Chapter 16

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Ellie's P.O.V

'The pranking queen has arrived!' Leigh-Anne's voice echoes through the room.

'Leigh!' I yell running out of my room and giving her a hug. She huffs out of breath as I crash into her with the hug.

'You called for my service?' She asks raising an eyebrow.

'Yes' I jump up onto the couch and lie down still watching her. 'I need to prank Josh heaps more times and a lot better then he does'

'Well you called the right person' Leigh-Anne smired sitting down next to me. 'Are we talking pranking with spillage, drawing, bring his girlfriend in too, leaving him behind, prank calling or just plain freaking him out?'

I thought for a second. Pay back time Josh it is revenge. 'I think we should do everything' I smirk at her. Leigh- Anne nods and gets up she runs off down the hall. After a few minutes she runs back with my pencil case and a notebook.

'Great choice first things first call Harry'

'Why?' I raise my eyebrows at her. Might as well ask the real reason Harry is always in these pranks.

'Just do, he is the look out and helps out with a lot of pranks'

I grab my phone and call Harry. I changed everyone's names in my phone. Some people *Cough Louis, Niall, Jade and Eleanor Cough* took my phone and changed their names to ridiculas names. But I don't really care. It's quite amusing actually.

'Harry?' I question into the phone as Harry's voice speaks out in what sounds like a shopping center.

'Harry here, what's up Ellie?'

'Leigh and I are planning to prank Josh and we need you here to help'

'Sweet I love pranking. Ok, I'll be right over'

I hang up and turn to Leigh-Anne who is already writing out ingrediants to bring for our first prank. 'I have a plan for our first one' She says drawing out a picture of the resturaunt I work at. 'Wait for Harry and I'll explain'


'I'm here!' Harry yells running into the room. He had a bag in his hand and his curls all over his face. 'Mobbed by fans' He puffs out of breath.

'Well done smartass' I laugh as Leigh-Anne takes her notepad and opens it again.

'Ok, Harry sit down' She pats the couch next to her and sits properly on the couch. Harry sits down and spreads out his arms and legs on the couch. I sit down next to Leigh and cross my legs facing her.

'Here's my plan' Leigh-Anne shoves the notepad forward so we can all see it. 'Ellie, you place a letter on Josh's bed in his apartment you have his key. Harry, you leave a note on Blair's front door. The notes should say about a date. The date should go at lunch time when you have your shift Ellie at Rosentino. I'll talk to your boss so he knows what is going on. They come down, Harry you can do what you always do and tell us where the couple are. Ellie you are going to do something and get Josh and Blair with food. I'll be in a car so you can both escape quickly. Now we need to work out the in between stages.'

'Why don't I pretend to fall over and spill food all over the two of them.' I ask.

'Would Josh kill you?' Harry questions.

I shrug my shoulders. 'Yeah, but it's worth it' Leigh-Anne writes it down.

'I could try to hide behind some plants?' Harry asks. Leigh-Anne taps her pen on her chin.

'That's gonna be too suspicious. You need a disguise.'

'You could be someone else?' I suggest.

'I know!' Leigh-Anne exclaims making the two of us jump. 'You can get dressed into a random citizen. Sit at a table and order a meal while reading a newspaper.'

'I have to buy a lunch?' Harry questions raisning an eyebrow.

'Your in a world famous boyband. You a rolling in money!' She exclaims.

Harry nods and get's up. 'I'm going to go get a new outfit out of one of you or Eleanor's rooms'

We all nod and Leigh-Anne and I go over everything.


'Ellie! Order up!' Stan the cook of Rosentino exclaims to me.

'Thanks Stan' I flash him a smile and take the plates of interesting looking spaggetti. I walk through to the room of the restaruant and place the plates infront of a couple who were dreaming off into each others eyes. 'Your Spaggettis' I smile to them. As I move away from the table I spot Harry sitting in the corner that had a view of the whole room. He was wearing my purple beanie and Eleanor's Big bug eyed glasses. He was wearing a dark blue hoody and bright orange shoes.

'Trying to draw attention to yourself much' I whisper to him as I take his glass away to fill it up again. He looks up at me behind his newspaper and pulls the glasses down his nose.

'Pardon?' He questions. I point towards his bright orange shoes. 'These are the only shoes that my fans haven't seen me in'

I roll my eyes at him and go over to a family who look like they are ready to order. While I am taking their orders I feel my phone go off. Once I've taken the last kids order I snatch out my phone.


Red alert the old potatoe and her date are here

I look behind me to see Blair and Josh walking in hand in hand. Josh had a pair of nice jeans and a nice leather jacket on. Blair had a pale pink dress and 7 inch platform purple heels. They walked in smiling and got put away from the window near Harry.

I take a deap breath trying to make myself not laugh. I look over and Leigh-Anne as she tells my boss what is happening he laughs and nods. Walking over I place a smile on my face and walk over to them.

'Hi Blair and Joshy what can I get you for a drink?' Blair looks up at me with a disgusted look while Josh smiles at me.

'You work here when your boyfriend is a million dollar maker? You don't have to work girl you could just relax at home' She snorts.

I look at her over my pad and raise an eyebrow at her. 'Excuse me. I work to get money, not use Niall ever, have a living and a life' She grumbles something and crosses her arms.

'Really Ellzi?' Josh groans.

'She started it' I mumble. Blair is so annoying. You can't put us in the same room without Blair and I getting in an argument of some kind. 'What can I get you guys to drink?'

'Coke, thanks El' Josh smiles up at me.

'What can I get that has no carbs, no sugar and is fat free?' Blair asks turning her head on the side.

'Water' I say automatically. Josh sniggers.

'Shut it Joshy Washy' Blair says strocking his arm like a cat. I mentally vomit and remind myself to when I run out.

I take their order and continue to run my waitress wage.

'Ellie!' Leigh whispers to me after a while.

'Yeah?' I whisper back. She was sitting opposite Harry pretending to be his date.

'Spill the spaggetti they ordered all over the two of them.' I smile and nod at her. Stan gives me the spaggetti and I walk forward trying to figure out how I would trip. Maybe I could stumble over my feet, no Josh would know I did it on purpose. I could always make a detour and get Leigh to stick her leg out to trip me up. But how would I aim it so It lands on the tw- Before I could finish I tripped over something just as I got to there table. Food went all over them and I could hear Leigh and Harry begin to laugh. But how did I trop over? I didn't do it on purpose what made me trip? I turn over and spot a little kid from the family I served earlier smiling up at me cheekily. He had left his toy out making me slip.

'You little future pranker' I smile rubbing his hair. Leigh and Harry grab my hands and pull me out of the restaraunt as an angry Josh tries to run after us. Leigh-Anne turns back and gives my boss an air kiss. He smiles at us chuckling. We all jump into the car and drive off.

'Did you see her face!' Leigh squeals laughing as we drive off.

'I nearly died from laughing' Harry laughs.

'That kid is a genious' I agree. 'I didn't know what I would do to trip but he did it for me. Future pranker there right at our feet.'

'You've got that right' Leigh agrees 'Maybe I should give him some pointers.' We all laugh and drive back to my college.


'Ellie get ready for your date!' Eleanor yells through my door.

'I am El!' I yell back at her. I hear her running off. I look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a mid thigh light green strapped dress. It had a black fancy belt in the middle. My silver heels were on my feet with my black Channel shoulder bag. I had a white bowtie in my hair and had curled my hair. Green glow in the dark nailpolish were on my nails.

I walk out into the room to find Niall, Eleanor and Zayn sitting on the couch.

'Ellie' Niall breaths spotting me.

'Hey Ni' I walk over smiling and give him a quick peck. He had a black tux on with a green bow tie.

'He borrowed the bow tie from Harry' Zayn puts in. We laugh at him.

'Shall we be going M'lady?' Niall asks holding his arm out.

'We shall my knight' I giggle.

'Denken Sie daran, den Schutz tragen!' Eleanor yells after us. I swear that's the only she knows in German.

'Halt die Klappe Eleanor' I yell back at her. Eleanor laughs as we leave the room.

'What was that about?' Niall questions.

'You don't want to know' I laugh.

As we walk up to the car Niall opens the door for me 'M'Lady' He says again poshly

'Where are we going sir?' I ask poshly.

'To a little surprise'

'Oooh I like surprises'

'Thank god you do' Niall breaths. 'You look beautiful Ellie'

I feel my cheeks beginning to go red and try to touch them to cool them down. 'You clean up nicely Mr Horan' I pull a little at his tux and smile. He turns and smiles down at me.

'You wait until we get to our destination, I know you are going to love it!'


'Put this on' Niall hands me a red spotted handkerchief.

'Really?' I ask eyeing it. 'How do I know your not going to kidnap me?'

'Just trust me' Niall places it on my eyes and ties it up. 'You do trust me don't you?' I hear his voice ask.

'Of course I do' I smile at- well where I think he is by his voice.

'Well lets do this' he says pulling me out of the car. We begin to walk down what feels like a hill.

'Ow' I mutter under my breath as a stick sticks into my leg.

'Sorry Love' Niall' strong Irish accent sticks out on the word love making me want to start dancing. Luckily I know how to walk and run in heels so its not difficult walking down this hill. When we finally get to what feels like the bottom Niall lets go of my hand. Immediately I outstretched my hands.

'Nialler, where are you?' I ask.

'Hang on love I'll be there in a jiffy'

'In a jiffy?' I question.

'What? It's spontaneous'

I shake my head laughing at him- well his voice. After a bit I feel Niall's hand cup into mine making me blush under the blindfold.

'Even with the blindfold on I can tell your blushing' Niall comments


'It's cute' he whispers and pulls me over to what sounds like wood. 'Now this is the difficult bit, but we'll manage' he makes me step my foot down into I realise is a boat. Then the rest of my body. Once I'm in and sitting Niall sits down as well.

'Now you can take it off' I pull the blindfold off and blink a couple of times to adjust to the lighting.

'Wow' I breath at the sight that is in front of me. We were on a large lake that looked like there were something that was lightning up inside the water. Well reflecting. infront of us was a large box on the water. Well I'm guessing it was half in half out but anyway, there was a little of the box out. Black objects were on the box but I couldn't make out what they were but there was defiantly some kind of objects on the box.

'I decided to do something that nobody would of thought of' Niall's voice speaks next to me.

'I never thought this would have happend' I admit.

'Good, I was worried someone else would of done this for you'

I turn to him confused. 'Why would someone else do something like this, it's so original and amazing so far' Niall breaths out as if he had been holding his breath for a while and turns his gaze off into the lake. 'You seem stressed Ni' I say placing my hand on his. 'It's kinda like how nervous you were for our first date.'

'Well I want this to be the best date you've had' He confesses.

'It already is' I smile at him. He blushes a little and I giggle.

Niall's P.O.V

I breath out quickly and turn to Ellie. She looks beautiful tonight she took my breath away whenever I look at her. Literally I'm not kidding I have to try and remember how to breath. I glance down to her right hand which is leaning close to my hand. He small petite hand small fingers. I reach down and take her hand in mine. The warmth in her hand makes me smile. Ellie looks up at me smiling. Her big Blue eyes sparkeling. As we pull up to the box I slowly watch as her face lights up. I gaze up and admire my fine work.

The box had a table and two chairs, with lights -well lanterns- all lined up along the outside of the box. I breath air out of my nose slowly, Liam placed the candles on the table and got a chief. The one thing I couldn't get.

When I row up to the box I gently jump out of the boat. Turning around I gently cup Ellie's hand again. Her touch sends shivers up my spine. I help her out of the boat and lead her to table. Ellie lets go of my hand and turns around a little.

'This is magical' She wispers.

'Well m'lady let's sit down and enjoy the art of Franco Duscer' pointing to the chief who nodded at me. I lead her to her seat and place myself down opposite her. I pull out my menue and scan it. Ok, let me get this straight for you. We are on a floating box with a romantic dinner (I hope), there is the chief Franco Duscer who is standing beside the table. A boat is off to the side that Franco get's in with our orders and takes it to the kitchen in his famous French restaraunt which is really expencive.

'Je voudrais que le poisson s'il vous plaît' Ellie speaks to Franco.

'You know French as well as German?' I question her, thinking how hot it sounds her speaking two different languages.

'Oui je fais' She speaks back.

'Combien de temps avez-vous parlé français pour?'

'Depuis que je suis âgé de sept ans. Vous?'

'Depuis j'avais onze ans'

'Well we kept that one to ourselves' She laughs.

'Pourrais-je s'il vous plaît avoir les coquillages' I ask Franco who writes it all down and quickly hops into his boat to the resteraunt. Turning to Ellie I watch as she glances around the box checking out all the lights and the view.

'This is incredible' She smiles towards me, making me blush a little.

'It's the best I can do for someone as pretty as you' Ellie's cheeks go a bright red and I can't help laughing. She's so cute when she blushes.

'Shut it' She slaps my arm across from the table while her face went brighter.

'Votre si mignon quand tu rougis' I sweetly tell her.

'Watch me get adorable in a minute' She mutters trying to hide her cheeks. 'We've been going out for 3 months and your complements still make me blush'

'That's love Cinderella' I smile taking her hands.

*Ellie's P.O.V*

Oh gosh. I feel like dying from his cuteness. He really knows how to make a girl feel like a princess.

'Voici votre dîner' Franco the cheif approached us with our food and slids them infront of us. The Shellfish was slid infront of Niall and the fish infront of me. We dig in.

'This is amazing' Niall spits through his food making me giggle at his faciel expression.

'Mmm, I never knew someone could make fish taste this good'

'I guess you've never been to a 5-star restraunt before then?'

'Nope' I say while poping the "P"

After we had finished we started to talk about a few things. Niall told me a really funny joke, which made me nearly spit my drink out. Niall dips a bit of bread into a dip. The dip gets on his top lip and I start to giggle.

'What?' He questions raising an eyebrow.

'You-Got-f-f-f' I try and splutter out.

'Elliee' Niall wines taking my hand.

Picking up my napkin I reach over and gently wipe the dip off of his top lip. As if in a movie my hand moves slowly away from his mouth and our eyes lock. I look into his bright blue eyes which were sparkeling, butterflys start to flutter in my stomach. His eyes flutter down to my mouth and the sides of his mouth twitch upwards. He leans in slowly and pulls back a stray curl which had fallen in front of my face. Silence overlapped us as he slowly did this gesture.

'Your so beatiful' Niall wispers. I'm about to lean back into my chair when he shakes his head and pushes his lips straight onto mine. The coincedence of this happening before makes me giggle but I close my eyes kissing him back. His lips tasted like cotton candy, soft and sweet tasting, with a hint of the dip he had just eaten. After a little while I pull back smiling, plonking down on my seat I watch as Niall slowly opens his eyes. He had a smile on his face that looked like he would brake his face if he smiled anymore.

I sigh happily and watch as Niall re adjusts himself. He starts to pat the table and leans forward holding out his hands. I move forward and place my hands in his large hands. They cup around my small hands.

'I have a suprise for you' He whispers and reaches into his tuxedo pocket, pulling out two little boxes. He places them in to my hands. 'Pour vous ma princesse, Joyeux anniversaire de trois mois'

I smile up at him and open the boxes. Inside the first one was a little light green clover necklace with His engraved in it. It had a magnetic connecter. I gasp as I see it and Niall pulls something from his neck. It's another clover which is dark green and has Hers ingraved in it he puts it next to the necklace he got me and they both connect.

I sigh and look up at him. He was smiling at me his eyes dancing. I cup his face and give him a kiss. Our lips move in sync. He pulls away and gives me the other box. I lift it up and come across the mockinjay pin Katniss wore. I gasp again and pin it to my dress.

'Oh my gosh!' I exclaim. 'Thanks so much Ni!' Niall chuckles and ties the necklace around my neck. I smile up at him. 'I have something for you' He looks shocked as I grab my handbag and lift out a little box. 'Don't look shocked I had to get you something'

'Thanks El' He smiles and takes the box when he opens it he gives me a large smile. 'This is the necklace I spotted in that Jewerly store!' He exclaims. The necklace I got him was a little gutair. It was made out of pure gold and Niall has been looking at it for weeks but never went to get it. He cups my face this time and gives me a sweet loving kiss. I feel myself smile into the kiss. He smiles as well. When we pull apart he leans his head against mine. His blue eyes sparkeling. He takes a deep breath and swallows. as if he was really nervouse.

'Je t'aime Ellie' He whispers smiling at me.

My heart burst with happiness and I feel like getting up and jumping up and down. But if I did that I would of fell into the lake and that would be a disastor. I am so happy now that not even Andrew could ruin this moment. I say back what I have been wanting to say ever since I first met him or even saw him perform on X Factor.

'I love you too Niall Horan'


YES I UPDATED! Ahaha sorry it's late. I've been very busy. First week back at school for Term 3 and I'm sick on the first two days! Then I had all this homework and catch up. Year 10 is pretty hetic.

Anyway I hope you love this! I've always wanted to go on a date like this *Sigh* oh well. Fingers crossed later on in my life it will happen :D

Picture of Leigh-Anne on the side dancing! <3

Dedicated to Amy, because we talk all the time in Maths about Wattpad and we give each other great ideas. You gave me the idea about the date Ameh! <3 LOVE YOU! Go check out her storys NOW they are amazing! <3


Elle <3 xx

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