°ℝ𝕠𝕪𝕒𝕝 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕝 (𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕡𝕥.𝟚)°

782 18 6

Warnings: Angst, fluff, Idek

(3rd person)

Today was the princess's twentieth birthday and a significant event for the royal family. Tonight the royal ball would be happening, an event where the princess would need to pick a prince whom she would marry after a fortnight had passed. The princess rose from her bed early and made her way to the terrace where she saw Griet standing. 

"Why are you up so early my dear?" The princess asked.

"I just couldn't sleep," she responded.

"What's troubling you?" The princess inquired, taking Griet's sadly contorted face in her hands.

"I haven't the slightest idea," she responded with a sigh before leaning into the princess's hands and taking in her sweet aroma.

The princess knew how sensitive Griet was so she gently grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her into a warm embrace. The princess was glad she had rescued Griet from her past owners. It was a rough household, and now at the palace, Griet could bathe and wear warm clothes, she was finally allowed to be the girl she wanted to be.

She really looked like a proper young lady, and with that came the princess and her ever-deepening affections for the wench. The princess was confused by her warmed heart and over-protectiveness for someone whom she had only met four months before. 

Griet appreciated the warmth that came from the princess, she loved how she made her feel, although it was very much wrong. The princess held Griet until she eventually released her and dragged her back into the homey chamber.

The princess beckoned Griet to lay down and get some rest but she refused. Greit wanted to stay with the princess and help her get ready for the ball.

The Ball was late in the evening but it would take all day to get the princess ready. So Griet decided she wanted to get an early start so she could spend more time with the princess.

"Princess, we have work to do," Griet said trying to seem professional.

The princess groaned but nonetheless joined Griet as she left the chamber and headed down the corridor to the bathing room. Griet drew a hot bath for the Princess and got up to go. The princess looked at her curiously.

"You're not going to join me?" The princess asked.

"No, Miss that would be inappropriate, I am but a servant," Griet said.

"Don't pull that nonsense, please, the water's warm, and I can promise I don't bite," the princess lured.

"No, Miss," Griet responded staying strong.

Her strength didn't last long when the princess undressed and approached her. The princess smiled at Griet. The princess pressed herself against Griet and gave her a hug.

"You're a good friend, Griet," the princess whispered in her ear.

Griet smiled and left the princess to bathe. When Griet left the room she was suddenly overcome with emotions. She was saddened by the idea of only being friends with the princess.

She sat on a chair not far from the bathing chamber and began to sob. Her feelings for the princess were too much to bear. Griet planned to leave and never come back. She would leave that night, once the party had started, so she could easily leave disguised as a guest.

Griet had sewed her own dress but as of then, the princess hadn't seen it. Griet worked hard on it and knew it was just nice enough to be passable as a guest's gown. 


After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, the princess was finally ready to put on her dress. She was excited to show Griet her dress but she didn't want her to see it until the party.

"Griet, go and get dressed, I want you to meet me in the ballroom," the princess ordered.

"Why, your highness?" Griet asked.

"I want my dress to be a surprise," the princess said simply.

Griet agreed and left the room to go and get ready. She carefully pulled on her dress, it was dark green and probably one of the nicest things she had ever worn.

A while back the princess had given her money to go and buy materials for the dress, it was kind of her, and Griet did the best she could with the money the princess gave her.

The dress itself was made of a silky fabric, it had a small cage made of pliable materials to give volume to the dress. It was simple but indeed very fancy and made Griet look even more entrancing.

Griet waited patiently in the ballroom, she had written a note to the princess and was ready to hide it in the princess's chamber before she left. As she made her way to the back stairs, which led to the princess's chamber, she saw the princess arrive at the top of the main entrance. 

Griet gasped, she looked beautiful. It was surprising to her though that the dress was a dark black color but it was stunning on the princess nonetheless. 

*Imagine Sleeping Beauty's dress but in black*

Griet couldn't decide whether to leave or not and it was tearing her apart. She sat down on a bench and leaned against one of the castle's walls, it was by the back stairs and well hidden. Griet couldn't bear leaving her love but she couldn't live with only being friends.

While Greit sat there contemplating her decisions the princess joined the party and immediately began looking for Griet. She was stopped a couple of times by people she knew or people who wanted to know her. 

Eventually, though she found herself roaming the back halls of the castle looking for Griet. As she headed toward the back stairs she heard faints sobs and immediately recognized them to be Griet's. When the princess saw Griet she rushed to her and cupped her small delicate face.

"My dear, Griet why are you crying?" The princess asked.

"I-I intend to leave you, princess, I can't bear it any longer," she told her.

"What can you not bear?" The princess asked.

"My feelings for you," Griet admitted.

"What?" The princess asked.

"I cannot bear the overwhelming sense of need that I have for you, I need you princess but you do not need me," Griet told the princess.

"Why didn't you ask?" The princess commented.

"I have much need for you, my sweet girl, much. If only you had asked," the princess told Griet.

"You need me?" Griet asked confused.

"Yes, very much so, I need you. I need to feel you, I need to please you, I need to make you my own, permanently," the princess confirmed.

"But you cannot, I am a woman, a lowly servant, you yourself are a woman but as well as that you are a princess who is destined to rule our fine kingdom, alongside a man of your choosing," Griet responded.

The princess stood up and helped Griet to a standing position. She then placed her hands once more on Griet's face.

"I don't want to choose a man, I want to choose you, I want you to be my partner as long as we both may live," the princess said before kissing Griet tenderly.

The kiss quickly became passionate and desperate. Griet broke away for breath.

"I need you, princess," she muttered.

The princess smirked before pulling Griet back in once again. 

Haha get trolled, if you want some 🌶️Spicy Time🌶️for the characters comment and let me know. 😏

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