In the Shower (lemon)

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A/N: Hey guysss it's me againnn

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A/N: Hey guysss it's me againnn. Okay so here's a quick summary. Ill add the new stuff underneath it all,

You and Kakashi are best friends and you often meet to train together. After a long day, you go back to his apartment and take a shower before something happens and he has to save you.. in the shower. One thing leads to the next and it happens.

Contains: oral (girls that's for you this time)


It was late fall, the weather was getting colder and the sky gloomier. But it was your favorite season, the colors were majestic and the light breezes were very pleasant.
You asked Kakashi to teach you some fighting techniques so you were meeting him in a park by the village. You dressed warm but with tight clothes to make it easier to fight. While on your way there you saw him sitting on a bench reading his usual Pervy book.

When you got closer to him he turned his head to you and you saw him smile under his mask. He put his book down and got up to greet you with a hug.
"Hey Y/N! How are you?? I missed youu"
"I'm okay, and I missed you tooo" You and Kakashi had been friends for a while, and you both taught the best student group in the village so you often worked together for a bigger group training. Because of your similar skills and good communication, you also went on higher missions with him so over time you got closer and closer up to where you are now.

However you always liked him a little bit and him too, the flirting was obvious and everyone could tell you each had a thing for the other. Every time you would train you would throw cheesy pick-up lines at each other and casually hold hands or lean on each other. You were more than friends but not quite at the relationship stage.

"Come here, come hug me," you told me. Kakashi approached you and you put your arms by his shoulders to hug him tightly, slipping a kiss on his neck. He responded by giving you a kiss on the forehead and hugging you tightly as well.
"Alright, let's start the training"

*time skip*

You and Kakashi have been training for almost 2 hours nonstop, the cold winds and your sweaty bodies didn't match well making you both shiver with a bad taste.
"Do you want to stop for today?" Kakashi asked "we can go back to my place and watch a movie to relax"
"Yeah, sure!"

You both walked back standing close to each other, his house wasn't too far, closer to the park than yours was so you got there fairly fast.
When you reached the door he quickly opened it and let you in first. The room was warm and cozy, and the lights were off giving the atmosphere a light sleepy sense.
"Is it okay if I use your shower? I feel a little dirty and I want to get cleaned up from our training outside"
"Yea of course, here let me get you a towel and some clothes"
He handed you a light grey towel followed by a large shirt and some sweatpants which were way too big for you.

After that, you headed to the shower and put the clothes on the counter to keep them clean. You turned on the shower and started washing yourself starting with your hair.
The water was nice and warm, there was a small window letting in just enough natural light, and the bathroom smelled like him so much it made your heart flutter.
While showering you casually looked around to keep yourself occupied and spotted a spider on the wall facing you.

Kakashi x Reader (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now