Chapter 14

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'I'm home honey!' I yell out through the room. It's been a couple of weeks since I had met Little Mix and not much that is major has happened. I had just gotten back from Phycology class and had walked into Eleanor and I's room. Eleanor pokes her head from the kitchen.

'Good' She mutters. Pushing me into the kitchen. There's ingredients all over the benches and a big bowl in the middle.

'What have you been doing?' I ask placing my bag down on a seat.

'I need you to bake' She moves to the other side of the counter and leans on her elbows. 'I want cupcakes. Nobody's home plus, Louis who is in my room and can't cook' I love to cook, especially baking. Whenever Kalli, Josh and I decied to bake they would sit at the counter and watch me cook. Well mainly because they don't know how to cook. I have tried to teach them how to cook, but they always give up half way through.

'I will let me have a shower and get changed first' She nods quickly as I make my way to my bedroom. Passing Eleanor's room I hear Louis talking to himself. I think he is.

'She's here I heard. Yeah just drop around' He speaks into- what I'm guessing- his phone Shaking my head I keep walking and open my door. I chuck my converse into my wardrobe and walk into the bathroom. Stripping down I step into the hot shower. The water starching my skin. I have to have hot showers. I have no idea why, I've been doing it ever since I was little. I pick up my strawberry shampoo and conditioner and wash my hair. Rinsing my body off with a Lemon smelling soap.

As I step out of the shower, the cold air wraps it self around me making me shiver like a Chihuahua. I wrap a fluffy towel around me and dash out of the bathroom, bumping straight into someone.

'Woah' I steady myself and hold the towel closer towards me. Louis is standing infront of me smirking, in a pair of green jeans and a black top.

'Nice' He mutters. I roll my eyes at him. 'Your such a boy'

'Hey!' I hear him say to me as a push my way back to my room. I pick out my 'Clato' top and a pair of grey trackies. I take my fluffy slipers and go into the bathroom ready to tackle it with a brush.

After all my hair is dried and brushed making it turn into a waterfall full of hair, down my back I trudge down to the kitchen. Louis is crashed of the couch leaning back with Eleanor under his arm. Eleanor flys towards me when she sees that I'm up.

'Can I help?' She exclaims. Nodding we set down ready to cook.

'I texted Harry to come around' Louis yells from the lounge room.

'Why?' Eleanor yells out to him while cracking an egg.

'Because we want to go down to the beach'

'Yes! The beach is my home' I laugh. Eleanor looks at me with her head tilted to the side. 'Hey watch what your doing!' I quickly drop the flour into the bowl and take the egg shells from Eleanor's hands. She squeals as egg yoke drips all down her arms.

'Nice going' I laugh at her.

'Shut up' She flicks the egg yoke into my face.

'Hey!' I smirk at her and grab a little flour and flick it in her face. She smirks back at me and takes a handfull of flour throwing it right into my face. I grab a egg and crack it on top of her head. She squeals.

'Oh it is on Ellie!' She yells and grabs her glass of juice, I can tell what she is planning and duck. A voice goes off behind us.

'Gross, Eleanor!' Louis comes running up to us.

'I'm so sorry Louis!' Eleanor yells trying to get away from him. I laugh at the two of them.

'You'll stop laughing after this Ellie' Louis yells picking up the two cups of milk we needed for the cupcakes. Eleanor laughs at us. Louis smirks and throws one at me and one at Eleanor. Milk pours down my front, I quickly grab an egg and throws it at Louis' stomach.

'Oww, Ellie that's hard'

'That's what she said' El and I both say at the same time. We laugh at each other.

'SUCKERS!' Louis yells quickly picking up four eggs. He throws two at my stomach, I feel the first one, it nearly blew the breath out of me because of his force of throwing. The other misses me. He tries to throw the other eggs at Eleanor, but she knows what is happening and ducks.

'Louis!' A voice behind us groans, two other voices start to laugh. Hearing one of the laughs makes my heart skip a little. Harry was standing at the door, with egg all down his front. Jade stood behind us, her pinkish hair tied into a high bun. Next to her was the Blue Eyed boy.

'You're gonna get it' Harry smirks at Louis and runs over to snatch up a glass of water. The water goes all over Louis he laughs and grabs another egg. The egg sails through the air and lands at Harry's legs Harry charges at Louis and grabs some juice. They run around the table and Harry thows the juice.

'Oh no you didn' Styles' Jade states wagging her finger at Harry. Harry backs away from the frightening death stare of the 19 year old girl. The 18 year old boy quickly ducks as she throws cocoa powder at him. The cocoa powder hits Eleanor instead. Eleanor quickly grabs a glass of juice and throws it back at Jade.

'Food fight!' Louis yells running around and throwing flour at us. Food began to get thrown everywhere people would run and grab a new food and throw that. As Jade throws a spoon of dip at me and I quickly duck and fall onto the ground. Spotting the table I quickly crawl across the floor and stay under the table. I feel someone's body pressed up against my back and cringe as I think that it could be El with a egg ready to pummel me.

'Cosy' the voice speaks behind me. A smile appears on my face as I notice the Irish accent on the voice.

'Nialler!' I gush turning around and giving him a nice hug.

'Ellie' he hugs me back tightly. When he pulls back I start to giggle as I spot a bit of dip on the top of his lips.

'What?' He questions tilting his head on the side. I resist the urge to say 'adorable' out loud. He just looked so cute like that.

'You've got dip on your lip' I giggle into my hand while pointing at his top lip. Niall whips his hand up and starts to vigeriously rubs his face. I begin to start laughing. 'You keep missing' I laugh. A spoon drops with a clang right next to my hand spraying some dip onto my hand.

'THAT'S IT STYLES!' Jade screams. A non manly scream echoes around the room as we watch as Jade's converses run across the floor and jump onto someone else's back, who I'm guessing is Harry who also screamed like a girl.

Niall keeps whipping his forehead vigorously. 'Is it gone?' He urgently asks.

'Your such a girl' I chuckle shaking my head at his girlieness.


'Your the one being a girl not me'

'Still you don't need to be mean about it' he says pouting his lips. Aww he's so cute when he pouts. My eyes flicker down to his lips.

'Aww here' I smile leaning in and pushing my lips up against his. He smiles into the kiss and kisses back. Softly his hand cups the back of my head I place my hands on his thighs and lean in further. I pull back and watch as his lips pull into a smile.

'I should have food on my lips more often' he cheekily smiles.

'Its still there' I point out. Niall winks at me and I roll my eyes at him laughing at his boyish ways. Using the side of my top I gently whip his face.

'Nice bra colour' He smirks obviously spotting it as my top had lifted.

'Boys' I laugh. Niall pouted and I giggle softly pecking his cheek. He pulls me into another hug closely to his chest. I could feel his muscles underneath his blue t-shirt making me smile. He made my heart skip a beat when he hugs me.

'You smell like lemons and jasmine' Niall comments his head in my hair.

'Is that a good thing?' I question as a glass of milk falls onto the ground and two pairs of feet run past, one of the feet fly off of the ground as we hear Eleanor squeal. The feet jump back down onto the floor and they both run off.

'Where's Ellie?' Jade's voice speaks out.

'She must of escaped with Ni' Harry laughs.

'Three guesses what their doing' Eleanor comments. I roll my eyes she would.

I spot Eleanor's legs right next to my hands and make a grab for them. A scream pierces through the dorm.

'Eleanor don't crash the building down.' Niall steps out with his hands over his ears.

'Sorry it's just that fucking Ellie scared the crap out of me' I laugh.

'Im sorry but it just had to happen'

'We ready to go to the beach?!' Harry exclaims excitedly.

'Beach?' Eleanor and I say at the same time. They all nod.

'I can't go' Eleanor sighs.

'Why babe?!' Louis exclaims dramatically pulling her into a tight hug and whipping a fake tear away from his eyes.

'Because I have class Lou' she squawks from his tight squeeze.

'Well I'm going and so are all you guys' We all nod at him.

'Let me get changed first, oh can I invite Kalli as well?'

'Yeah sure go ahead'

I walk down to my room and pull on my blue and white anchor bathes. With dark blue shorts and light yellow singlet. It's weeks weather has gone topsy turvy. As I walk out grabbing my glasses at the same time I bump into Kalli.

'WERE GOING TO THE BEACH ELLIE!' Kalli squeals excitedly.

'Yes we are go get dressed'

Kalli cheers and runs to grab some bathes. I walk in only to find Harry and Niall.

'Where are Jade and Louis?' I ask.

'Car' they both say going back to talking. As I was checking my phone and texting back to Josh Kalli runs in and grabs my arm going on about what we would do at the beach. Kalli loves the beach and she never gets to go. She went all the time in America but because there aren't many good beaches around it is not likely that we would go to a beach.

We climb into a white van that says 'No candy' on the side. Niall and Harry crawl in next to us. Louis is driving with Jade next to him laughing. Harry sits next to Kalli and Niall sits down next to me smiling.

'What's with the "no candy" sign?' I question Louis who starts up the van.

'Well people must know that I am not a pedo.' He explains.

'People will more likely think that you are a pedo' Kalli rolls her eyes.

'No, if there is no candy nobody will think I'm a pedo!' Louis complains.

'We are not getting anywhere with this people' Harry interrupts.

We all laugh and continue to talk.


'I just realised something' Kalli says looking at Niall and I weirdly. 'You are both wearing the same glasses' I look over to Niall and tilt my glasses down my nose a little to look at him. He tilts his raybans as well to look at me.

'We have a connection so that we can talk to each other through our minds and make something of ourselves is the same' Niall explains. We all turn to him looking at him weirdly. 'What? It's true'

'Someone should stay off the alcohol' I pat Niall's arm. He laughs and slips his arm over my shoulder making me giggle.


'Kalli!' I yell chasing Kalli down the beach. She laughs with my phone in her hand. 'Don't you dare go in the water with it!'

She was an arms length away when I reached out and grabbed her t-shirt jerking her backwards. She falls down nearly taking me down with her but I stay balanced and grab my phone. Just as I was going to run back she grabbed my feet. I fell down on the sand, my arm started to ache as I felt the sting from the fall on my arm. I jump up and jump on top of Kalli.

'Oh no you didn' I laugh at her. She laughs back and twirls so she was on top of me.

'Oh yes I did' she smiles back.

'Get off me you fat lump' I laugh pushing her off me. She falls of me and runs back to the others who are laughing and getting ready for the water. I run up and place my towel down on the sand.

'I'm getting there first!' Harry yells running down to the water and throwing off his shirt. I take off my shorts and t-shirt and quickly run down to the water trying to beat him.

'Ellie!' Jade yells running after me.

'What?!' I yell back.

'Wait for me!'

'Sorry I don't wait!'

She growls at me and takes off. Harry makes it to the water a couple of seconds before I run in the water cool on my legs. I dive gracefully into the water and come out whipping my hair out of my face. Jade runs up through the water to me.

'Drink water!' She yells splashing me in the face. I laugh and splash her back we keep splashing each other until Harry runs in between us laughing. He gets splashed in the face. Before he could splash me I feel something grab my feet and take me under. The bubbles start to go up my nose as I try to swim up. It pulls me down further and I start to panic. Wow to many horror movies I think. The person or thing lets go of my legs and I swim up to the surface.

'What in the horcruxes!' I squeal. Niall jumps up behind me cheekily smiling. 'Oh no you didn' I say moving my finger around my body. He laughs and swims away from me. I swim after him I dive under the water and he stops placing his feet on the ground. I swim up and grab his legs pulling him under. I get back up and swim back over to the others.

'Ellie! Not cool!' Niall yells coming over to us.

'Pay back is a bitch' I say ticking the air. He laughs and splashes Louis who looks at him in astonishment.

'Oh it is on Horan' Louis yells splashing him back.


I know it's not the best chapters, but I needed to update this story :P

I can not update for about 2-3 weeks because I have exams but like my Hunger Games story I will try and update every second night from then onwards :D



Elle <3 xx

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