Chapter 12

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Yahhh I made sure they got together! You are welcome. If I haven't been answering your comments, i'ts because they are so nice that I don't know what to say :P I love comments <3

Anywho hope you like this chapter

~Elle <3 xx


When we get to my campus I turn to Niall and smile at him. 'Thanks for everything Niall, tonight has been the best night of my life' Niall smiles. 'No, thankyou' he says 'You made my night' I blush and look down at my feet giggling.

Niall lifts my head up and leans in for a slow kiss.

'OH MY GOD FINALLY!' We hear a voice yell outside of the car. Danielle and Sharlyn come running up to the car.

'Yahh!' Sharlyn says clapping her hands excitedly. 'You guys are finally together!'

What's that? the fifth time we have been interrupted this past month? Danielle looks like she is going to explode and Sharlyn was just well- being Sharlyn should we say.

'Well night Niall' I say smilling at him.

'Night Beautiful' He say giving me a quick peck and a hug. I hop out of the car and wave good bye as he drives off.

'I.Knew.It' Sharlyn states.

'Yeah, Yeah' flapping my hand in her face.

'Come on spill the beans' Dani says nudging me.

'Wait till we are in the room, cause Kalli and Eleanor will be bugging me about it.'

'Ok!' Danielle says happily.

'Why are you guys outside the campus anyway?' I ask turning to them.

'Eleanor got bored and wanted an all girls night' Sharlyn says shrugging. I laugh and we run up to the room.


When I came back to the room I had to get dressed (Well after I had shaken Eleanor, Danielle and Sharlyn of my back. Even Ginny joined in in barking at me) I pulled on a striped woollen jumper and a pair of leggings. Pulling my hair up in a messy bun I ran into the lounge room and bounced in the middle of the three of them smiling like an idiot.

'How'd it go!?'

'Did you kiss!?'

'Was it romantic!?'

Questions where flying out at me as I make myself comfortable. I nod at them all with a big smile on my face.

'It was amazing! Everything I had been dreaming about. I can not believe the guy that I have followed.. From the T.V of course' I add turning to them. They all nod and I proceed.

'From when I was fithteen in 2010 actually asked me out! It is a dream come true!'I exclaim loudly clapping my hands together.

'Did he take you to the restaurant, on the balcony, you ate then he asked you out be going over all these memories?' Eleanor asks excitedly.

'Yesh' I answer happily. 'And how did you know what he did?'

'Louis' She states nodding her head.

'Tell me everything' Danielle says. We stay up nearly all night talking with me telling them every little detail.


It's been nearly a week and a lot of events have happened. Kalli attacked me when she came back the day after my night out and begged for details, I went out a few times for fun with Niall. Liam and I went for runs around the oval a few blocks down and Danielle occasionally joins. The boys from One Direction found out that they had been asked to perform at the closing ceremony in The London Olympic Games.

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