Kunai Fight- Part 1

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A/N: You are Kakashi's "rival" team as he tries win the Kunai competition between his and your team

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A/N: You are Kakashi's "rival" team as he tries win the Kunai competition between his and your team. You are the captain of team 9 which consisted of Neiji, Tenten and Rock Lee, while he was the leader of team 7 which has Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto. This event is one to test what the students have learned so far and determined which is the "strongest" team for future missions. However it doesn't end quite like you might expect it to...

This story will be cut into 2 parts- if you want some backstory this is interesting but if you're here for the deed please go to part 2 which is the very next one, it'll be introduced fairly quickly.

------------------------------------------------------- (Im writing on my computer so I apologize if the length of this line is awkward on phone)

"Guys, come here so we can create a plan" you said. Your students surrounded you as you squatted on the ground to get more comfortable. "Alright so, lets try and match your skills to team 7 and pair you guys up; Lee, try to take care of Sasuke, since you could easily beat him earlier during the exam surely you can do it again, Tenten you'll be up against Sakura, and Neiji I'll leave Naruto to you. I'll take care of Kakashi which shouldn't be much of a problem."

"What is one of us is in trouble?" asked Tenten. "In that case try and signal to the others and the closest one will try to come in help" you answered. "This should be easy for you guys, on the team board we are first place, I taught you well". "That's true" answered Neiji, "but they are second place for a reason, Kakashi doesn't have much mercy when it comes to others' students, he usually takes them down first and then his whole team can go after their captain".

"Hmh, that true, he is pretty merciless, but trust me, this time he'll try to go after me. We have some unfinished business". You and Kakashi have grown up together, you lived close to each other as children and your family were friends which meant you saw him all the time. He also went to the same academy and you had plenty of classes with him. You were quite close you'd even say, you still were. But every other week you'd challenge each other and see who was stronger, and help each other with your techniques. 

Except 2 weeks ago, he was called for a mission halfway through the fight and you never got to finish. He had to go on a long mission and didn't return until the beginning of the team challenges. From then on you and him had to focus solely on your students in order to get first place, hence why you didn't get to see him yet. But today was the day you could show him how much you trained, and finally make him realize once and for all that you were stronger.

"BOTH TEAMS PLEASE MEET AT YOUR ASSIGNED GATES, BOTH TEAMS PLEASE MEET AT YOUR ASSIGNED GATE, THANK YOU" said the voice through a speaker. We were at the same forest than young ninjas passed their Chonin exams at, the Death Forest. The length of it gave more suspense as where the enemy could be and what they were doing. 

"Remember, we are not meant to kill each other, just take down the other person or make them give up. ". The only weapon allowed were Kunai knives. No jutsu or anything else, just pure strength, hence the name the "Kunai Fight". 

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