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Smut, fluff, mommy kink


When we moved into the zoo life was pretty decent. The crew finally warmed up to my dad and got used to my siblings and I being around. Kelly especially warmed up to us, she loved Rosie and Dylan and she loved me even more. Or well at least loved picking on me more.

You see here's the issue I am a mature independent person who just happens to be the shortest human ever. I know I shouldn't be exaggerating so much but to be fair I'm really short.

Kelly loves the fact that I'm shorter than her. I'm the only one that is (not including Dylan and Rosie). She is around 5'3 which is at least two inches shorter than the rest of the crew and my dad towers over all of them.

So whenever I'm around she always picks on me. I am currently 4'10, which is shorter than the fifth graders at Rosie's school. I don't mind her picking on me but sometimes I have to act like I do so I don't end up blushing like a tomato.


"What's up short stack?" Kelly said walking into our kitchen.

"Ugh Kelly knock it off," I said.

"It is too early for you to be so rude, if I didn't stop growing when I was eight I would be almost as tall as my dad," I told her.

"But you're not which makes my life so much better," she snarked while walking over to hand me a cup of coffee.

I took it and mumbled a 'thank you' under my breath before placing it on the counter. I knew my face was turning pink and I couldn't stop smiling so I had pulled up the collar on my fleece and hid in it like a turtle.

"Awe look at my little baby, come on out of your collar sweetheart I wanna see that precious face of yours," she said making my cheeks turn dark red.

I shook my head. She walked even closer to me and peered down. That's when she started tickling my sides. I screamed and tried to run but she had a hold on me. I laughed and wiggled trying to get out of her grip but she wouldn't let go.

"Listen to that sweet laugh of yours baby," she said.

I tried to be angry...

"Kelly, stawwp," I said in an almost baby voice.

She looked at me after letting go and giggled. My face was bright red and my lips were curled into an accidental smile. My eyebrows were furrowed like I was upset with her but it was to difficult to keep up.

"Look at my little baby trying to be angry," she cooed.

I was trying as hard as I could to keep my eyebrows in their knitted state. I clenched my fists and tried to not look directly at her. She quickly noticed and took action. She tackled me to the floor and wrestled me into a position where she could tickle me with out having to hold me down.

My eyebrows relaxed as I giggled. I playfully whacked her arm as I squirmed underneath her. When she finished harassing me she got off me and picked me up off the floor. I had a big grin on my face that I couldn't get rid of.

"You love when I tease you, don't you my sweet little girl," she whispered in my ear.

I immediately hid in my fleece again and grabbed my coffee while sprinting out of the room.

"See you at dinner tonight y/n/n!" She called.

Oh crap I forgot, there was a big dinner tonight in the staff den so of course Kelly was going to be there.

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