Chapter 2 - Phone Calls

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~ Clay's POV ~

[ The Next Day ]

I was laying down on Nick's bed on my phone while he played Minecraft with Karl across the room. 

I didn't want to disturb his conversation, but something has been bugging me the entire day.

After fighting with my inner self for a bit, I gave up, and called him.

"Hey, Nick?"

Of course he didn't answer, he always leaves his volume level extremely high. I'm surprised that he doesn't have hearing loss yet.

I tried to call him again, but louder. "NICK!"

That seemed to do the trick. "One second, Karl. What the fuck do you want?"

"Could I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure." He turned back to his computer to end the call. "Hey, Karl, you there? I have to go; I'll talk to you tomorrow." He smiled at the screen, even though Karl couldn't see him. Once the call officially ended, Nick took off his headphones and turned to me. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Remember the guy next door that we met yesterday? George, was it?"

"Yeah, I remember. Brown hair, brown eyes, kind of short?"

I chuckled at the remark that he made. "Yeah, him."

After going silent for a bit, Nick said, "Well? What did you want to tell me about George?"

"You won't get mad, right?"

"I will if you don't tell me."

I took a deep breath, and said, "I got his number."

Nick's jaw immediately dropped when I said that. "HOW!?"

"His mom gave it to me. She said to contact George sometime. I think she thinks that George will warm up to us, which I honestly doubt."

"Do you want to call him or something?"

I shrugged. "Kind of."

Nick looked down at my phone, which I was still holding in my hand. "Alright then. Let's give him a call."

~ George's POV ~

[ 1 Hour Earlier ]

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you should go and apologize to them."

"There's no way in hell that I'm going to do that!"

I've been on a call with Wilbur for the past 2 hours or so. He was arguing with me about how I should go and say sorry to Clay and Nick about getting fired up at them, which I am not going to do, no matter what I say to him.



He sighed. "If you don't, I'm gonna get my dad."

I heard those words and thought about it for a moment. One of the only things that was worse than Wilbur's sensibility was his dad's sensibility. I was good friends with him as well, but he's a little too good at talking me into things.

"Isn't he at work?" I tried to stall Will, because he was the only person I felt like talking to right now.

"Huh? He's in the room next to me right now."

"Fuck..." I mumbled to myself, which Wilbur definitely heard. "Alright, whatever. You can get your dad, but he won't persuade me."

Before he put his phone down, Will did a small chuckle which sounded like a "hm." 

I sighed, while still holding my phone up to my ear. I looked out of the window next to my bed. I've been in my room for the past 12 hours, with the exception of meals.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, Wilbur was right. Of course he was. He always is.

As I was in the middle of a thought, my mom knocked on my door and opened it. She usually checks on me every 2 hours or so.

"Are you doing alright, dear?"

I've softened my temper towards her since yesterday. "Yeah, I'm fine."

My mom closed the door, and as she did, Wilbur came back with his dad.

"George? Are you still there?"

I still had my phone up to my ear, so obviously I heard Will loud and clear. "Yeah, I'm here."

And then came Will's dad's voice. "Hey, George!"

I sighed. "Hello, Phil." Now, before you go asking why I call him by his first name, I'm extremely close with Will's family, so I can without anyone feeling weird.

I was just about to make an excuse to hang up when I got a call from an unknown number.

"Uh, hey, someone's calling me. I'm gonna call you guys back later, alright?" The first part of that excuse was true. The second part wasn't.

Wilbur's voice came back on the line. "Alright! We'll talk to you later."

"See you, Wilbur, Phil." Finally. Now, who just called me?

I guess I took too long to answer, because my phone stopped ringing.

When I recalled the number, I was greeted with a not-so-pleasant surprise.

"Hello? Is this George?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Nick, your next-door neighbor."

I knew that voice sounded familiar. "How the hell did you get my number!?"

He chuckled. "Your mom gave it to us."

"What do you mean 'us'?"

"Isn't it obvious? Clay's with me."

The second that sentence ended, I heard Clay yell into the phone. "Hey, George!"

"Is this some kind of sick fucking joke!?" Though I had what Wilbur said replaying in my head, I was getting extremely pissed at them. I was also getting pissed at my mom again. She could have at least let me know that she gave Nick and Clay my number!

"Nope. I think you can tell this isn't a voice recording either."

I didn't even know what to say. I had so many mixed emotions.

"Hey, uh, George?" Clay's tone of voice changed from a loud and playful voice to a quiet and solemn one. "We'd just like to say... we're sorry. We shouldn't have teased you like that yesterday."

I was so shocked by that sentence I started to trip up on my words. "Y-you're- You're sorry?"

"Yeah." Nick laughed a bit. It was the kind of laugh that you do when you're embarrassed or anxious by something.

I had so many mixed emotions that even I wasn't prepared for what I was about to say next. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. I understand that you guys just wanted to try to get to know me."

"Why don't we try to get to know each other now?" Wanna know something I just realized? When Clay isn't teasing you, he's actually really calming, friendly, and nice.

I smiled. "Sure."

So, long story short; we're all friends now.


~1088 words~

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