Chapter 9

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'I'm not wearing that'

'Come on Ellie it's not that bad'

'No. You are not getting me to wear that'

'But you would look amazing in it'

'Sharlyn what part of no doesn't make sence to you'

Sharlyn sighs and puts the dress down on the bed. 'Just in case' she says and walks into my bathroom with her phone. It's wednesday today which means I'm meeting up with Niall at the lake. I was hunting around my room for something to wear when Sharlyn came in. You see Sharlyn and I have been talking a lot. We have become friends. I invited her over tonight to look after Ginny, who Josh decided would stay for a week at El's and I's campus so that our parents could go on their trip to Paris and he can go to his drum practises and dates with Blair. Who I still haven't met.

Sharlyn has been trying to get me to wear a purple dress that is really long and has a flowery patern. I can't wear it to a lake. I'll proberly land face first into the water and have to swim in a heavy uncomfortable dress. So no I'm not wearing it.

'Sharlllyyy' I whine in the direction of the bathroom.

'Elllieeee' She whines back not moving. Groaning I stand up of my bed and run to the bathroom. I run in and nearly fall over from skidding on my fluffy stripped socks I was wearing. I've always loved fluffy socks. In winter I like to curl up with a good book, usually Harry Potter or The Hunger Games, with my fluffy socks on, a jumper and a cup of caramel tea.

'Nice slide' she says laughing. I flash her a dirty look and sit down on the bath tub. 'Seriously Sharlyn, what do I wear?' Sharlyn goes back to putting her makeup on and laughs at me.

'The outfit I picked out for you was perfect but you don't see it.' She says gently putting the mascara on her eyelashes. I place my hands on the side of the bath feeling the cold stone of the bath tub on my hands.

'I'm not going anywhere fancy so what's the point?'

'Because you'll look nice' Says Sharlyn putting the mascara down and moving her hand over all her makeup she brought to do at my dorm.

'But I'm going to a lake not a fancy restraunt' I persiste.

'Yeah, and what if he decides to say somthing romantic or do something romantic and your not dressed up and ready for it?' She says picking up her eyeliner delecatly. She seemed like she was in a dream gently picking up bits of makeup and putting them on.

'Yeah but he said not to fancy and thats too fancy for me' I say getting up an taking my hair out of my pony tail, flinching whenever I hit a knot in my hair. Taking the hair brush I tackled with my hair trying to get rid of all the knots.

'Fine, but if it turns out to be romantic or flashy, don't say I warned you' Sharlyn says putting some eyeshadow on now. I stop brushing my hair and look in the mirror over to her. She was carefully putting brown eyeshadow on. She had the weirdest expression on her face while doing it. She had her mouth open and her head right up close to the mirror. She finished one and relised I was staring at her.

'What?' She asks her hands out to the side of her a bit.

Leaning back on the heels of my feet I cross my arms over my chest and smirk. 'Why are you doing your makeup in my bathroom. Why do you need makeup?'

Sharlyn's eyes widen and she quickly goes back to doing her eyeshadow. 'No reason' She says quickly. Smirking even wider I start to tease Sharlyn.

'Someone's going on a date!' I say. Sharlyn turns to me shaking her head.

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