°⚠️𝔼𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤 (𝕡𝕥.𝟚)⚠️°

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Warnings: Smut, Vocal Kink, fluff, idk

I woke to a door slamming across the hall and slowly opened my eyes. The room was still pretty dark but a small amount of sunshine flooded in from behind the curtains.

From that, I could just barely make out my surroundings and that's when I noticed it. Natasha had wrapped her arms around me and was pressed up against my front. 

I had rolled over in the middle of the night and I too was pressed up against her, my hands resting on her chest. Natasha started to stir so I closed my eyes and pretended to rest but it was too late.

"What the hell?!" She screeched.

I rolled away from her as she sat up.

"I am so sorry," she apologized.

"It's fine, I'm sorry," I said.

"Why didn't you move to the bed?" She asked.

"Why would I take a bed you claimed was too uncomfy?" I snarked.

"I was just asking," she huffed annoyedly.

I got up off the floor and headed over to my things and started to get some clothes. I headed toward the bathroom and started to undress and get ready.

All of a sudden the door opened. I quickly threw a hand over my chest because I only had pants on.

"Natasha!" I yelled.

"I don't care, I have to say this," she said walking and locking the door behind her.

My eyes widened and I took a step back trying to put distance between us.

"I am very attracted to you and I also love how sweet you can be. I don't hate you I just can't stand that I can't be with you. I need you," she begged. 

"You need me?" I said astounded.

She stepped closer placing her hands on my waist. She pulled me in closer.

"I want you, baby," she whispered in my ear lustfully.

"I...I," I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"I want to make you scream," she whispered.

"No, no!" I shouted.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm supposed to hate you... I-I don't know how else to be around you, if I don't hate you then I'll fall in love with you," I confessed.

She went silent.

"Ok," she said, her eyes softening.

She leaned in and kissed my forehead before leaving the bathroom to let me finish changing. I was so confused. Did she love me? Did I love her? It was all so confusing.

I got dressed quickly and we headed to our mission location. We hid out and scoped the disguised hydra building.

The whole mission her hand would occasionally brush mine, her eyes would follow me where I went, and I could feel her want for me.

After taking down the first couple of agents we got to a back room and started looking for the files. It only took me a couple of seconds and I found a folder. I opened it to check inside and suddenly red dust sprinkled on my face.

"No, Y/n!" Natasha screamed grabbing the folder from me.

"What was that?" I said wiping my face.

"From the looks of it, breeding powder," she said.

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