Chapter 7 - Cookies and Movies

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~ George's POV ~

As Clay, Nick, and I were walking out of the front doors, Nick raised up his arms and looked up at the sky.

"Finally, we're free!"

"Oh, come on, Sap. It wasn't even that bad." I think Clay's gotten used to calling us by our nicknames.

"Well, didn't our note get confiscated during 7th period?"

So that must be the not that they were talking about during the free period. Y'know, when we met Techno. Anyway, I wasn't expecting to hear that, so I yelled "WHAT?".

Clay faced towards me. "Don't worry about it, George. So, did you like your first day?"

I laughed. "You sound like my mom."

"Oh, well I believe that I'm like a parental figure to some people."

Nick turned towards us. "Come on, who the fuck would think that?"

"Mmm... my sister?"

"She doesn't count."


"You have a sister?"

"Yes, George."

We were all getting into Clay's car while continuing light conversation. Then I thought of an idea.

"Hey, want to go over to my house? I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind."

Clay was putting the key into the ignition and starting up the car. "Maybe. Do we have anything to do later, Sapnap?"

Nick put his right pointer finger on his chin and looked up at the roof, as if he was thinking.  "Not anything that I can think of, Dream."

Clay put both of his hands on the steering wheel and looked back at me. "Alright then, we can go, George."

I took out my phone as he said that. "I'll text my mom, then."

As I was typing away, Clay, having a playful personality, wanted to tease me a bit. 

"Oh, also, George? You might want to tell us where your house is, because it's our first time going over there."

"Oh, shut up, you dickhead."

We all laughed, luckily with no embarrassment this time. 

[ 5 Minutes Later ]

Clay and Nick were both standing behind me as I was unlocking the front door. I took out the key and opened it with surprisingly not a lot of trouble.

"Huh. That door usually takes a few tries to open is successfully."

Clay came up to me as we were all walking in. "You're stronger than you know... and definitely stronger than how you look. Schlatt would challenge you to a fight anytime."

 I almost immediately became flustered from that compliment, which was shocking to me, as I don't get flustered easily. "Oh, uh... thanks. And I don't look that bad, you're just too judgmental."

Nick came up to us as well. "That second part's 100% true. Also, George, where's your coat closet?"

"Unless you want to keep it on, I can take it. Our house can get suddenly cold at times."

"Pfft, I don't get cold. Here you go."

"Are you going to keep your jacket, Clay?"

"Yeah, I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, so I don't want to freeze."

"In our house, that's an understatement. Our heater has completely busted, so-"

"Actually, on second thought, I'd rather keep my jacket."

These two, I swear. Laughing, I replied with "Alright, here you go, Nick. Now, I'm going to find my mom."

I walked into the kitchen with the others following me. The first thing I see is a plate of a cookies on the counter and a note next to it. I walk over to it, take the note, and read it.

Here's what it says: "Hello, my dearest George. If Clay and Nick are there, hello to you two as well. I'm going out for a job interview or two, so I'm not going to be there for a few hours. Anything you want is in the fridge, and this plate of cookies is here too. Don't go too crazy, alright? Love you. -Mom"

Clay and Nick were still behind me, reading her note. They're like videogame NPCs when you order them to follow you, goddamn. 

Clay positions his face next to mine to read the words better. When he can, he makes me jump a bit by suddenly talking. "Now I understand why I sounded like your mom."

Nick reaches forward and grabs a cookie. Taking a bite into it, he says "So, what do you want to do?"

I put the note down and grab a cookie as well. "We can go to my room, if you want. Maybe watch a movie or two?"

Following our actions, Clay takes a cookie from the plate too. "Sure, lead the way."

I walk out of the kitchen, though the main hall, up the stairs, and into my room, once again, with Clay and Nick behind me. Honestly, it's starting to get creepy.

I flop down onto the couch in front of my bed and grab the TV remote on the end table.

The other two sit down on the couch with me. Clay looks a little bit self-conscious, and Nick looks really laid back. Hey, opposites attract, right? No, not in that way.

Turning the TV in front of us on, I ask "What do you guys want to watch? I have a big collection of movies here."

Clay took a bite of his cookie and inched a bit closer to me. "Anything's alright, I guess."

Nick also took a bite of his cookie. "Hey, wait a minute, what's that movie?"

"Which one?"

"George, it's the one that you're on right now."

I pressed on the 'OK' button on the remote and the TV showed a screen that read 'Hamilton' with a picture from the movie.

"We're really going to watch this crappy... what, history movie, Nick?" Clay scoffed.

"I've seen the reviews, and it's better than you think. I've been wanting to watch this movie for a while, but never found the time." Nick finished off his cookie as he said that.

"Whatever." Clay seemed annoyed yet looked like he wanted to watch the movie if you looked close enough.

"So are we watching the movie or not, guys?"

"Yes we are, George."

I pressed the button my thumb was on, which was the 'OK' button of course, and the movie started to play. Now to get through a 2-hour movie with these two.

[ 1 Hour Later ]

1 hour of the movie and I'm starting to get drowsy. I can't even focus on what's on the TV anymore. Maybe a quick nap would be okay? Clay and Nick wouldn't mind, right? Probably not.

I rest my head on the thing to my left. I don't know what it is, and I don't care.

I slowly drift off to sleep as the other two start to quietly talk. The light coming from the screen starts to fade away, and I'm officially asleep.


~1069 Words~

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