his lips.

"For four fucking days?" Mai raised a brow, "I knew I should've never messed with your ass." She mugged him.

"It was longer than expected, baby."

"Whatever." Mai rolled her eyes, "I went passed your house and seen your car in the driveway. Who were you busy with? Deedra?"

"I was with June."

"Oh, so you gay now?" Mai smirked.

"Stop playin' with me. I wasn't with Deedra." Meech mugged her, "It don't even matter where I was at. I missed you." He headed over to the couch before getting shoved. Meech clutched his shoulder a bit feeling some pain come over him.

"Pussy." Mai mumbled, "Get out." Meech sucked his teeth before pulling off his shirt revealing the bandages from his shoulder. Everything was fine since the bullet went clean through.

"I ain't perfect but I wasn't fucking on Deedra. Like I said, I was handling business." Meech threw his shirt on the floor, "I got hit in my shoulder." Mai's face instantly softened looking at his covered shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She stood up and looked up at him.

"That ain't shit compared to what I did." Meech said nonchalantly, "I just want to go to sleep with you next to me." Mai nodded her head and the two went into her bedroom. Meech stripped out of his clothes and took a shower before throwin' on some basketball shorts he left over Mai's. He hadn't taken a nice shower since the day he left for Mexico. Hospital showers were the worst. Once he was out, he changed his bandages. Afterwards, Meech got into the bed with Mai. As she laid on his chest for a moment she couldn't help but wondered what he meant.

"What do you mean...compared to what you did?" She asked as they laid in the dark with the fan on.

"Ion think you wanna know, baby." Meech said as he rubbed up and down her back.

"I do wanna know..." She said softly. Meech let out a long sigh knowing she was going to ask.

"I killed a nigga." Mai's eyes went big before she tucked her lips in. She didn't know how to feel. Her boyfriend's life could've been taken away from him. Or taken away from her. Mai couldn't believe that a man she's known for a couple of months meant so much to her. She closed her eyes letting sleep take over her. Meech decided to do the same.


Meech woke up the next morning without seeing Mai next to him. He groaned from his arm being so stiff due to his wound. He stood up and went over to her vanity to change his bandages. Heading over to Mai's bathroom, he brushed his teeth with his spare tooth bruh. Meech then walked out to her living area and saw Mai putting two plates of eggs and avocado toast onto the wooden coffee table.

"Good morning!" Mai eagerly said as she walked over to the kitchen and poured two glasses of original cranberry juice. Mai didn't keep much in her refrigerator because she didn't like to cook but she had just enough to make simple meals.

"Mornin'." He said before sitting down on the couch. Mai brought over the two glasses of juice and set them on the table, "You cookin' now?"

"Nope," Mai laughed a bit, "Just tryna be nice..."

"Fuck is this?" Meech looked over the avocado toast as Mai was pouring Everything Bagel seasoning on her's.

"Avocado toast. It's good for you, try it."

"Hell nah I ain't eating that shit, Mai." Meech scrunched up his face, "My stomach hurt just lookin' at it."

"Stop it." Mai pouted a bit, "I made it for us so please eat it." She bit into her piece of avocado toast before sipping her cranberry juice. Meech shook his head in disgust before eating his eggs.

"I want to know more about your trip." Mai added as she finished her two pieces of toast and moved onto her eggs. Meech held a look of confusion for a moment. It was new to him. Deedra never asked about his trips.

"Me and June drove to Mexico." He licked over his lips before drinking his cranberry juice.

"Ooh, I've never been there. What it look like?"

"I ain't pay attention to that, baby." Meech chuckled a little, "It's this nigga Rico. He was tryna be the new me. Had to kill his ass after he decided to get people to hit at me."

"Do you ever feel any sympathy?" She asked. She would always ask her Dad if he felt sympathy after killing people's loved ones.

"Fuck no." He shook his head, "As long as I run this shit, ain't nobody taking shit away from me. On Darius." Meech meant every word he said. Nobody was taking anything from him. He worked too hard for his empire.

Mai nodded her head as a moment of silence fell over the two, "So you really ain't gonna eat what I made you?" Mai pouted, switching the topic. Meech sucked his teeth before contemplating over eating the avocado toast. He lifted it up and took a small bite out of it.

"It's ite..." He said before finishing it.

"It's more than ite because you just scoffed it down." She laughed before standing up and grabbing the plates to wash them. The two spent the rest of the day conversing and watching movies. She enjoyed the chill days with Meech. Mai wanted to know more about his thug lifestyle.

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