°𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 (𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕥)°

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So this one is going to be about a princess!reader falling in love with Griet (One of scar jo's many characters). The time is set in the early 1500s, I'm sorry it's not like the actual movie.

Physical harm, fluff, maybe angst, shouldn't be anything else but we'll see.

(3rd person POV)

The princess was not like the other girls, she was indeed beautiful but she was too curious. Her father kept her locked inside the castle walls. She very rarely left her room for she could not experience anything beautiful outside her room as she had experienced in books. 

One day the princess needed some air and took a stroll around the castle's courtyards, in the east courtyard she noticed a stone wall no taller than six feet. She looked at it with great curiosity and excitement, it was vine-covered and mossy.

She scaled the wall and looked beyond it, there was a small pond. It was probably about forty feet across in all directions and was no more than three feet deep. 

It had beautiful lily pads and reeds growing in its bright clear water, around the marshy plain were multitudes of flowers. Hyacinthe, Lillies, Queen Ann's Lace, daffodils, and tulips. 

The smell from the sweet garden was heavenly, she smiled brightly at the thought of throwing off her white satin gown and splashing through it.

Every day since she had found the garden she had scaled the wall and sat on top of it, no matter what people advised her. She would sing sweet songs in french and hum the tune to ones she couldn't remember.

One day as she sat upon the wall singing her songs and a young wench heard her, wench was an insult to such a plain but beautiful creature. Her name was Griet, she was a servant in a nearby town. 

She wore a headdress that covered her chocolate brown hair. Her eyes were bright green and her eyebrows were so light they were hardly there. Her lips were plump and her nose was seemingly molded by Leonardo da Vinci himself. The princess saw her across the pond and called out to her.

"Miss!" She called.

Griet turned toward the voice and gazed into the eyes of the princess. She immediately cast her head down knowing the consequences of such a violation. The princess was confused by this, she had never been outside the castle to see someone act in such a way.

"Look at me, maiden," the princess called sweetly.

She was confused at this kindness, the kind she had never received from royals. She looked up slightly, she could see the princess but her eyes were hidden by her headdress.

"Remove your headdress fair maiden, I must see your eyes," the princess ordered.

Griet removed her headdress letting her beautiful brown waves fall from the cloth. When the princess saw her hair and eyes, her breath hitched for a moment as warmth filled her stomach.

"Maiden, what is your name?" She asked.

"Griet," The maiden responded.

"Griet, come climb the wall and sit with me," the princess asked.

"Yes, your highness," Griet said with a curtsey. 

She climbed up the wall and sat down next to the princess. The princess looked at her carefully, it had been such a long time since she had seen another girl up close. The princess used her hand and gently stroked Griet's cheek.

Griet knew that only kindness and curiosity filled the young princess's heart. The princess traced Griet's lips with her fingers, the softness astounded her.

"Who brought you up my fair Griet?" The princess asked.

"My mother and father," she responded.

"Impossible!" The princess declared.

"You must have been raised by god himself, I have never laid my eyes on such a beautiful creature as you," the princess continued.

Griet was stunned by the princess's words, her face flushed and her cheeks grew bright red.

"I mean no offense princess but it isn't true," she said.

"You can't tell me I'm wrong!" The princess shouted.

"Your hair, it looks as if it was carved from the bark of an oak tree. Your lips, softer and plumper than those of Venus, the goddess of beauty! Need I continue, accept my favoring Griet, it is not of bad intent," the princess exclaimed. 

Griet was taken back, she sat there wide-eyed and stared at the princess. The princess smiled.

"I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Princess Y/n," she said taking young Griet's hand.

"Be my friend, Griet. I need someone like you, to entertain me and make me smile as you do," the princess offered.

"It would be my honor, Princess Y/n," Griet said with a wide smile.

"Princess! Who is that wench you're talking to!" A loud voice called.

"She is not a wench father, she is kind-hearted and true!" The princess called, hopping down from the wall. 

Griet hopped down as well standing behind the princess.

"Get over here, wench!" The king called.

Griet quickly walked over and curtseyed in front of him. He stared at her with mean eyes and struck her across the face. She yelped in pain as tears formed in her eyes. The princess ran over and grabbed the hand of her father. 

"Father! You've laid a hand on an innocent girl! For shame, the king's role is that of kindness and benevolence. You haven't shown her such, to lay a hand on her again, or any other innocent girl would cause so much sorrow I would simply jump from my tower and hope the rocks below would break my fall!" She shouted.

She assisted Griet to her feet, she stared her father in the eyes.

"Griet is to be my personal maiden, if a hand is laid on her again by you or any of the people on the ground, I shall have your head for it!" She said before grabbing Griet's hand and escorting her to her room. 

When they got to the princess's chamber, Griet stared at Y/n in disbelief.

"What am I to do about my current position?" She asked.

"I will send a letter to your master declaring that I have requested you to be my own maiden and that you will no longer be working for him," she explained as if it was a plan she had kept in mind from the moment she met Griet.

Griet still had tears in her eyes, the princess took her thumb and gently wiped away her tears. Griet flinched under the princess's touch. Noticing this the princess pulled Griet into her embrace, she brushed the hair out of her face and looked into her emerald eyes.

"You are mine fair maiden, no one will ever lay a hand on you like that again," she whispered in her ear.

Griet shuddered, the hot breath from the princess's mouth gently warmed her ear. She could feel the princess's arms wrap around her waist. The princess whispered again.


Let me know if you want another part, I thought this would be a good idea. Please excuse my terrible writing. Try and enjoy, I take requests. :) 

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