Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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WARNING: This chapter, and a lot of the others, contain swearing in them.

~ George's POV ~

Box after box after box. That's all I've seen in this wretched house.

Do you want to know something that I hate about adults, and especially parents? We never get a say in anything that they fucking do.

Ever since my mother told me that we were moving to America, I've refused to talk to her. There's even this one point where I almost ran away from home to my friend, Wilbur's house, until, of course, he persuaded me to go back home, just like the sensible fucking person he is.

It's not that I don't like him, he's one of my best friends. I'm just upset that I had to leave everyone that I know and love behind.

My thoughts got interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door, from none other than my mom. 

"George, sweetie, why don't you come out of your bedroom and get some fresh air. There's a lovely pair of kids next door that are around your age, maybe you'd like to meet them?"

I just glared at her. "Mom, I'm fucking 17. Don't call me or any other 'kids that are around my age' kids." When I said that, I sounded unintentionally mockful.

She scoffed. "Don't use that language at me, darling, I am your mother." 

After a bit of arguing and quite a lot of swearing coming from my mouth, my mom eventually got me to go outside and meet the neighbors.

When I walked across my lawn, I saw a pair of kids that were playing what seemed to be rugby, but different. They matched the description my mom said, so I assumed it was them.

When they looked over at me, I realized I had been staring, and looked away quickly. Unfortunately, they started to walk over to me. I decided to overcome my social anxiety and look back up. When I did, however, they were right in front of me, and I jumped, and fell on the ground.

That's a great first impression. I thought to myself, sarcastically.

"Are you okay?" one of them said to me. He had light green eyes, and dirty blonde hair. He reached his hand out to help me up, but I glared at him, as I did to my mom, and got up myself.

As I was dusting myself off, the other person, who had brown hair and eyes, reached his hand out, which I assumed was for a handshake. Since I knew that my mom was going to make me become friends with these stupid-ass people in the future, I took his hand.

"I'm Nick, and this is Clay," he said while shaking my hand semi-aggressively. When Nick let go of my hand, he said, "We're your next-door neighbors, as you can already tell."

Glaring once more, I said, "I'm George."

Oh God, this sucks. Out of everywhere we could have moved, why here? 

The blonde, who seemed to be Clay, was wearing a big smile, and clearly trying to hold in a laugh. "Come on, Nick. He doesn't want to be here right now, and he especially doesn't want to talk to us." Clay started to laugh a bit, even though nothing he said was funny to me. The only thing that was funny about him is that his laugh sounds like steam coming out of a tea kettle.

When the pair was walking away, I finally snapped at them. "Damn right, I don't want to be here!" Which caused them to look back at me, and I became embarrassed. Clay's big, stupid, smile came back, and Nick game me a smirk before they both turned back and walked away.

Though no one was looking at me, I glared at nothing in particular, turned around, and ran into my house.

My mother didn't even notice that I came back in until I went upstairs and slammed my bedroom, which created a lot more sound than I thought it would.

She knocked on the door a few minutes later, and walked in on me curled up in a ball under my blanket.

She slowly took the part of the blanket that covered my head, and said, "George, are you alright?"

You might as well call me 'The Glarer' because, guess what? I glared at her again and said, "Do I look alright?"

"Did the meeting not go well?" my mother replied.

"What do you think?" I don't think she picked up on the fact that I wanted to be left alone right now.

"What happened?" The tone of voice that she was speaking with was too sweet for the tense atmosphere.

Even more tense silence followed.

"Could you just leave me alone?"

Mom looked at me with a solemn face and left the room.

Sure, I could have greeted Nick and Clay with kindness, but what's the point of that?

All I can think of right now is, why me?

Why me?


~840 words~

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