Chapter 4 - Heroes Need Saving, Too

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⚠ TW: Verbal and Physical Bullying/Abuse ⚠

~ George's POV ~

[ A Few Hours Later ]

Lunchtime. One of my favorite parts of the school day. And the day in general.

I found out that the students in the school were allowed to sit almost anywhere during lunch, as long it's on school grounds, obviously.

So, since we're all in the same homeroom, Clay, Nick, and I met up there after we got our lunches from our lockers and walked through the school to Clay's car. Not the best spot, but it's one of the spots where we feel most comfortable.

As we were walking to the main hall, we heard some faint yelling. Worried and wanting to investigate, we all ran towards the noise, which happened to be where we were heading to.

Once we got there, I saw a person backed against a wall with brown hair, like mine, and wearing a colorful hoodie. I didn't see much else.

The person yelling at him had a growing beard and a whiteish-bluish t-shirt. Not very detailed, but that was also everything I saw.

I looked at both Clay and Nick, who were standing on my right. Once Nick realized who was getting bullied, he ran forward and yelled, "Karl!"

Clay chased after him and, impulsively, I ran after him as well. 

"Get the fuck away from him, Schlatt!"

"Make me, panda boy." 

The man, whose name appeared to be Karl, inched more towards Clay and I for protection. 

Schlatt, being about 6 feet tall from the looks of it, was a lot taller than Nick. Though, that didn't stop Nick from trying to beat the shit out of this guy.

When he tried to slap Nick in the face, Nick grabbed his wrist, and moved it in a painful way.

Schlatt staggered back, grabbing his wrist, and said, "Hm. You win this time. But I'll be back." He looked at Clay, Karl, and I. "You too." He looked at Karl again and walked away.

Once he was finally gone, Nick walked towards Karl. "Are you ok?"

Karl immediately threw a hug onto Nick. " much."

Of course, Nick returned the hug. "Just repaying the favor."

I think that both Clay and Nick were expecting me to be confused, because as I was in the middle of saying, "Repaying...the favor? Nick, what the hell happened?", Clay said: "Schlatt bullies a lot of people, one of them being Nick. He' of the only ones that fights back, though."

Nick, finally letting go of Karl, ignored Clay and I and asked, "Hey Karl, do you want to eat lunch with us? I heard that Alex had to go home, so..."

"Are you kidding? Of course! Actually, I found a nice spot to hang out earlier, so we can have lunch there! As long as you guys are okay with it, of course."

Both Nick and I looked at Clay, as it was his idea to eat lunch in his car. He just shrugged, and said, "Sure."

I grabbed my phone, which was in my pocket, and looked at the time. "We better hurry. We have a little over 30 minutes left."

Karl grabbed his lunchbox, which was on the ground next to him. "Follow me."

A few minutes later, we arrived at a place that looked like an overgrown forest. 'A nice spot to hang out'? This looks like a death trap, with the number of thorns that were on the bushes. Apparently, this place was still on school grounds. At least it serves as protection.

Clay spoke up before I could. "Karl, are you sure this is safe?"

Karl looked at him. "As long as you know the right way to go, it's perfectly safe!"

After some hesitation from everyone, Karl said, "Come on!" and we all followed.

We got stuck in some bushes and a lot of branches getting stuck in all of our hair, but nevertheless, we arrived at an open area with lights in and on the trees and a picnic blanket on the ground. I have to say, it looks beautiful.

We gazed at the scenery for a bit before Clay realized the time. "We should start eating. Lunch is going to end in about 20 minutes."

As we were sitting down and starting to eat, Karl said, "Isn't it pretty? I spent hours after school decorating."

"You stayed after school to decorate this area?" I asked.

"Yeah, on certain days where I didn't have to do anything."

"Are you the only person who knows about...this?" I wanted to know more about Karl, because it looked like we were going to become friends, possibly even good ones.

" guys know now. So, no." He giggled. Karl seems so bubbly and wonder Nick is looking at him with a dreamy look.

[ 15 Minutes Later ]

We had just recently packed our things up and were starting to walk back to the school before we were late. It was hard to believe that we were still at the school, honestly.

"Ow!" Nick yelled. "I got poked by a goddamn thorn."

Clay sighed. "Come here, I'll get it out."

"I don't need your help, I'm fine." Nick yelped again. "On second thought, I do need your help."

Karl and I laughed and got back to talking. He was asking me questions about how my life was like back in England.

"So what are your friends like?"

My mind immediately jumped to Wilbur. "Oh, my best friends, Wilbur, he's nice. A little too sensible for me though."

There was that bubbly laugh again. "Anyone else, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm friends with Will's family, of course. His dad, Phil, and his two brothers, Tommy and Techno. Techno's name isn't really Techno, but he says he'd rather be called that. I'm not exactly sure why."

Karl just shrugged.

"Then there's Tommy's friend, Toby. We like to call him Tubbo, but everyone's forgotten why we call him that." I chuckled. "Tubbo hangs out at their house a lot, so I was good friends with them...and still is, of course."

Clay yelled at us from where he was helping Nick. "Hey guys, I got the thorn out! Can we go now? We're going to be late."

Nick appeared from behind Clay. "Why do you always care about not being late?"

We all started walking again when Clay replied to Nick with a sentence that I didn't expect to come out of his mouth. "Have I not told you, like, a million times before about the time that I had to run away from the cops for skipping school? Imagine what my teachers would think."

"Guess not." We all laughed.

Once we finally got into the school, the bell rang. Since Karl's locker wasn't near ours, he had to leave. "I'll see you guys later, alright?"

We waved and speedran to our lockers, if that's even a word.

Only Clay and Nick had the same class together, so I said goodbye to them and ran off.


~1177 Words~

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