Chapter 13

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'JADE DON'T EAT MY SANDWICH!' Perrie's voice rings out around the apartment.

'I DIDN'T!' Jade yells with her mouth full of sandwhich. Giggiling I take a bite out of Perrie's sandwhich while sitting next to Jade, who was stuffing her face with her own sandwhich. We where sitting on a couch which was in the girl's apartment in the middle of London. Jesy and Leigh-Anne had gone out shopping, while Zayn and Niall had to go practise with Josh for the next concert.

When we got to the apartment Perrie had gone to make a sandwhich while Jade and I decided to eat Perrie's sandwhich. We really can't be stuffed making our own, so we steal it. Perrie walks in her hands on her hips.

'Jade?' She says slowly one hand on her hips and the other tapping her nose slowly.

'What!?' Jade squeals between the sandwich. I giggle next to her and keep munching on Perrie's sandwhich.

'Ellie' she says turning to me. I put the sandwhich on my lap and hold up my hands.

'I didn't eat it!' I say as well. Perrie growls and runs towards us both.

'I WANT MY SANDWHICH!' She yells jumping on the both of us.

'RUN ELLIE' Jade screams jumping off the couch and grabbing Perrie of us. Running for it I dash out of the room and into Jade's room.Perrie comes dashing in and jumps on me.

'MY SANDWHICH!' She yells laughing. Jade runs in holding up a french bread stick.

'FOR NARNIA' She yells and starts to beat Perrie with it. Perrie squeals and steals her sandwhich out of my hands. Grabbing a pillow Jade and I run out of Jade's room. Just as I'm about to reach out to Perrie and to grab her she stops. I bash ontop of her panting. quickly I snatch the pillow and hit her with it. We both laugh and Perrie trys to yell while laughing. Jade runs in and starts to his her stomache with the breadstick.

'JESY!' Perrie yells as we hear people walk into the apartment. 'TELL THEM TO STOP HITTING ME'

'Girls!' Jesy says loudly, 'Stop hitting Perrie'

'Yes mum Jade mutters. I giggle and grab Perrie's sandwhich again. Perrie gasps and trys to grab it again.

'LEIGH!' Perrie yells at Leigh-Anne who's standing in the corner laughing. 'Tell Ellie to give me my sanga!' We all laugha and I jump on the couch out of Perrie's reach. Perrie starts jumping for it. Jade keeps hitting Perrie.

'Ow... Jade!' She yells. The two girls grab the bread stick and run around laughing at each other. I giggle and keep munching on her sandwhich.

'Jade! Stop hitting Perrie with the bread stick' Jesy says walking in eating a cookie. Jade had now got Perrie on the floor and was hitting her again.

'I'm not' Jade says inacently dropping the bread stick.

'Remind me to never eat that bread stick' Leigh-Anne says laughing.

'Jade' Jesy says. 'I'll bring the clowns out' We all know Jade's scared of clowns. 'You wouldn't' Jade says. 'You're bluffing'

Jesy chuckles and goes up to Jade. 'I will also rip up you Justin Bieber poster'

'No! Don't hurt Justin' A voice yells running in. Niall runs in towards Jesy. He unsuccessfully runs up to her and trips over Perrie who is still on the ground.

I sit on the couch still laughing till I go bright red. Jade walks up to Jesy.

'Well then I wont make you a sandwhich if you do' Jesy gasps.

'You wouldn't stop making me sandwhiches' She puts her hand on her chest.

'I think I will' Jade says going up face to face with her. They stand there fo a while untill bursting out laughing. They both plonk down on the couch next to me.

'You ok Perrie' Niall says laughing.

'I should be asking you that' She says laughing. Niall laughs and jumps over the back of the couch and plonks himself next to me smilling. Zayn lifts Perrie up yelling and runs down the hallway to the bedrooms.

'Well we know not to go down there for the rest of the night' Leigh-Anne says laughing.

'Where's the remote?' Jade asks her mouth full of the the bread stick.

'I swear you and Niall are related' Jesy states shaking her head.

'SIS!' Niall yells jumping up and hugging Jade.'BRO' She yells back hugging him.

'Yep their related' I say laughing. Niall jumps back onto the couch and flings his arm around my shoulder making me feel warmer.

'Here's the remote' Jesy yells excitedly picking up the remote and chucking it at Jade. 'Niall's big fat butt was sitting on it. Niall gasps and places his hand on his heart. 'Hurtful'

'You get use to it' Jade says waving her hand and laughing. We all laugh and watch whatever is on T.V.


*2 hours later*

'I'm hungry' Jade states turning around from lying on the ground. At the moment Me, Jade and Niall are lying on the ground in a little circle all talking while the others are on the couch talking.

'Oh My God we are related' Niall smiles giving her a hug. 'I found my long lost sister'

'Big brother!' Jade gasps. 'You only just found me?! I knew about you ages ago'

We all laugh as Leigh-Anne orders pizza.

'What yo talking about?' Jesy asks jumping down to us.

'JESY!' I yell giving her a hug. Jesy laughs and hugs me back muttering about how weird I am. When the pizza comes we all start to get into play arguments about who gets what pizza.

'Ellie' Zayn says trying to grab the pizza I grabbed.

'Ah ah ah' I say moving it away out of his reach. 'This is my pizza' Zayn quickly gives me the puppy dog eyes.

'But I'm Zayn Malik. How can you say no to this?' He strikes a redicules pose.

'I know I can't' Perrie says kissing his cheek.

'AWWW' Jade and I yell. 'Zerrie!' The others all laugh at us as we sit down and eat the pizza. I was so hungry that I beat Niall and Jade just by one slice.

'Lets watch a movie!' Leigh-Anne squeals excitedly after the last slice of pizza had been eaten. We all yell out yes.

'What should we watch?' She asks skimming her hand over a whole bunch if movies.

'The Hunger Games' Jade yells.

'Paranormal Activity!' Perrie yells.

'Cabin in the woods' Jesy blurts out laughing.

'Angus Thongs and perfect snogging' Zayn yells. We all stare at him like he's gone around the bend and start laughing.

'The Notebook' Niall says smiling. I smile back at him. He knows my favourite chick flick.

Jesy turns to me smirking. 'Its all up to you Ellie Wellie' I laugh at her. 'I'm not choosing but can I just say.. Jade, I love your movie choice!'

Jade looks at my surprised. 'Really?' She asks. I nod at her.

'Yes! I can not wait for Catching fire!' She laughs. After a while bunch of arguing and complains we all decide on Cabin In The Woods. Well I want to watch it cause it's so funny and reminds me of when Kalli and I watched it. We could not stop laughing.

Making ourselves comfortable Jade goes and makes the popcorn for us all. I stretch and make my way over to Niall who is sitting on the couch like a guy, with his legs open and him leaning back with an arm around the back of the couch laughing at what Zayn just told him. I jump underneath his arm making him chuckle.

'Hey gorgeous' he says kissing the top of my head which makes me shiver. His arm moves down over my shoulder and I cuddle down to his chest. The smell of his cologne hits my nostrils as I breath in. Jade walks in a hands out the popcorn. I place the popcorn inbetween me and Niall... I mean Niall and I.

Jade and Jesy lie on the ground with the popcorn inbetween themselves. They place pillows all around them. Leigh-Anne sits next to the both of them crossing her legs and staring at the screen. Apparently she's never seen it before. Perrie and Zayn are on the other couch all cuddled up.

'Wait!' Jade yells. Bolting up she runs out of the room. After a couple of minutes she comes back with a few cuddle buddies and pillow pets.

'Ohh bags one the giraffe pillow pet' I exclaim as Jade throws it to me. After the hustle and bustle of pillows flying everywhere we are ready for the movie. Snuggling down into Niall and the pillow pet I feel Niall enclose his arm securally around me. Making me feel safe as if nothing could get to me. As the sounds of zombies coming out of the T.V, I fall asleep to the pattern of Niall's breathing.


'Don't wake them up' a voice flutters through my ears. Don't talk I think to myself. I'm tired its to early.


'No Jade, they look to cute and peaceful'

'Come on'



'Shut it'


'Fine you can but you better not wake up Perrie and Zayn. You know they will bite you if you do'

'Fine' Jade mutters

I feel a pair of hands start to shake the side of my body whispering for me to wake up. 'I'm awake' I mutter. I feel my pillow move a little.


That's the smell that hits me. My pillow is very soft and comfortable. I snuggle further into it until I hear an Irish accent fill my ears.

'You trying to dig me up?' It chuckles. Slowly opening my eyes to blinding light,

I look up to see Niall looking down on me, his blue eyes dancing. I giggle as he softly kisses my lips.

'Sorry about my morning breath' I say stretching.

'I didn't smell anything. All I smelt was Ellie'

I raise an eyebrow at him. 'Is that a good thing or a bad thing?'

'Thats an amazing thing' he says smiling. Making me feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. 'Your so cute when you blush'

'By the way your going, watch me be adorable' I say winking.

'Aww so cute' we hear a voice near us. Leigh-Anne and Jesy are in the kitchen proberly cooking while Jade is on the floor eating pancakes. I laugh at her and get up stretching. Slowly I walk myself into the kitchen.

'Leigh' I say dragging out her name.

'Ellie!' She says also dragging it out. We laugh and Leigh-Anne winks at me. 'How was last night with Mr Irish?' I only just realise that, that was the first time I had slept over any old time with Niall.

'Amazing' I murmur. Jesy laughs.

'Im going out to buy more food since SOME OF YOU' She looks at me and Jade. 'Wasted it'

'Hey!' We both say back to her. She laughs and takes her coat off and leaves the apartment.

'I've got to go too' I stretch hearing the cracking in my arms. 'Gotta go to college to study'

'Say hi to Eleanor for me' Perrie says walking in with bad bed hair.

'Will do' I say settling down for some pancakes.


Hope you like this chapter. I've got to go on the laptop and edit it. Cause right now I'm in my iPod at 10:30 at night :) I have a geography test tomorrow so I won't have enough Time this week with maths test as well and athletics carnival and my tennis final. YES THAT'S RIGHT I GOT INTO THE FINAL! :D so I may upload proberly won't. Sorry :/

~Elle <3 xx

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