° 𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕤𝕠 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥? (𝔽ℂ) °

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This is a Francesca Curtis story (The Perfect Score).

Warnings: A tease chapter, mild violence, bad language, etc.

My best friend, Francesca, is single-handedly the smartest girl in our school. She's talented, beautiful, and very popular with the guys. That's the issue though, she doesn't want any of them.

Today in biology class she passed me a note telling me about a party she was gonna have this coming Friday. She looked at me then tilted her head toward another girl in class, I passed the note on but felt hurt that she hadn't invited me yet.

When I said Francesca and I are best friends I meant it, not fake friends or crap like that, but seriously, we used to cuddle and watch movies and go to parties together, so whatever was going on with Francesca recently had been making her push me away.

After class, I went to hug her and she literally slapped me. I held the side of my face and stared at her in horror, she looked like she was going to laugh.

"Fuck you," I said walking out of the classroom.

"You wish!" She shouted to me.

"No, not really, I don't want to fuck a whore!" I shouted back.

She went silent and I continued my path to my locker. When I got there the comms came on overhead and asked me to come to the office. I decided against going so I grabbed my backpack and phone and left.

When I got to my house my parents were staring at me with anger and disgust in their eyes.

"Why the hell did you call Fran a whore!" My mother shouted as I ran to my room.

"Because she is!" I screamed before slamming and locking my bedroom door.

I lay in bed, my ability to cry was absolutely destroyed so all I did was lie there. After a minute or two of wondering when I was going to get texts from my other friends telling me I was an asshole and telling me I shouldn't show my face at school again, I decided to go for a walk.

I grabbed my hoodie and jumped out of my window, I landed on the soft grass below and then walked away from my house. I walked through a little park and stopped on top of a grassy hill. I laid down and looked up at the sky.

I didn't know why Francesca had been so mean and distant lately, I didn't know why my parents loved her more than me, I didn't know what was going to happen when I went to school the next day, all I knew is that I laid there hating Francesca.

Suddenly, a gravely voice called my name. It was fucking Francesca, I shook my head and laughed while slowly standing up. I had no interest in talking to her. I started walking away. I could hear her following me.

"Fuck off, easy!" I shouted.

Her footsteps halted but then quickened. I had no interest in getting pummelled by her so I ran to the play structure a couple hundred feet from where I was standing. There was one street light and it didn't even illuminate the playground at all.

I heard her footsteps right up behind me so I jumped up into the play structure and used my innate teenage stupidity to quickly jump back down.

She circled the play structure and looked angry as hell. I yelped seeing her charge at me and quickly ran back up the play structure. There was a little area that had railings all around it except for one side and had a canopy thing over top, it was like a loft.

I jumped up into it and quickly slapped a hand over my mouth so she couldn't hear my breathing. I could hear here quiet angry stomps climb up the metal platform. Suddenly I saw her in front of me, she jumped on top of me and wrapped her hands around my throat.

"Say your fucking sorry or I'll kill you!" She whisper-shouted.

"I'm not fucking sorry you bitch, might as well kill me, I lost my best friend and my family doesn't give two fucks about me," I whisper-shouted back.

She slammed my head onto the play structure floor and let go of my neck before getting off me. I tried to leave but she wouldn't let me.

"What the hell do you need Francesca?" I asked her.

"Francesca?" She asked, "not bean, not love, not bestie?" She asked.

"Since you decided to push me away I finished the job, less hurt for both of us," I said.

"I wasn't pushing you away!" She shouted.

"One keep your voice down, and two, you slapped me, laughed about it, didn't invite me to your party, ignored me, and decided to treat me like shit," I declared.

"I-I wasn't pushing you away," she said.

"Yeah right," I scoffed trying to leave again.

She then jumped on me again and smashed her lips against mine.

"What the fuck!" I shouted pushing her off.

"I wasn't pushing you away," she said.

"You fucking like me, that explains so much... why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to lose you but apparently I already have," she said sadly.

I leaned up into her and kissed her lips again. The kiss was soft at first but quickly got a little more aggressive.

"God I'm so turned on, we need to stop," I huffed.

"Why do we need to stop?" She asked.

"Let's go back to my house and see what happens there," she offered.

I nodded before pecking her lips again. The second we got back to her house she pinned me against the wall and made out with me.

"Love, your parents," I said breathlessly.

"They're not home," she smirked.

Haha get trolled, you thought you would get some juicy smut, I'm not that cruel so if this part gets 8 comments I will write a juicy smut for you horny people. 

P.S we got 8 comments so I will be writing a pt.2. Have Fun!!

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