Chapter 17

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After the date Niall and I went to Niall's apartment. The boys of One Direction had apartment houses. They were two story house that were all different colours. The houses were all facing each other in a circle. In the middle was a large pool and spa. There was a trampoline in the middle of the pool which was on a small island. A tree was in the middle of the large circular trampoline. A rope was hanging off the tree. The tree had fairy lights all over it. On the tree branches were pictures and little bits and pieces.

'What's that?' I ask Niall pointing towards the tree. Niall cups my small hand. His hand to over so you could pretty much not see my hand.

'They hold our special memory's, items, photos you name it. We keep it there because we felt the place needed something special and something different to the place and other people.' Niall explains. I giggle as he leads me to one of the two story houses. The one he lead me to was a light green. On the door it had a name plate.

Niall was sketched on the name plate with two green four leaf clovers. Niall unlocked his door and opened it. The smell of Niall cologne hits my nose. I feel myself smile as I think of the smell.

His house had a large lounge room which had large windows at the front giving us clear view of the
pool and the large tree. The lounge room was a large room with large soft couches. There was a large flat screen T.V with a large cabinet full of DvD's. a large stereo system was in the corner of the room with CD's piled high.

Niall takes my hand and pulls me thought the large kitchen and past the large stairs. We go outside to the back garden which was a large area of green grass. There was a telescope in the middle of the grass backyard. There was a fence around the edge with large hedges so fans can't see in or climb through the hedges. Let's just say everything was large. A telescope stood in the middle of the grassy backyard it was pointing up towards the sky with a table next to it. On the table was a little book and a pen.

I point towards the telescope. 'You like astronomy?'

Niall shrugs 'Every now and again'

'That's so cool, I like astronomy.'

Niall wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on my head. 'Consider me your new astronaut.' I giggle and and softly punch him. He laughs and takes my hand I feel myself smile even more.

'Come I want to show you the kitchen plus I'm hungry'

'You're always hungry' I laugh. We walk into the kitchen and I sit down on the bench. The kitchen was large and it had a cupboard above the middle bench that have cupboards.

'Chocolate?' Niall asks winking. He pushes a bowl of chocolate in front of us.

'You got it' I wink back taking a chocolate. Niall laughs and takes one as well. He stands on his toes and reaches up for something. His top goes up showing his toned stomach. I felt a sudden urge to poke it. Let me tell you his stomach was hard. And I'm saying that as in it is seriously like a rock. I did making Niall get back down with two cups raising one eyebrow.

'May I help you?' He asks smirking.

'Maybe' I drag out the 'E' and spin around on my chair. Niall laughs and pours out a can of Sprite for the two of us. 'Sprite?' I question raising a glass.

'The best in the world' He smiles. I laugh and his and softly kiss him. He smiles at me more and looks to the corner of the room. His eyes light up and he drags me towards whatever it was. A door was in the corner of the room that lead to a room which had glass windows around it showing the outside which was the pool and a view of the sky. In the middle of the circular room was a black Grand Piano. The piano was shiny and seemed to be calling towards me. I gasp and run towards it letting my hand skim across the top of the best instrument.

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