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Atlanta, Georgia

The time was now eleven-thirty and Mai had just finished getting ready in the basement of her mother's house. She packed a small bag of clothes since Meech told her she was going over his Mother's house, who she's never met before. She decided on a black ribbed, long sleeve jumpsuit and paired it with some with a skinny heel boots from Nine west. Mai decided to carry her new black Balenciaga bag that Meech bought her from Christmas.

"You must be trying to impress his mama." Malaysia joked as she walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around her along with her purple bonnet. She had just taken a shower.

"Girl," Mai laughed as she put in her Diamond studded earrings from Meech and clipped on her Diamond name necklace from him as well. Her phone vibrates on the coffee table and she strutted over to it seeing it was Meech stating that he was outside, "I'm about to leave. Do I look good?"

"You always look good." Malaysia complimented, smiling at her sister.

"Alright, I'll be back a little later. Thanks." After spraying her Black Opium YSL perfume on, she headed up the stairs and walked into the kitchen, "I'll be back a little later, mom."

"Nope, where are you going? It's Christmas, Mai." Racquel said as she sat at the kitchen table on her phone as she sipped her coffee out of her Santa mug she found from the Dollar store.

"Just going out with a friend. I promise I'll be back later." Mai assured. Racquel nodded her head and Mai left out of the house after grabbing the coat Meech bought her. She was feeling overdressed since she wasn't used to designer.

Heading over to his Camaro, she hopped into the passenger seat and closed the door behind her. Mai was already freezing after being outside for less than five seconds.

"Wassup, baby." Meech smiled as he took in the smell of her perfume that filled the car.

"Hey Demetrius..." Mai smiled small, "My sister said thank you for the gifts."

"Ain't nun'." Meech pulled off, heading towards the direction of his Mother's house. The two sat in comfortable silence being that she was still referring to him as Demetrius so he figured she was still mad.

After about forty-five minutes of driving, Meech parked in front of his mother's house and hopped out to open Mai's door. She stepped out and thanked him. Meech then locked the car after closing the door and they headed to the front door where he knocked.

The door swung open to Jada who was dressed in a maxi long-sleeve black dress and her hair was in a slick back extended braid.

"Ooh, Meechie, I didn't think you was bringing a pretty girl over." Jada cheesed a bit as she looked over Mai. Meech informed Jada and Alicia that he was bringing someone over but he left it at that. He didn't go into detail so it was a surprise to Jada.

"Thank you, I'm Mai." Mai introduced herself before walking in along with Meech. She took in the nice home.

"I'm Jada, Meechie's sister." She smiled as she closed and locked the door behind her, "Follow me, Moms in the kitchen." Jada lead the way to the kitchen with Mai and Meech following close behind.

Alicia turned around from the sink, drying her hands and seeing Meech along with the pretty unfamiliar girl. She was shocked because she was expecting Deedra.

"Hey Demetrius." Alicia took her eyes off of Mai and hugged her son. Breaking the hug, she then returned her attention back to Mai, "Hello, who might you be?"

"Hi, I'm Mai." She smiled as she looked over the woman. Her and Meech had very similar features.

"I'm Alicia, Demetrius mother." Alicia smiled at the girl, "How long have you guys known each other?" Alicia was ready to interview the girl because she wanted Deedra out of the picture completely. Deedra was gorgeous but too ghetto for Alicia's liking. Meech sucked his teeth knowing that his mother was about to interview Mai.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now