Chapter 20

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Once we had gotten off of the plane, Kalli and I stood up on our feet and danced around the airport. I felt my heart begin to pump faster as I think of my home.

'Stop shaking your leg El' Sofia says placing her hand on my leg softly over Josh. We at the moment are in a taxi going home. I look up at her and flash her a massive grin.

'I'm just to excited though Sofia!' I squeal jumping up and down on my seat. Sofia rolls her eyes at me and leans her head on the window closing her eyes. Kalli was sitting in the front seat fiddling with the radio as the taxi man gave her strange looks as if he was going to tell her off for fiddling with the radio.

Josh sighs and fiddles in his seat next to me. 'Your too excited Ellie'

I huff and cross my arms over my stomach. 'Well sorry for being excited because I haven't been home for AGES!' Josh rolls his eyes and looks out the other window over me. Kalli turns around and her eyes switch between Josh and Sofia who are both looking out the window. She tilts her head and I get what she is pointing too. I pretend to go around a corner and push my full body weight into Josh. Josh falls onto Sofia grunting. Sofia squeals. Josh peers up at Sofia and blushes.

'Sorry Sof' He whispers and leans back towards me his cheeks still red. Sofia goes red as well and I begin to laugh. Kalli starts to laugh at the front as well.

'Give me one good reason on why I should not throw you out of this car' Josh snarls at me.

I put my finger on my chin and pretend to be thinking. 'Let me think, because the car is moving?' Josh was about to say something back when Kalli interrupted us.

'We're home!' She exclaims. I look up excitedly to spot my childhood house come speeding into view. I attempt to climb over Josh and Sofia just to get to the window but Josh pushes me back.

'Serioulsy Ellie? No' I roll my eyes and slap his head.

Josh groans at me and hits me back. We slap each other until Sofia slaps the two of us.

'You guys are so immature' She states.

'That's why you love us' Josh laughs at us, but realizes what he said and blushes.

I giggle as the car pulls up. I fling open the door my heart pumping faster. Falling onto the grass out the front of the lawn I feel myself smile wider.

'Ellie!' My head snaps up to spot my mother and father standing at the door. I feel tears spike my eyes and threaten to spill as I rush forward my heart pumping faster. I have missed my parents so much. I fling myself into mum first as she holds me tightly. Her flowery smell hits me as I smile wider and feel the tears beginning to fall. As I let go she kisses my cheek softly. I turn to my father and throw myself into him. His familiar Cologne hits my nose and I feel like I am a little kid again coming home from camp.

'Josh! Kalli! Sofia!' My mother squeals like a teenage girl and runs forward to her eldest son. She flings her arms around him as he drops mine and his bags on the ground. Josh mouths "help" to me and I shake my head laughing. Mum kills Kalli in a hug and murders Sofia. As we all walk in I feel my smile pick up even more. I felt like I was walking into my childhood and everyone and everything was popping out to remind me of it. I walk into the White two story house into the hall. The familier blue walls make me smile as I peer up to the staircase. Kalli slips her arm into mine as we wonder into the kitchen. The small kitchen with the island bench still looked the same. Kali goes into the fridge and pulls out a block of chocolate.

Ok, random. Well it is Kalli.

Kalli pushes the chocolate towards me and I shake my head. I'm too excited to eat. I want to see my room. With that thought in my head I rush out of the room past my parents who are laughing at something Josh had said. I rush up the stairs and charge into my bedroom. my room was exactly how I left it. it had posters all over the walls, my bed in the middle with blue bed covers. I had fairy lights hanging up on my blue wall. A picture wall was on the side of my wall, it had pictures of my high school years and primary years all over it. My desk was still in the corner with the Apple laptop on top of it. I skip over and turn it on. My back wallpaper was a picture of the lads from One Direction. One of their photo shoots I laugh at it and make mental note to change it. My keyboard was underneath the window an I slide my hair over too it. Placing my fingers over the keys I begin to play a song. I play a classic piece by Motzart. As I finish up the song I hear clapping behind me.

'What do you want Josh?' I ask spinning around to face my annoying 21 year old brother.

He throws his arms into the air, 'Hey, I didn't say anything just wanted to see how it was going.' He walked over through my room checking out my walls. 'You know it's really unnerving seeing my best friends staring back at me'

'I really can not be stuffed taking them down' I sigh spinning in my chair. 'Do you know how long it took me to put them up?! Way to much effort to take them down'

Josh shrugs and walks over to my photo wall. 'Whaterver your choice. Just as long as you don't start kissing Niall through the poster then I'm all good.' He says referring to the time when I was 16 and he walked in on me kissing my poster. Hey! in my defense it was a dare from Kalli.

'I do that in real life. I don't need no poster for that.' I smirk at his reaction.

'I don't need that much information Ellie! it's bad enough that your dating one of my Best Friends. I am the only one still not ok with it. If anything happens that boys getting hunted down by me personally.' Josh says horrified.

I laugh as he picks up a picture of the two of us when he was 9 and I was 6. He had an arm around my shoulder with his power ranges t-shirt. He had a little flower chain on his head an was laughing. I had my hair out an a flower braid in my hair. My arm was around his shoulder and I held another half flower braid in my hand.

'I remember this' Josh taps the picture laughing 'It was when you tried to force Mum and Dad to wear a flower braid. do you have the picture of Kalli throwing a tantrum?'

I nod and skip over to my photo wall. plucking off the photo of an 8 year old Kalli with mud all over her crossing her arms and staring angrily at a laughing 11 year old Josh who had mud in his hands and was laughing at her.

'This photo is one of my personal favorites' Josh laughs tapping at it.

We laugh at a couple more photos until Kalli yells from her room to come to dinner.

I make my way out I my room and into Kalli's room. Her room was pretty much the same as mine except she had a couple Justin Bieber posters instead of Hunger Games poster and her walls were a cream pink.

'Couldn't be stuffed taking down your posters?' I question pointing to the posters of One Direction, Justin Bieber and a large poster on her roof of an Australian band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. I have to admit the guys from that band are pretty good looking as their music is quite good. But Kalli's the obsessed one.

Kalli nods 'hell yeah. To much effort. What about you? Still got your Boyfriend on your walls?' I nod and she chuckles 'You don't want him to see that then' I laugh and we head down to the kitchen.


*Five days later*

'Are you excited for tomorrow?' Kalli asks as she dips her feet into the lake. We had been at home for five days and quite a few things had happened. Josh and I had gone down the "Ed's Icecream" and had gotten the ice creams we use to have all the time when we were younger. We had gotten into meeting up with old friends and neighbours. It had been a really tearful, fun and memorable time. Jade and Jesy had come down to check out my home town and say "hi" to us. They stayed for a couple days.

Kalli and I had decided to take a visit down to the park a day before I get picked up by the guys from One Direction to go on tour with them.

I nod happily and sigh gazing out across the lake. 'It still doesn't feel surreal'

'Have you been on your twitter lately?' Kalli questions. Kalli has the password to my twitter and tends to always stalk celebrities on it because apparently she "can't be stuffed getting a twitter"

I turn to her and raise an eyebrow. 'No, I can never have time or the motivation to go on why?'

Kalli shrugs her shoulders and looks out over the lake. 'Just wondering'

Ok. Now I'm really curious. Maybe I should check up just for a minute to see what is going on. I mean it won't do any harm? I make another mental note to look up twitter tonight.

'So how's you and Jake?' I question referring to her new boyfriend she met at a cafe.

Kalli smiles at my question. 'Brilliant at the moment. He's so sweet but there's one problem'

'He's not Luke?' I refer to the Lead vocal and guitarist of 5 Seconds Of Summer.

'Yes and no.' She lies down on the grass. 'He doesn't play guitar and doesn't look hot as, but he's just not sweet and adventurous. He's ideal date would to go the library and read books. I mean mine would not be that. He never opens the door or anything and sometimes even ignores my texts. But I just can't bring myself to brake up with him.'

I lie down next to her and place my feet in the lake. 'Wow, your in a difficult situation' Kalli nods and sighs.

'What should I do?'

'I think you should just go up to him and sa-'

'Ellie! Get up you've gotta get packed for tomorrow!' Sofia's voice yells from behind us.

I groan and slowly get up. 'Why' I mutter and get up. Kalli slowly gets up and follows me as we head home.


*The next morning*

'Should I wake her up?' A voice whispers above me.

'No!' A voice hushes the other voice. 'You woke me up by shaking my bed and bouncing on it. You do that to Ellie she'll hit you accidentally'

'Come on El, it'll be funny' the voice whines.

'Lou, if you do that you'll be dead meat. Anyway someone else will want to wake her up'

It went silent for a bit and the male voice speaks up. 'You know it feels really weird seeing myself stare back at me'

'That's fame BooBear. Welcome to the fangirl room. Right over here we have the Fangirl sleeping in her den and over here by the door we have her Prince Charming. Now watch at how her Prince Charming does wake her up.'

There was a slap and a groan as if someone hit Eleanor in the head. It's to damn obvious that the two of them are in the room. The place goes silent. I feel myself drifting back off to sleep when I feel something brush against my lips. I begin to smile into the kiss as I feel the familiar tingle.

My eyes flutter open as I spot my boyfriend leaning over me smiling cheekily. 'Morning princess' His Irish accent hitting my ears.

I smile and brush a stray hair out of his crystal blue eyes. 'Morning Prince Charming' I wink.

Eleanor "Awws" on the side an Louis groans owning a smack from Eleanor.

Niall lifts me up so I'm sitting up in my bed.

'ELLIE!' Two voices yell I feel two body's slam onto my bed. One lands on my legs while the other ends up falling off the end of my bed.

We all begin to laugh as Zayn gets up off the floor groaning. Liam grins with his achievement of landing on the bed and clambers up the bed. He pulls me into a tight hug and rolls of the bed succeeding in jumping straight up on his feet.

Zayn crawls onto my bed and hugs me as well. He gets off of my bed and wonders over to one of my posters. 'This is kind of freaky' he points to a One Direction poster. 'Why am I all over your wall?'

'Hey mate I'm on her wall as well.' Harry smirks strolling into my room with Kalli behind him eggs in her hair.

I point laughing at Kalli. She groans and points at Harry. Getting up I high-five Harry. 'That's bloody brilliant'

'Love the computer background Ellie' Liam says sitting at my desk the photo of them at a photoshoot pops up and the guys begin to laugh.

'Shut up guys I didn't have the time to change it.' I laugh leaning on the back of the chair Liam was sitting on. He laughs and clicks into my folders. The other guys lie around my room while Louis and Harry play a game of who can stay under my bed the longest without sneezing since aparently underneath my bed is really dusty. I don't even know. Liam begins to type away on my laptop as I watch a sneezing Harry get kicked in the eye by Niall who was swinging his legs over the side of my bed. Eleanor begins to jump on my bed as Louis doesn't get out from under my bed. Kalli walks in all cleaned up and lies down on my carpet. She takes out her phone a begins to take selfies. Harry and Niall come over and take some with her laughing at the turn out of the photos.

'Let's go lads Paul is getting angry in his seat next to the driver.' Liam speaks up. He was looking outside my window. We all nodded. Zayn ran out with a couple of my packed bags around his arms laughing like a madman. Louis and Eleanor grab eachothers hands and run out laughing about something. Harry gets up off the ground after falling over and runs after Louis yelling something. Liam takes out his USB that I only just noticed he had and grabs my laptop running out with the bag. I raise my arms into the air in defeat and pick up my suitcase. Niall places his arm on my shoulder making me jump.

I smile up at him as he reached down and took my suitcase. With no effert what so ever may I add. I find myself staring down at his arm muscles as they tense. Niall whistles and moves his hands to make me look up. 'You check me out to much' He chuckles and gently takes my hand.

I gasp 'Well that's a little unreasanable. Maybe I should stop checking you out' stops and looks me into the eyes.

'Please don't' He begs like a little kid. I roll my eyes at him and jump on the banister.

'We'll see' I wink at him and slide down the side landning on my feet at the bottom. Niall looks down his mouth wide open. Oh yeah, he properly hasn't seen me do that before. I giggle and look around the room. Mum, Dad and Kalli were stadning at the door saying goodbye to Josh. Sofia had said her good byes yesturday.

'Kalli!' I exclaim and running over to hug my Best Friend. She hugged me back.

'Remeber to get me autographs of any hot famous guys and if you meet Luke Hemmings and get him to my/our front door I will pay you Nandos for a whole year.'

'A whole year of Nandos just to get Luke here?' Niall asks walking down the stairs. 'Well, I might as well call him now and see what he has to say to that' Niall winks at her as he walks out the door he kisses my mother on the cheek who blushes and shakes Dad's hand. They mention something about football and both laugh. Kalli stands next to me shaking.

'Please Ellie. Get Luke to my door and maybe even the rest of the lads and we will defiantly talk'

I laugh and kiss her on the cheek. 'I'll take you on that one. Bye Kals' Kalli squeals and runs upstairs. I walk over to my mother and father and give them hugs each. They tell me the usually of looking out for rapist and fans and allows me to be free. I walk over to the large tour bus that was all light up and had music pounding inside. Paul waves to my parents nodding at them. He smiles at me as I get on the large tour bus. Inside it was a lot larger. There was a small kitchen at the front with a table to eat at. Bunks in the middle, a bathroom next to the bunks that was suprisningly quite large and a lounge room in the back equipt with a large flat screen, couches, an XBox and a Nintendo Wii. Liam and Zayn were at the moment playing Halo on the XBox and by the sounds of it Liam was winning. Eleanor and Louis were telling jokes with Josh while Harry was sitting on his bunk on his phone.

'Wow' I mutter checking out the place.

'Here love' Niall grabs my hand and pulls me to a bunk at the top. 'This ours'

I whip my head around 'Ours?'

'Yeah so don't be having sex in there because we can all hear it' Harry speaks up from his phone.

'Your telling us when your not worried about Lou and El?' I raise an eyebrow at him.

Harry turns to me. 'What about them?'

'Let's just say I walked in on them at a bad time.' Harry's mouth opens wide.

'Oh wow, so Louis got his broom into Eleanor's Quidditch pitch I'm guessing?'

All three of us laugh really loudly at the response. 'Yes, Harry Potter references' I exclaim clapping Harry's hand. 'I don't FIND this suprising at all'

Harry laughs. 'Very Potter Musical references nice one'

'I WON YES BEAT THAT ZAYN IN YOUR FACE' Liam screams over the top of us. Harry laughs and jumps out of his bunk he runs over to the T.V and grabs a contorller.

'Come on Liam if your so good try and beat me!'

Niall chuckles next to me shaking his head. 'So you excited about this trip?'

I nod excitedly. 'All though there is one problem' I admit biting my lip.

'Stop that' Niall gently tries to stop me from bitting my lip. 'It's to hot. Please stop it'

'Ahh is this anoying you?' I smirk bitting my lip again. 'How 'bout when I add this?' I twirl my hair in my finger and wink at him. Niall groans as I begin to laugh.

'Enough with this, what is the problem?' He questions his eyes widdnening. I look into his blue eyes and point up at the bunk.

'I'm too small to reach up to it' Niall laughs and takes my hand.

'I can give you a boost' He winks and slips his arm around my shoulder. 'Let's go play some Halo' His eyes light up like a little 5 year old on christmas.


'So we are eating Chinese on a tour bus with my six bestfriends and boyfriend' Eleanor says smiling. 'How could life get any better'

We were currently eating the Chinese on the table just in the kitchen. 'It can't' I agree smiling.

The others all agree. 'I have a question for all you guys' I say pointing my springroll at the lads. They all look up at me questionably. 'Why didn't Perrie, Danielle or Sharlyn come?'

Zayn laughs. 'Because Ellie dear when Simon said we could bring three of our girlfriends on tour Niall, Louis and Josh were the first to say they were.'

'Mmm, so it's first in best dressed?' I question.

'Pretty much' Zayn nods. 'All though it's more. First in first to pick up the pieces when the girl gets pregnant'

Eleanor swallows her chicken and begins to choke. I start to laugh really loudly as Louis goes bright red and thumps her on the back.

'To far Zayn' Louis groans. We all laugh and watch as Eleanor stops chocking and calms down.

After dinner we play some more Halo and go to bed. As I get out of the shower and finish getting changed I walk out and go to the bunks. All the guys besides Liam who is talking to Danielle in the lounge room on his phone have gone to sleep. I spot Niall hanging out of his bunk watching me.

'What?' I question.

'So you can check me out but I can't?' He questions. I blush and grab his hands. He lifts me up as I place my feet on what I think is a bunk bed but does end up to be Zayns hand he groans but turns to the other side and falls asleep again. I lie down and slip under the blanckets. Niall gives me a quick peck and places his chin on my head. 'Good Night Princess' He whispers.

'Night Prince Charming' I whisper back and fall asleep to the rocking of the bus.


YES I updated. BUT I can't update untill about 2 weeks because I have exams! :'( So goodbye Wattpad for that time.

My phone went through the wash #GeniousEllaDay and I got my IPod stollen from a year 8 so no Wattpad for a while!


Love you all and remember If it makes you all feel better once Chris Brown had food poisning and went to fart and shit his pants



Elle <3 xx

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