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Deedra pulled up in front of her house and parked her Mercedes-Benz in the driveway. She had just came from the nail salon and got her toes gel painted pink and got her nails long stiletto styled pink to match. After parking her vehicle, she made her way towards the front door and unlocked it seeing Meech sitting on the couch causing her to jump.

"You scared the shit outta me, Meech." She rolled her eyes as she locked her door and took her coat off to hang it up on the coat rack, "Why you just sittin' here?"

"Why you showing your pussy on the Internet?" He glared at her which made Deedra swallow hard.

"Boy, I'm doin' what I need to do to make money. You ain't my daddy and you ain't my momma." She shrugged, "Why you worried about me? Mai ain't good enough?"

"That shit ain't cute." Meech scrunched his face up.

"I don't care what's cute. I need money and this is the best way to make it."

"So a job ain't cross your mind?" He laughed before shaking his head, "I got niggas showin' me videos of you shakin' yo ass in front of a camera."

"It made you reminisce, huh?" Deedra smirked as she dropped her keys onto the coffee table, "I got this big ass house and no man. Ima do what I have to do, Meech."

"One day, you gon' stop acting like a broke ass bitch and try to get a job. Yo job gon' see that shit and laugh at yo ass." Meech stood up before heading over to the door.

"Fuck you, Meech!" She yelled as her lip quivered a bit, "Ima fuck you and Mai up! I know where that heifer go to school at." Meech laughed as he headed out of the house and slammed the door shut. Walking over to his vehicle, he hopped in the driver's seat and sped off to his next destination.


Mai swiftly headed into her academic advisor's office, fixing her hair. Her academic advisor had email her earlier in the day to meet with her as soon as possible. Mai was a tad bit worried but she knew it couldn't be negative due to her outstanding grades and behavior.

Approaching the door to her office, she knocked on it before receiving the okay to come in. Mai headed in and took a seat in front of the desk.

"Good afternoon, Mai." Ms. Parkin's smiled at the girl, "How are you today?"

"I'm doing well and yourself?" Mai smiled back at her before taking off her coat and placing it on the back of the chair.

"Just ready for the school year to be over," Ms. Parkin's let out a small laugh before turning her desk chair to her computer and typing away, "I've called you in here today because I'm very impressed with your grades. You've been managing well since freshman year and you haven't broken a student code at Clark."

"I'm trying to do as much as possible to make my mother proud."

"Ah, yes. I remember Ms. Racquel in freshman year fussing about your schedule." She nodded her head, "She thought it was too much but you assured her you could handle it and you did." Mai started her first freshman semester taking seven courses so she could be on track to receive her amount of credits by the end of senior year. Racquel wasn't too happy about the idea because she believed her daughter was taking on too much for a first year college student.

"I've done my part and got you a paid-internship at Mia Aesthetics Atlanta. They have the top plastic surgeons and provide superior plastic surgery. I know you want to be a nurse in aesthetics so I figured this would be a really good fit for you." She added after turning the computer to display the website.

"Wow," Mai smiled brightly. Her dreams were coming true, "Thank you! I appreciate this, so much."

"You've earned it, Mai." Ms. Parkin's nodded her head before turning the computer back towards her, "Just continue to do your part and I will do mine."

Mai nodded her head, "When do I start?"

"Thursday, February 9th." She handed Mai some printed papers, "I've also emailed all the information to your student email. You're expected in by 3pm. They'll go over the rest with you there."

"Okay, thank you again Ms. Parkin's!" Mai stood up, shaking the lady's hand, "I'll make sure to email you about how everything's going." She headed out of the office after the two said their goodbyes. Mai quickly hopped into her car that was parked outside of the building and headed over to her mother's house. She had to inform her mother about the news.

After ten minutes due to speeding, Mai pulled up and parked in front of her mother's house. She made her way to the front door and knocked on it before it opened to her mother holding Maleek on her hip.

"Mai, what brings you here?" Racquel held a look of confusion before inviting her daughter in. Mai rarely came home to visit.

"I got this paid-internship at a place that does aesthetics!" Mai yelled eagerly as Racquel placed Maleek onto the floor once she closed and locked the door.

"That's my baby girl!" Racquel pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tightly. She was proud of both of her girls for trying to be more successful than her, "I'm so proud of you!"

Mai's phone quickly dinged in the back of her jean pocket and she pulled it out seeing it was Meech. He wanted her to go somewhere with him at eight and it was already five.

"Well, I just came over to drop off the good news." Mai said heading for the door.

"Now wait a damn minute, you're not going to speak to your brothers?" Racquel crossed her arms stopping the girl in her foot steps.

"Hi Leeky." Mai sighed before picking up her brother and kissing his cheek.

"Hi Mai!" Maleek smiled at his sister as he was placed back onto the ground. Marquette came rushing downstairs and ran over to his sister to give her a hug.

"You never come see us anymore!" He pouted before breaking away, "You must hate us."

"Marquette, what I tell you about using that word?" Racquel scolded.

"Hate is a strong word and is only used towards the enemies." Marquette sighed as Racquel nodded her head.

"I don't hate y'all. I just be busy with school. You'll understand when you go to college." Mai assured.

"College? I ain't going there." Marquette waved her off before Racquel knocked him in the back of his head, "Ow!"

"Don't be spewing that into the universe, Marquette." Racquel shook her head, "Tell Mai goodbye since she want to leave us so soon."

"Bye Mai." Marquette and Maleek said in unison as Mai responded with a goodbye to all three as she made her way out the door. Hoping her mother wouldn't see her car, Racquel followed her out the door and stood on the front porch as Mai hopped into the driver's seat of her car.

"Mai who in the he—"

"I'll tell you later. Love you guys!" Mai cut her off as she sped down the street to head back to campus to get ready.

His Obsession [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now