Chapter 8 - Sleepy Accidents

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~ Clay's POV ~

I was mindlessly staring at the screen when I felt something hit my right shoulder.

I blinked once to keep myself from zoning out and looked to my right.

Honestly? I wasn't expecting to see George rest his head on me at all. Though, he does look kinda cute like this...wait, what? Just forget I said anything, alright?

Nick seemed to notice and said, "Looks like you're the perfect pillow for little Georgy there." while laughing his head off.

"Shut the fuck up, Nick. I don't care where he lays his head, I'll let him sleep." As embarrassed as I was, I wrapped my arm around George and glared at Nick.

Still giggling, Nick replied with "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Dream. Y'know, I think George may be dreaming right now."

"Oh my fucking God, Nick!" I covered my face with my left hand while Nick was practically dying next to me.

George stirred a bit next to me and I moved the hand covering my face a bit so I could see him. Luckily, he didn't wake up.

I took my hand off of my face and looked at the TV, then Nick.

"If we're going to keep acting like this, then we don't need the movie, do we, Nick?"

He just shrugged. "Guess not. George isn't watching it either so there's no point."

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted to watch this movie for yourself."

"Well, yes, but what kind of a friend what would I be if I didn't think about you guys?"

"An ex-friend, Nick."

I took an elbow to the chest after that.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I got that sentence out while also coughing out pained laughs.

After a bit, I stopped laughing and reached over to grab the remote on the end table. I exited the movie and turned off the TV without waking George up, which is a feat considering how far I had to reach over.

"Y'know Clay, I'm kind of surprised that George is sleepy considering that he overslept this morning."

"Maybe he stayed up late at night? Either way, it doesn't matter. George's tired, that's it."

Nick sighed. "You care a lot for George, huh? Why don't you act that way towards me?" He dragged on the 'me' and fell on his side while doing so.

"Oh come on, you're so dramatic. I care for you, and you know it. We literally live together." I shoved Nick with my free arm. The kind of shove where you push the other person, like, playfully but...forcefully? Is that the right word to use? I should stop talking.

Anyway, it was silent for a bit until Nick broke the silence by sighing. Surprisingly, it wasn't one of those loud, dramatic sighs.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, just.... tired."

"You tired like little Georgey-worgey here?"

"Shut up."

I giggled for a little bit before answering with, "You can take a nap as well, you don't have to feel ashamed to do so."

"Maybe I will." Nick grabbed the pillow towering above his head and put it under him. It wasn't before long that I started to hear quiet snores coming from him.

Chuckling, I realize how tired I am as well. So, I gently lay my head down on George's head, as I'd rather not lay my head on the back of the couch. 

After a bit of me doing that, I smile because George has sub-consciously dug his head deeper into my neck. I'm gonna be honest, it's adorable. 

What? No, I don't have a crush on George, shut up.


~574 Words~

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