°⚠️𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕥.𝟚 (ℕℝ)⚠️°

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Natasha G!p, smut, fluff, maybe angst, mommy kink, praising kink

(Y/n's POV)

I ran back to my house, slamming the front door behind me. I kicked off my shoes and ran up to my room. Flinging myself onto the bed I started sobbing even harder, I tucked my knees close to my chest. I grabbed my frog stuffy and held him close to me as I cried.

I opened myself up again, I allowed myself to love, and now I was hurt because of it. I imagined the angry and mean expression on Natasha's face before she slapped me. It was a frightening look on her pleasant features. I cried for a few more hours.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, I wiped away my tears and opened the door. I saw my mom standing there, her smile immediately fell.

"I'm fine mom," I said in a convincing tone.

"Why were you crying?" She asked me.

"I finished watching a sad movie, it got me good," I said.

"Ok, well hon I'm heading out, I'm meeting someone for dinner, I won't be back until at least eleven. In the meantime someone's here for you," she said giving me a hug before turning around and walking away.

I saw Natasha, she looked upset. I let her in my room and then slammed the door behind her. I walked back over to my bed and sat down staring at the floor.

(Natasha's POV)

She had a distant look on her face, her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I walked over to her and grabbed her chin making her look up at me. She pushed me away and rushed to her window making sure not to look at me. 

I stood behind her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, she shoved my arms away. She spun around and gave me a stern look, I tried to get closer to her but she shoved me away again.

"Stop pushing me away!" I shouted.

"If you don't want me to push away then maybe you should've let me care for you. I don't know if I want to love you now. You got your chance but you chose to hurt me!" She shouted back.

I looked at her for a moment.

"But I love you!" I shouted.

Her head tilted and her chin quivered, tears brimmed her eyes.

"W-What?" She asked.

I had realized I had messed up, she didn't love me. She just wanted to show me she cared.

"I'm sorry, I should go," I said turning around and heading toward the door. 

(Y/n's POV)

I rushed up behind her and grabbed her shoulder spinning her around. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"I love you more," I said with a sad smile.

She looked taken aback, I took the momentary lapse of judgment to attack her lips with an amorous kiss. She kissed me back. The kiss got heated quickly. I moaned as she sucked on my neck. She pushed me back and onto the bed looking into my eyes for permission. I nodded.

She ripped off my shirt and started kissing down my collarbone, she reached my bra and unclasped it. She kissed the tops of my breasts and started sucking, leaving dark purple hickeys all over my chest. 

"So beautiful baby," She husked making me moan.

She attached her lips to my nipple sucking roughly.

"Uh, Natasha, fuck," I moaned.

She unattached herself and pulled off my pants and underwear. I used my arms to cover my body. She snatched my wrists.

"Don't hide that pretty body from me," she said making my arousal drip down my thighs.

She pulled off her shirt and bra and went to the edge of the bed. I got on my knees and attached myself to her lips. Her tongue swirled around my mouth. She frowned as I unbuttoned her jeans. 

"What's wrong mommy?" I asked.

"I uh, have a..." she started.

That's when I felt it, a huge bulge.

"Oh wow mommy, you're big," I gasped.

"You're not scared, or disgusted?" She asked.

"Not at all, all I need is someone to love me," I answered unpacking her massive cock.

I pulled her pants down all the way and then pulled off her underwear.

"Fuck me hard, mommy," I whispered in her ear before laying down in front of her and spreading my legs. 

She lined up to my core and slowly entered me, it hurt a tiny bit. She started slowly moving, my arousal coating her. 

"Uh so tight baby," she groaned.

She kept going at this slow pace.

"Faster Mommy!" I shouted.

"Your wish is my command princess," she told me.

She started to go faster. A LOT faster. She was snapping her hips into mine at an ungodly rate. I was moaning incoherent curses. She started rubbing my clit, and kissing me.

"YOU-LOVE-HOW-MOMMY'S-COCK-FILLS-YOU-UP-DON'T-YOU!" She shouted in between thrusts.

I felt the knot in my stomach tighten even more. She could feel my walls clench around her cock as I slid up and down the mattress. I felt her cock twitch inside of me, both of us close to our release.

"I-I think I'm gonna cum," I cried.

Moments later we were screaming.



I breathed hard and shook as I came down from my high. She plopped down next to me, she kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Natasha," I told her.

"I love you more," she said. 

I took a deep breath then gave her a serious look, I stood up and limped over to my backpack, and pulled out a sheet of stickers. I walked back and laid down. 

"You deserve this," I said handing it to her.

There were about thirty little stars on the paper, they all said 'great job'. She laughed at my little reward. I snuggled into her chest and she played with my hair. I loved Natasha more than anything.

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