°⚠️ ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕦𝕚𝕥 (ℕℝ) ⚠️°

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Smut, oral, fingering, maybe angst, fluff

"Get up recruit!" Natasha shouted after another harsh training session.

"Please it hurts," I whined.

"Begging isn't going to stop an oncoming enemy," she snarked.

I got up and looked her in the eyes, she went for another punch. This time it landed, it hit me square in the nose. I flew backwards, sitting up with my hand on my nose. Blood was spilling out and the pain was immense.

"Fuck you!" I shouted running out of the gym.

I got up to my room and quickly rushed into my bathroom, I cleaned myself up. My eyes had dark bruises underneath them and my whole nose was purple. I was cleaning up the dried blood under my nose when the dinner bell rang. I finished quickly and then went down to the dining hall. I saw Natasha there but I just ignored her.

"Woah what happened, y/n/n?" My friend Zoe asked.

"Just a training mishap," I told her.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

"Like a bitch," I said.

Dinner was served but I didn't eat, I wasn't hungry. I was angry and upset, why would Natasha actually hurt me? I thought she liked me. She flirted with me and complemented me on things. That was the first time she had ever been so hard on me and I ended up paying the price. I drank some water and then asked to be excused from the dining hall. I roamed the halls of the agency, all of the agents would have been in the dining hall so the halls were empty.

I made it to one of my favorite spots, it was an old closet. It was relatively big, the director had given me the key to the room. I was liked by most of the staff at the agency. I had decorated it and built it up, it was like my den or something. It had a full size bed and a mini fridge as well as a shag carpet and many other little pieces that made the room more comfortable.

I plunked down onto the bed and sighed heavily, I pulled out my phone and connected my headphones. I listened to some Lofi as I contemplated life. I wondered why she had done it, if it was on purpose or on accident. I heard a knock on the door. Not many students knew about the room so I was confused. I opened the door not removing my headphones and that was when I saw Natasha. I slid an ear out from my headphones.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say sorry," she said looking at the floor.

"Do you even know what you did?" I asked her.

"No," she said shyly.

"You broke my goddam nose, Mrs.Romanoff," I told her angrily.

"Mrs.Romanoff?" She asked looking up at me.

I blinked away tears from my throbbing nose and the feeling of heartbreak. She let a tear fall.

"Please forgive me, it wasn't my intention to hurt you so badly," she said trying to place a hand on my cheek.

I pushed her back.

"But it was your intention to hit me...I think I'm done with this conversation," I said closing the door in her face.


(It's three months later and y/n's nose is healed)

I can't stand seeing Natasha anymore, she meant to hurt me. She hurt me because she wanted to. Why would she do that? I've been getting closer with Zoe and Natasha has been very confident recently, like her strong flirts would change how upset I was with her. I didn't talk to her anymore unless it was in class and I could tell she was getting aggravated.

Today I didn't feel like talking to her at all, so I kept quite. After class she came up to talk to me but I ignored her. I walked back to my room and started to undress because she was the last class of the day, I changed into a oversized t-shirt and shorts. I heard a knock on the door so I opened it. Natasha barged in, her hand wrapping around my throat as she slammed me against the wall.

"You think you can ignore me and get away with it, slut?" She asked.

I didn't answer, I didn't even look in her eyes. She immediately slammed her lips against mine in a harsh aggravated kiss. She pulled my body flush against hers. I was still angry but all was forgotten when her lips met my neck. I felt arousal drip down my thighs as she ground her hips against mine.

"Fuck! Tasha, I need you now," I whined.

"Oh do you, well your sweet moans will make up for all the words you haven't spoken to me," she husked before ripping off my shirt and locking my door.

She threw me on the bed and started to kiss down my body, her lips stopping at the hem of my shorts. Her hands glided across the silky soft skin on my thighs. I moaned and nodded giving her permission. Once she removed my shorts she blessed me with gentle kisses to my sopping wet folds.

"So wet for me baby," she husked.

"All for you, mommy," I moaned.

She groaned at the nickname and sent a finger to glide through my folds, I moaned louder than the last time.

"I need more, mommy," I begged.

Her tongue started to kitten lick my throbbing bud. I squealed in excitement, I loved the pleasurable sensation.

"Put your fingers in me," I ordered.

"Oh so you think you can order me around?" She asked.

"What if I wanted to fuck you with a strap on or stick my tongue in you?" She asked.

"I need something thrusting into me, please!" I shouted.

"Ok fine, needy needy girl," she whispered in my ear.

Right then she rammed three fingers in my pulsating pussy, I screamed out in ecstasy. It stung so bad but it felt so good. I was moaning out incoherent curses as she praised me and degraded me.

"You're doing so well you needy little slut," she would say.

Soon my legs were shaking uncontrollably, my back arched roughly off the mattress.

"Tasha!!!" I screamed.

My cum dripped down as she smirked at my disheveled state. She licked me up, it hurt a bit because of how sensitive I was. She stripped and pulled my naked body onto her, we cuddled. Our warm bodies embraced each other soothingly.

"I'm still mad at you," I heaved, still out of breath,

"I know baby, I didn't mean to hurt you. They just told me I needed to be harder on you otherwise you would never learn. I would rather lose my job than lose you my sweet girl," she told me.

I kissed her lips as she drew shapes on the small of my back, I sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch, I didn't intend to be so angry at you. Honestly I think I was more hurt than angry, the love of my life intended to hurt me? I just couldn't believe it," I told her.

"The love of your life?" She asked.

"Yes Natasha, I love you very much, with all my being, truly," I said.

She smiled and kissed me sweetly.

"I have to say, I love you more," she told me.

"No fucking way man," I said making the both of us giggle.

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