°𝔼𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤(ℕ.ℝ)°

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I know it's kind of cliché but I feel like it has to be done 🤷‍♀️.

Warnings: Bad language, resentment, idk

Tony had just called us down to a short mission debrief so I was on my way to the meeting room. He needed to do something after the debrief so he asked us to get there ASAP. I speed-walked through the halls and was probably about a hundred feet from the meeting room when I turned a corner and smacked straight into somebody.

"Oh gosh sorry!" I said picking myself up off the floor and looking toward the person I had run into.

It was Natasha, Natasha Fucking Romanoff. I hated her guts so on instinct I took back the apology. 

"Nevermind," I said as she snarled at me.

"You should watch where you're going," she hissed.

"And you should learn to not be a bitch," I combatted.

She stood there astounded and I took it as an opportunity to nudge past her and continue my journey. I got there in due time and sat down across from Tony who was anxiously awaiting everyone's arrival. 

"Sup T-man," I said playing with my hair to fix it from my run-in with Natasha. 

"What's up is that we are still awaiting Sam and Natasha and I need to leave in fifteen minutes," he explained.

"Sorry I'm late I had a little run-in," she said glaring at me.

"Don't care, now where the hell is Sam?" He asked.

"Here! Here!" He shouted busting through the door and sitting down quickly.

I snickered quietly and he threw me a teasing look, I of course stuck my tongue out at him and giggled again. Tony quickly debriefed us on the mission goal and then handed us creme-colored folders before he rushed out the door.

I laughed at Tony before turning to my assigned folder and opening it. My eyes grazed along it to look for any specifications and that's when I saw her name.

"What!?" Natasha and I said in unison.

"I am not working with that skank!" Natasha said darting her eyes toward me and then toward Steve.

"Rude! But seriously I can't work with her, change it," I begged Steve.

"Can't, Fury's orders," he said.

I groaned frustratedly and left to go pack my bags.


As I loaded some clothes into my bag, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said inviting the person in.

"Hello Wanda," I said without turning around.

"How did you know it was me?" She asked.

"You knock very specifically, you always knock three times and wait 1.25 seconds between each knock," I told her.

"This is why you are my favorite superspy," she said wrapping her arm around my neck and kissing my cheek.

"I'll miss ya girly," she said.

"You too, Wands, don't get too friendly with vision," I warned.

She laughed and hugged me before leaving my room. Seconds later another knock resonated on the hard, dark, wood of my door.

"Who is it?" I asked not recognizing the knock.

"Me," The voice called.

I closed my suitcase and placed it carefully on the floor before going over to the door and opening it up.

"Oh, you, I thought it would've been someone more exciting like Banner," I said.

Natasha scoffed.

"Come on let's go lazy," she said grabbing my suitcase and dragging it down the hall.

I followed grudgingly knowing this mission was gonna be a pain in the ass.


When we got to the hotel, Natasha paid for the cab fare while I registered with the gentlemen at the front desk.

"Here, is your room key, your room will be number 301," he told me.

I smiled and thanked him as Natasha walked in and stood beside me waiting to head to our room.

"What room do we have?" She asked.

"301," I said latching onto my bag and heading toward the elevator.

We climbed into the elevator and I pushed the button other than the occasional clearing of the throat and the hum of the elevator the ride was silent.

When we got to our floor the elevator dinged and the door opened, and in perfect time I couldn't stand the silence.

I led us to the room and opened the door only to find one bed, no couch, a bathroom, a dresser, and a T.V.

"I'll take the floor, there's gotta be a cot or something in the closet," She said.

"No, you go on the bed, I'll just get another room," I said.

"You can't, Tony's reserved the room privately if we get another it could arise suspicion," she reasoned.

"You're right," I sighed.

"I will sleep on the floor," she said heading toward the closet.

"Natasha Romanoff! Get your ass in that bed right now!" I ordered.

She turned and looked at me.

"I said NOW!" I shouted. 

She widened her eyes and quickly sat on the bed.

"Now, you're gonna close your eyes, lay on that pillow, and go to sleep," I demanded.

"But I haven't had dinner," she complained.

I widened my eyes threateningly at her and she laid down quickly closing her eyes. Seconds later she pretended to snore.

"Is this believable?" She whispered making me laugh and lighten up a bit. 

"Nope," I said grabbing a cot and extra pillow out of the closet.

I set up the little bed and then walked over to Natasha and poked her face lightly.

"Wake up sleepy head, time for dinner," I said quietly.

She tossed her head back and laughed before opening her eyes and getting out of bed. It was weird, I almost didn't mind her presence. 

After dinner we came back to the room and got into our little sleeping areas, I remotely turned out the lights and then laid on my cot and stared up into the darkness.

A few seconds had passed and I could hear Natasha moving slightly. I heard her grunt and then the ruffle of covers, moments later she was lying right beside me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"The bed's too lumpy, this looks more comfortable," she mumbled.

I scoffed jokingly.

"Ok weirdo," I said before closing my eyes.

Natasha's presence soothed me and soon I was able to fall asleep with her next to me. 

I'm gonna make a smut pt.2 eventually so hang on, please excuse my inconsistency. 

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