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Meech was beyond stress and was growing impatient. It had been two weeks since the car accident and Mai had still not waken up. Heading into the bar, he took a seat and rubbed his hands down his face.

"Hey, what can I—" Deedra turned around to see Meech, "Oop, look what the wind blew in." She smirked a bit.

"Last thing I need." Meech muttered to himself, "You bartending now? What happened to copyin' that big bitch from Euphoria?"

"Oh hush! I was doing it better than her ass anyways." She sassed whiling rolling her eyes, "What you want to drink, Meech?"

"Jack Daniels on the rocks." He mugged her a bit as she switched off to go back his drink. He knew she was switching extra hard because he was at the bar but nobody could get his mind off of Mai right now.

Deedra was looking at this opportunity as a gift from God. She had been in the gym working out which got her stomach extra flat and her booty sitting nice and plump. She was still rocking her short cut with finger waves.

"Here you go." She slid the cup over to him making sure her cleavage was exposed.

"Thanks, Dee." He shook his head before taking a sip and pulling out his phone.

"Whatever's on your mind, we can talk about it." Deedra said after a moment of silence, "I know I'm probably not the ideal person you want to talk to but you know I always had a good ear."

"Nah, Ionn' think you wanna hear about it anyways." He chuckled a bit, not breaking eye contact with his phone.

"Try me." She narrowed her eyes at him.

Meech ignored Deedra and continued to scroll on his phone, looking at pictures of Mai. He honestly shouldn't even be talking to her so he definitely wasn't going to vent to her.

Deedra rolled her eyes and switched off to a different group of guys who started giving her all the attention she wanted. Although it wasn't from Meech, it was something.

Finishing his drink after about twenty minutes, he dug in his pocket and pulled out two twenties before heading out of the bar. Making his way to his new all black Audi Q8 truck, he hopped into the drivers seat and drove off towards the hospital.

After a good forty minute drive, he arrived at the hospital and headed into Mai's room seeing Malaysia unbraiding Mai's straight backs from her wig. Meech would've been there in thirty but he stopped at his house to get something.

"Oh god," Malaysia laughed a bit, "Mai would kill me if she found out you saw her like this."

"Well she better get ova' it." Meech mugged a bit before setting down a 60 count box of A Million Roses.

Mai's room was filled with different gifts, mainly from Meech. This was his sixth both of A Million Roses and he was going to keep buying them for her every color because he knows Mai loves flowers, especially roses.

Sitting in a chair in the corner he asked, "Where ya' moms at?"

"She said she'd be back later 'cause she had to do something with Leek." She said referring to her little brother. She looked over her hands seeing how greasy they were, "Girl we was dead wrong letting you keep this wig on for two weeks but shout out to your stylist 'cause it ain't move during the accident."

"Stop playing with her, Lay." He straight-faced her causing Malaysia to laugh.

A moment of silence fell over the two causing Meech to break it, "You think she gon' wake up?"

"I still have faith in her." She smiled a bit before grabbing a bottle of alcohol and some cotton rounds from her bag, "She's just taking her time."

Meech nodded his hands as Malaysia cleaned the excess glue on Mai's forehead. Her hair looked long and curly as ever.

"All that damn hair and she wanna wear wigs." Meech said causing Malaysia to laugh.

"Boy you hating. Wigs have nothing to do with someone being bald. They for style." She assured as she gathered Mai's hair and put it in a bun so it wouldn't get hot on her neck.

"It's so crazy because normally she's taking care of me and here I am taking care of her." She smiled a bit as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Meech shook his head while sitting back on his phone. He started to think of all the memories they had together. Shit, all he wanted to do was make more memories.

"Well, I got to study for my exam tomorrow." Malaysia stood up, putting her items in her bag, "I'll be back tomorrow."

"Aight, I got her." Meech stood up to sit in her seat. Malaysia strutted out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Mama, guess who the fuck I seen at the bar today? Well...You know I don't normally go to bars but I went 'cause yo' lil ass got a nigga stressin'. Shit, I might turn into an alcoholic like you and Kinna." He joked a bit.

"But nah, I seen Deedra dumbass. Of course she was all up in a nigga face. That bitch so fuckin' dizzy, I was wishin' you was right there so you could do her ass in one mo' time."

"Lemme not say that though. You too pretty to be fightin'..." He grabbed her hand and caressed it a bit, "I miss you, mama. I just wanna to hear your voice. Videos on my phone ain't cuttin' it."

The machine near that monitored her heart rate started beeping faster. Looking over, Meech scrunched up his face.

"Aye, doctor!" Meech jumped up. He was from the hood, he didn't know what none of the machines meant. Scurrying out the room, he started yelling for a doctor or a nurse.

Three nurses rushed in and started looking over Mai. One said, "Sir, you're going to have to exit the room, please."

"Like hell I will. Fuck goin' on?" He scrunched up his face and pulled up his pants. The nurse rolled her eyes and started pushing him out the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Stupid bitch." He muttered and headed over to the waiting room. Taking a seat, he shook his head wondering what was going on with Mai.

Meanwhile, nurses were surrounding Mai trying to figure out what was going on with her.

Here we go again. Where did Demetrius go?! Mai thought to herself. She was glad Meech came everyday to talk to her and be with her. She didn't know if they were aware but she could hear everything that was going on.

I really need to get up. Sick of being around all these doctors and some of these nurses stink like hell. Breath be tart—oh shit, my breath is probably tart. Ew I haven't showered in days.

"What happened?" Doctor Hansel entered the room looking over everyone.

"The boyfriend was shouting saying something was wrong. The electrocardiogram displayed that her heart beat had risen but it's back to normal now." One of the nurses explained.

"And where did the boyfriend go?" Doctor Hansel looked around a bit as he jotted some notes down on his clipboard.

"We escorted him out of the room, sir. We had to figure out what was going on with the patient." Another nurse said.

"Hmm," Doctor Hansel nodded, "This is a step closer to her waking up. The patient most likely reacted to touch or communication."

The nurses nodded their heads looking back over at Mai who was still lying peacefully. Doctor Hansel headed out of the room and they followed him which caused Meech to jump up and get their attention.

"She good?" He looked down at the doctor.

"She's fine. She just reacted to you, that's all. It's normal and it could be a sign that she's going to wake up soon." Doctor Hansel flashed him a tight lip smile between heading off.

A smile stretched across Meech's face as he pulled out his phone to call Malaysia.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now