Kunai Fight- Part 2 (lemon)

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Hey y'all, this is indeed part 2 for the Kunai Knife competition- you technically don't need backstory for the lemon part but it never hurts

Includes: oral, handcuffs, overstim

----------------------------------------------- (sorry for the awkward length again lmao)

It was the next day, the competition had gone on overnight but in the end it was a draw. You and Neiji lost to Kakashi and Naruto, while Lee and Tenten won to Sasuke and Sakura. This made your team win first place since the event was based off of points rather than wins, which you were happy about.

Kakashi had invited you for a casual dinner at a ramen place, it was a little fancy but not too much. You agreed to meet there, you wore a F/C dress with heels and earrings. At about 7 you headed to the restaurant to meet your best friend, and once there you both sat and ordered what you wanted to win.

After some time and discussions about Kakashi's recent mission you finally got to eating.

"You know, Im really surprised of how strong you got, I didn't know you could flip me like you did" he said. "Oh, thanks, yea I worked on it while you were gone, I knew you would pin me somewhere so I had to prepare"

"If I pin you tonight would you resist though?"

You choked to his words as unexpected they were, you felt your face brighten up and couldn't hold eye contact anymore. "Is that a yes or no? I mean even if you try I'm pretty sure I'll win".

This sentenced evoked a competitive feeling in you and you responded "sure you will, we can see". Your word choice was not the best and you quickly realized because Kakashi's hand started travel over your thigh, in a very suggestive manner. "Is that so?" his voice was deep, deeper than usual, and his look changed to a darker one. This made you blush even more and not knowing what to respond you just looked away. You wanted him to do all sorts of things to you, you may seem innocent but your fantasies were far behind what anyone would think.

"Lets go home" he said after a pause. You both had finished your meals by then so you couldn't say no, plus you felt something was going to happen and you were both nervous but excited for it. "Let me bring you to my house, its closer and you must be tired".

After a small walk you both reached his apartment, he opened his door and let you in first. It was tidy, and smelled like him. After switching the lights on he guided you to the room and told you to make yourself comfortable, since you have bee friends for a while it wasn't the first time you were here, so you jumped in his bed and made yourself comfortable. "I'm going to go shower so if you want just take on of my shirts to wear as pajama."

"Im sleeping over?" you asked "you're welcome to go home if you can after sweetheart". This made your heart flutter, the situation was so sexual and abnormal yet comfortable. You both knew you wanted it, it was obvious.

After he left to go shower you changed into a large shirt of his, you got comfortable on the bed and saw. his perky book on the side table. Being curious you picked it up and opened it to the chapter it was marked on. You played on your stomach unaware the shirt slides up revealing more than it should, and started reading the book a little. After a while you heard the shower stop and a door open.

"You're teasing me and reading my persona book, you really want to be punished don't you". Not noticing he was already inside the room you turned around quickly closing the book. Kakashi was at the doorway slightly, only covered by a towel and his slightly wet hair falling down on his face, his face wasn't covered which was surprising for him. He climbed on the bed over you, "I won yesterday, don't you think I deserve something sweetheart?". This comment made you blush yet again, and you decided to put your arms around his shoulders to get him closer.

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