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Today was the last day of school for Clark Atlanta students. Mai was glad school was over but sad she had to move out of her apartment until August. The university had a strict policy where students could not live in their apartments during Summer break.

LaKinna had left the day prior and already cleared out her needed items from her apartment. The two were sad to part from each other like they were at the end of every year.

"Thanks for helping me, Meech." Mai smiled as she locked up her apartment while Meech was carrying the last bin of clothing to her car. Mai took all her necessities such as Summer clothes, shoes, hair supplies, and electronics. Everything else was left in the unit until she moved back in August. Meech definitely didn't expect her to have so much stuff.

"You know I got you, baby." He placed the bin in her backseat while he had a few others in his car and trunk, "Send me your people's address again."

"Don't be acting ghetto 'cause this gonna be the first time they meeting you." Mai warned. All her items were being taken to her grandparents house since that's where she lived the majority of her life. She wasn't in a rush to see her mother anyways ever since Racquel's comments when she met Meech.

"Shut up." Meech sucked his teeth and got in the drivers seat of his ride while Mai laughed on the way to her ride. Once the two were situated and Mai sent the address to Meech, they both pulled off with Meech following right behind her.

Eight minutes into the car ride, Mai received a phone call from Meech and answered it irritably, "What you want now? You can't be without me for ten minutes?"

"You need to slow the fuck down. You driving too fast." He said and then hung up. Mai laughed him off and threw her phone in her cup holder, continuing to speed to her grandparents house.


Mai slowly pulled up in front of her childhood home and Meech parked right behind her. She hopped out as she saw her grandmother, Candy opening the front door.

"Hey grandma!" Mai yelled out as she popped open her trunk.

"Girl don't be rude. Bring that ass over here and gimme a hug!" Candy shouted out making her way down the two steps. Mai and Meech headed over to Candy, and Mai gave her tight bear hug, "Mmm mmm, Grandma missed you."

"I missed you too. This is my boyfriend, Demetrius. He goes by Meech." Mai smiled as she introduced the two, "Meech, this grandma Candy."

"Just call me, Ms. Candy. You a handsome young man." Candy winked at Mai before pulling Meech into a hug, "Yall need help with anything?"

"No, I got it all." Meech chuckled as he headed over to Mai's car to unload.

"He's quite the gentleman. Better than these niggas that be runnin' up and down this damn neighborhood." Candy rolled her eyes.

"He cool." Mai rolled her eyes, "I ain't gon' let him get a big head."

"When your sister coming home?" Candy switched the topic, scratching her messy bun.

"Friday, Ima help her move allat stuff out. She got way more stuff than me with her being a freshman." Mai informed. Candy nodded her head and went inside the house while Mai helped Meech with some of the bins although, he didn't want her touching anything.

"I hope you don't think you staying here all summer. I like Ms. Candy but I want you to
myself." Meech said as the two headed into the house with the bins.

"Well, you know I'm going to be doing my internship." Mai lead the way downstairs to her room. Her grandparents house was three stories, the top floor consisted of Malaysia and her grandparents room, the second floor had the living room, kitchen, and dinning room, while the basement consisted of her whole area.

"I know but I got some plans for us too." Meech placed the bins down in her room and looked around, "This shit childish as fuck."

"Shut up. I been here since I was a kid." Mai laughed as she looked around. It was her domain and she ain't have a problem with it at all.

"Mai, honey your granddad gonna be home from the casino soon!" Candy yelled down the steps, "I hope Demetrius is staying for dinner." Mai's grandfather, Michael loved the casino. He was able to let off steam with his buddies and win some money for him and his wife.

"Please say you got something do." Mai looked at him.

"Aint nun' to do except eat some good ass food and help you put all this shit away." He laughed before heading back upstairs and outside to get the rest of her items. Mai rolled her eyes and plopped on her bed. Her grandfather was crazy and she did not want him to grill Meech.


Time passed by and Meech and Mai had finished putting all the items away. Meech wanted to get high but out of respect for Candy, he wasn't going to.

"Tell me more about your childhood." Meech said as the two laid on her bed watching Baby Boy.

"It ain't much more to know. You know I spent the majority of my life here." Mai grabbed the remote and turned the TV down a bit, "It's really been me and Lay. That's why we so close. I love Marquette and Maleek with my heart but I can't imagine life without Lay."

"I see how hard y'all ride for each other. Remind me of me and Darius." Meech nodded his head.

"I want to know more about y'all..." Mai looked up, "If you're comfortable with that..." Meech never discussed Darius. After all, she didn't know anything except for what Meech's mother told her.

"Me and him was close." Meech smiled a bit, "The same way Lay rides for you is the same way he rode for me. We used to smack niggas out in school together." He laughed causing Mai to mush him.

"That's not funny."

"Says the motherfucker who was beating bitches up fresh out the hospital." Meech sassed, "I just try not to think about that shit, man. I be missing him but I had to get over it and continue with life." Mai could tell Meech was getting sensitive over the topic so she no longer wanted to pry.

"Mai, your grandfather is home! And dinner is ready!" Candy yelled down the stairs. The two hopped up and headed upstairs seeing Michael locking the front door behind him.

"Candy, who damn car is that in front of my damn—" Michael turned around to Meech and Mai, "Mai mai!" He walked over and hugged her while kissing her cheek.

"Hey grandpa." Mai smiled brightly as she broke away from the hug, "This is my boyfriend Demetrius."

"So that's your vehicle parked out there?" Michael turned and straight faced Meech.

"Yes sir." Meech nodded, "Nice to meet you." He held his hand out and Michael walked away, heading to the kitchen.

"What's for dinner, Shuga?" Michael washed his hands in the kitchen leaving Mai and Meech stuck.

"Told you." Mai whispered and walked towards the kitchen giggling. Meech licked over his lips and shook his head knowing this evening was bound to be rough.

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