Icha Icha Reading (lemon)

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My name is not Valentine but bless anyone who is because this photo (the cover) shoosh, HOT

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My name is not Valentine but bless anyone who is because this photo (the cover) shoosh, HOT.
Anyways, this story,
Contains: pet names, rough, hand holding (but like, holding down not the romantic holding typa)
You were in the living room of you and your boyfriend's apartment watching a romantic comedy when suddenly you heard the lock of the main door click and open. A figure appeared which you quickly recognized as Kakashi.
"Come here cutie" he opened his arms and you rushed to hug him. You were both often training your students, therefore, didn't have much time together.
"I made dumplings, they are still warm but I finished mine so go eat quickly" you grabbed his hand and led him inside.
"My favorite!! Youre the best Y/N" he said before passionately kissing you. His excitement over dumplings made you giggle and you sat back on the couch finishing your movie. Kakashi got up from his seat and sat next to you on the couch.
"Nooo, Kashi you know you can't eat on the couch!! Come, sit right there" you pointed to the pillow that was on the ground right in front of you.
He got up and sat in between your legs on the ground, his head right between your thighs which was perfect to play with his hair. Once finished his dumplings he rested his head back more comfortably and you took advantage to also play with his cheek to tease him about his pouty look.
"Let's go, you should shower since you just got back from training".
"That's true, go get comfy in bed I'll join you afterwards".
You both went to the bedroom except he went right to the bathroom afterwards. You layed on the bed and notice a familiar cover on the desk next to you. You got up and saw it was the Icha Icha book Kakashi was always reading about. He never let you look inside because he claimed it was embarrassing, and he always found a way to hide it for you but apparently he forgot about it now.
You picked it up and opened it to the bookmark, which after a few words realized was the beginning of a heated scene. You got more comfortable and read more, the scene was more descriptive than you could have ever anticipated therefore really absorbed you, so much so you didn't hear the shower stop, or the door opening.
Kakashi suddenly appeared and snatched the book out of your hands. He was shirtless and in grey sweatpants, he hovered over you pinning your writers above your hand.
"Didn't I tell You not to read my book sweetheart" he whispered in your ear.
"But since you did, tell me my love, what part were you on?"
"Well, you started stuttering, they were just making out and, um, he was teasing her.."
Kakashi positioned his knee between your heat and started moving slightly.
"Like that?" You nodded to his response. He started grinding on you more as to tease you.
"Let me tell you what happens next kitten" he pulled your wrists back above your hand blocking any movement. "He starts teasing her more, edging her" he kissed your sweet spot on toe neck leaving some hickeys, the repetitive movement between your legs was bringing you closer to your high. "And when she is close, he stops everything" he said as he stopped all movement.
"Then he takes off all her clothes, and his" he said as doing exactly so.
"And then he fucks her hard, with no mercy, for a few long pages". He inserted himself inside of you and first thrusted slowly as to let you adjust, as soon as you were comfortable he thrusted hard into you, many times in a row as to reach you sweet spot every time. He held your wrists above and had your legs hanging on his shoulders, every thrust was accompanied by an intense eye contact which made you blush uncontrollably. His groans were so hot and made your legs shake, which he could feel as he continued what he was doing.
"I'm so close Kashi, I'm so close oh my gosh" you moaned out. He tightened his grip and thrusted even harder and faster in you before you released around him.
However he didn't stop, not even for a second. He continued his intense thrusting with no mercy making your legs uncontrollably shake. He used one of his hands to hold them against him and he continued what he was doing. Before long he finally came too and slowed down his thrusts.
He layed next to you and took you in his arms.
"Are going to keep reading my book?"
"I mean, if it gets me fucked like that every time you bet I will".
You both laughed at this statement before getting ready to go to sleep.

Anyways, this story was shorter than usual

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Anyways, this story was shorter than usual. I thought that I would have time to write over break but I've been so busy with work and creating a business (which is launching the 11th by the way!! )
Any feedback/ requests for future stories??

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