Blindfolded (lemon)

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A/N: you can pick whether this is modern world or not

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A/N: you can pick whether this is modern world or not. I mention tv reality like once so honestly, make up what the setting is and more.

I also can't remember which photos I picked and posted already so if its a repeat, sorry :D

Contains: sense deprivation (blindfold), pet names, oral


"Hey, Kashi, do you mind if we try something?" you had both been sitting on the couch watching some reality television when you asked him the question. 

"Sure, what's up love?" he paused the television before turning to you. You were both wearing some lazy Sunday clothing and he was only wearing a skin-tight shirt along with some baggy sweatpants. His hair was slightly messy and flat due to the lack of activity during the day, and you couldn't help thinking of what might happen soon.

"Hold on, let me get something" you got up and headed to your bedroom before pulling out blindfolds and returning to the living room. You handed them to Kakashi and he took them before giving you a questioning look.

"I know you're into blindfolds sweetie, but why two?"

"Well, I was thinking, what if we both wore them?" you looked at him shyly and he stared back. You were unable to understand what he could be thinking until he reached out to you and held your chin before kissing you passionately. His other hand went around your waist and pulled you into him as for you to sit on top of him on the couch.

"That sounds amazing, and honestly, really fun" he reached to the blindfold and put it on you and you heard shuffling indicating his blindfold was on too. 

Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your face more aggressively but without hurting you and a pair of lips crashed on yours. His second hand wondered around your thighs before resting and grabbing onto your ass. You reached to his face and slowly pat up to his hair before pulling on it lightly, which earned some groans on his part. 

You felt him go up and grab the bottom of your shirt, pulling him off you. His lips came off yours leaving you panting, and you felt his head go down, reaching for your breasts. Your hands were still on his hair and when you felt a warm wet sensation on your nipple you couldn't help but let out a yelp and pull on his hair. You felt him nibble and his heat was growing fast under you. To tease back you decided to grind on him which earned some light moans, making you more desperate for him. His hands cupped your breasts and you felt him attempt to grind back despite you sitting on him.

You reached to his waistband and understanding, he lifted you aside before pulling his pants and shorts off at once. You did the same before patting aside you, trying to find where he was again. Your hands went down on a hard part and you blushed understanding what you had touched. You came closer and gripped it at the shaft before lowering your head and putting your lips around his tip. He moaned at the unexpected sensation and put his hand on your head, without pushing down yet. You licked the heat in a line from bottom to top before taking it all in your mouth.

Kakashi let out a large moan and his hands gripped your hair, pulling it lightly. His hips twitched which made you choke on it and you pulled back, pumping it with your hand around it. You went back and bobbed your head back and forth a few times before fully stopping and getting on top of him.

You felt his hands grip your waist and you slowly lowered on him. Once you were fully around him, you sat fully for a few seconds while reaching for his face so as to kiss him again. You cupped his face and his lips were on yours with his tongue in your mouth. You started riding it slowly and he grabbed you more aggressively, panting for more.

His gripping became more dominant as he controlled the speed at which you were going while you were holding onto him for support. You felt your knees become weak, which made it harder for you to keep riding. He felt it and lifted you up while staying inside you and lay you down on the couch. Your legs went up on his shoulders and you suddenly felt some hard and deep thrusts. making you let out a large moan. 

Your hands went to his back, scratching it and pulling his hair while you felt heat rise to your cheeks. You felt his thrusts become messier and more demanding as your tightened around him. 

You felt yourself come as your legs started shaking, earning a pending chuckle. He kept thrusting hard into you, letting you chase your orgasm. You suddenly felt him come out, and hot liquid was spattering on your stomach and torso.

Your blindfold was taken off your eyes by him and he smiled at you before kissing you passionately.

"Was this what you expected, love?"

"This was so much better than I thought" you smiled and chuckled at him. His sweaty body and messy hair were attractive to you and you watched him walk to the bathroom, picking up a towel and cleaning you before himself.

You both stayed naked for a while as you cuddled on the couch, the television was back on and you were both talking about how you should order a second meal before going to sleep.


A/N: I'm actually proud of that one? Like, it's late, I've been wanting to write something and from my folder, this is the one I happen to pick tonight and write in a happy 20 minutes

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A/N: I'm actually proud of that one? Like, it's late, I've been wanting to write something and from my folder, this is the one I happen to pick tonight and write in a happy 20 minutes.

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