Wedding Night (lemon)

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Yo yo, I'm trying something different so this story is going to be a vanilla

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Yo yo, I'm trying something different so this story is going to be a vanilla.
March 22nd. A date you will never forget. Just a few hours ago you were in front of the priest saying your vows to your husband, Kakashi. Just a few hours ago, you were walking down the isle with him, officially married. And just a few hours ago, you were at a table eating with everyone at the reception.
"How is it? Officially being married to the best man on earth?" Kakashi teasingly said.
"Pretty awesome I most say" you replied with a smile. "Are you ready for the dance? There's a lot of people watching"
"I was born ready my love" he replied with a smirk. He got up of his seat and handed out his hand for you to hold onto, pulling you from your seat. You walked hand in hand towards the dance floor while the DJ was getting the guests attention.
Before long, the song started *inserted your favorite dance song* he held you by the waist and his right hand was straight on the side holding yours, while your other one was on his shoulder.
You both stepped at the same time starting your first dance, the lights were on you and tile felt as if it stopped and every time you twirled you felt like an Angel.
When the dokt was finished, you head each other still on the dance floor, and passionately kissed in front of everyone. Suddenly the lights changed to colorful ones and the song changed to an upbeat, everyone rushed in the dance floor and started dancing all around you. Kakashi took you once again and danced to the beat, you smiled at him and went along.
Some time passed and the songs were going from slow to upbeat, and during the slows Kakashi would get really close, almost as to tease you. He came behind you and held your hands that were crossed in front of you, and teasingly put his body against yours while slightly grinding. He reached down to your ear and whispered "How about we take that dance to the room?"
You replied with a slight groan and took his hand, walking away from the reception. You passed a few of your friend groups but they were too drunk or busy talking to see you ask by, not that it was a problem because you didn't have much of an excuse to leave.
You walked through your hotel before finding your room, due to the event you asked for a big suite, and you went disappointed. The moment you stepped into the room Kakashi took you and put you against the wall, passionately making out with you. You put your hands around his neck as to hold onto him.
"Do you want to do this?" He asked you in between kisses. "Yes, please Kashi I want you".
He picked you up without breaking the kiss and put you on the bed. You took off your dress and took off his shirt, he layer on top of you and kept kissing you, while grinding on you slightly. Your hands were in his hair pulling them slightly, and you were lowly moaning in between kisses already.
He pushed your underwear aside and inserted a finger inside of you, you let out a moan from the pleasure and pulsed on his hair more. "Tell me if it hurts too much baby" he said before inserting a second finger. He lowered himself and started sucking on your breast, leaving hickeys over them.
He pulled himself up and took off his pants, his underwear leaving too. "Are you ready my love?" "I was born ready" you winked at him.
He hovered over you once again and slowly inserted himself, letting out a groan while you moaned his name. Once fully in he faced you and kissed you before going back and forth in you. He started sucking on your back leaving hickeys there too.
"Cum with me Y/N, tell me when you're close" he moaned in your ear, his deep voice made your eyes roll back.
"I'm close Kashi, I'm so close"
With those words he thrusted harder and faster before releasing in you, making you orgasm at the same time. He pulled out slowly and put his weight on you, engulfing you in a hug.
"I love You so much, wife"
"And I love you so much too, husband"

Hey guys!! Anyways, that was different and I honestly think I liked writing it :DIt's true that Kakashi has a sweet side and I think this really shows his more caring character

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Hey guys!! Anyways, that was different and I honestly think I liked writing it :D
It's true that Kakashi has a sweet side and I think this really shows his more caring character.
Any other suggestions??

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